

A young woman in her late teens, who can be quite anxious. A man in his late twenties, who can be quite compassionate. The story begins on a university campus. A 30-year old murder case is resurrected. It's a story about a countdown to disaster. Your character sets out on a rescue mission

Allswell_Abrahams · Masa Muda
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2 Chs

Terror Night

An heavy thunderstorms with winds blowing got all campers stuck in bus, As they continued to party with loud music having smiles and laughter on their faces. Christine was seated quite staring sacrefully at each of her colleagues, Roger got drunk and lay on the laps of Christine. As they drove into a waterlogged area, it was flooded and tires of the car was unable to move. Marty saw a huge ranch 8 km away, they all got down from the car and walked straight to the ranch. Paul a friend of Marty, saw skulls and body parts on the way, Human heads were used as trademarks telling how dangerous it is in the ranch. They couldn't wait in the rains to get wet. As they entered into the ranch, it was dusty and dark, lights were turned on by phones, they made firesticks and sat together as a family. Christine, whispered into Roger's ear and said " It doesn't look right, I better be out and stay in the rain". Roger understood and believes everything Christine says, it's a Secret between them so Roger decided to be with Christine throughout their stay in the Ranch.

Hannah fiancee of Paul went alone touring in the dark mansion, walking from floor to floor, Marty and friends shared a moment together but realizes hannah isn't around, Paul also stood up to go look for her, yelling " Hannah, Hannah where are you"? Hannah heard the voice of Paul, so she also yelled " Paul, I'm here babe upstairs" Paul quickly went up. Hannah felt movement in steps away from her but had no idea what's there, Paul came to meet up Hannah and said to her " why are you up here alone"? and a loud heavy voice said to them in Jibrish "it's time" as they turned in shock, a minute later a spear was thrown through the dark into the throat of Hannah, as blood spilled out. Paul run down to his colleagues covered in blood, they got frightened in anxiety. Made decisions on moving in separate ways in 3 groups of 3 people. Christine and Roger knew what was about to happen so they had already thought of an escape plan. it was raining cat and dog, none of them came out of the Ranch.

Marty heard footsteps of the killers coming to his location so he went down to hide in the basement, filled with tools and slaughtered body parts. He hid himself in a cupboard, peeping through a hole saw paul unconscious and being captured by the carnivores, He was laid and tied to the sides of the table, as they speak in Jibrish " let's find the others, let's slaughter them and feed on their flesh ahaha" these two men are carnivores.

as one man held the machete angrily cut off Paul's arms, marty filled with pains, didn't know how to control the emotions he was going through. Marty being scared to be slaughtered wanted to go look out for his colleagues to inform them about what he has seen, he got stuck and unmovable. The carnivores are owners of the land and anyone they find on the land is seen as a trespasser.

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