
Chapter 20: The Revelation and Confessions

[Yami’s P.O.V.]

The aftermath of the gas attack left a heavy silence in the air, broken only by the soft, rhythmic breathing of our unconscious classmates. Hina and I stood among them, the only ones spared by fate or fortune. Her fox fire cast a warm, protective glow around us, its light a beacon in the dim, unsettling quiet of the classroom.

"We need to find out who's behind this," I stated, determination steadying my voice despite the underlying concern. Hina nodded, her usual vibrant demeanor shadowed by the gravity of the situation.

"Let’s go, Yami-nee. We can’t let them get away with this," she replied, her voice laced with a resolve that belied her youthful appearance.

Guided by the soft glow of Hina's fox fire, we ventured into the school's corridors. The silence was oppressive, a stark contrast to the usual lively atmosphere of our academy. Yet, our steps were purposeful, each one taking us closer to uncovering the truth behind the attack.

As we turned a corner, the echo of our footsteps seemed to grow louder, a harbinger of the confrontation that awaited us. The tension between us was palpable; we both understood the gravity of what was to come. Hina's hand found mine, her grip firm and reassuring. Together, we moved forward, ready to face whatever—or whoever—lay ahead.

The corridors twisted and turned, a labyrinthine sprawl that seemed to stretch endlessly before us. Yet, Hina's fox fire never wavered, its steady light guiding us through the darkness. It was a small comfort, but a comfort nonetheless, in the face of the unknown dangers that awaited us.

As we approached the main hall, the source of the attack became ominously apparent. The vice principal, a figure of authority and trust within our school, stood waiting, his presence a betrayal of the safety we had once taken for granted.

"I knew you'd come, Yami. But you're too late. Hina is coming with me," he sneered, his intentions clear and dark.

Anger flared within me, a fierce protective instinct rising to the forefront. "Over my dead body," I retorted, positioning myself between Hina and the vice principal. I could feel Hina's presence behind me, her determination as palpable as my own.

Before we could react further, the vice principal signaled, and from the shadows emerged slave demihumans, their eyes void of free will. It was clear they were under some form of control, compelled to do the vice principal's bidding.

The first of the demihumans charged, and instinctively, I drew upon my Yuki-onna abilities to create a barrier of frost between us. But they were relentless, driven by a magic that seemed to negate my own.

As the battle ensued, I fought with everything I had, determined to protect Hina and thwart the vice principal's plans. Yet, despite my efforts, the demihumans' numbers and ferocity were overwhelming. A sharp pain seared through my side as one of them managed to land a blow, the impact sending me staggering backward.

"Hina, stay back!" I shouted, even as I struggled to regain my footing. The sight of me injured seemed to ignite a fierce determination in Hina, her fox fire flaring with an intensity I had never seen before.

[Hina's P.O.V.]

As Yami staggered from her injury, a powerful, almost palpable energy filled the air, silencing the chaos. A figure descended, cloaked in a light that seemed to emanate warmth and authority. It was her—Kitsune, the Fox Goddess, my Nana.

"Nana!" I exclaimed, a mixture of relief and awe washing over me.

The vice principal and his minions halted in their tracks, their confidence faltering under the goddess's gaze. "This ends now," Nana declared, her voice resonating through the hall.

With a wave of her hand, the slave demihumans collapsed, freed from the vice principal's control. They looked around, confusion giving way to realization as they understood their liberation.

"Nana, Yami-nee is hurt," I cried, turning towards the goddess, my concern for Yami overshadowing the sudden turn of events.

Kitsune approached us, her gaze softening as she looked at Yami. "Hina, remember your power. The Healing Kiss," she reminded me, her voice gentle yet imbued with an urgency that spurred me into action.

Without hesitation, I knelt beside Yami, cradling her face in my hands. "Yami-nee, stay with me," I pleaded, before pressing my lips to hers in a kiss that carried all my hope and love.

The glow of my fox fire enveloped us, a soft pink light that seemed to pulse with the beat of our hearts. As the light faded, Yami's eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting mine. "Hina?" she whispered, confusion and relief mingling in her voice.

"You're going to be okay," I assured her, tears of relief spilling down my cheeks.

Nana watched over us, a smile gracing her lips. "You have done well, Hina. Remember, the strength of your heart is your greatest power," she said before turning her attention to the vice principal. With a flick of her wrist, he was bound in magical chains, his fate sealed.

As Nana prepared to leave, she paused, her gaze lingering on us. "Take care of each other," she said, her voice echoing a sentiment that felt like a blessing. Then, with a soft glow, she disappeared, leaving us in the quiet aftermath of the ordeal.

Yami sat up, wincing slightly but clearly stronger. She looked at me, her expression one of wonder and gratitude. "Hina, you saved me," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

I nodded, unable to speak through the swell of emotions. It was then, in the silence that followed, that Yami reached out, her hand finding mine. "I love you, Hina. Not just as a sister, but truly and deeply," she confessed, her eyes locked on mine.

The words I had longed to hear but feared would never be spoken hung in the air between us. "I love you too, Yami-nee," I replied, my heart feeling like it might burst from the joy of the moment.

[Yami’s POV]

The divine aura left by Nana, the Fox Goddess, lingered in the air, a comforting yet solemn reminder of the celestial intervention that had just occurred. Hina, nestled in my arms, her tears slowly subsiding, looked up at me with a vulnerability that tugged at my heartstrings. The grandeur of her great-grandmother's departure had left us in a surreal calm, a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded moments before.

The school, once a bastion of learning and friendship, now felt like a battleground, the remnants of the fight a stark contrast to the innocence it usually harbored. The silence was oppressive, a heavy cloak that threatened to suffocate the hope that had briefly flared within us.

"Why, Yami-nee? Why are they after me?" Hina's voice, when it finally broke through the silence, was a whisper of despair, a heart-w

renching sound that tore through me. Her tears, no longer held at bay, began to flow freely, each drop a testament to the fear and uncertainty that had been thrust upon her.

I tightened my embrace, pulling her closer, wishing I could shield her from the world and the dangers it presented. "I don't know, Hina," I admitted, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me. "But I promise you, we will find out. And we will protect you, no matter what."

The resolve in my voice seemed to offer her little comfort as her body shook with sobs, the emotional release of her pent-up fear and anxiety. The reality of our situation was stark; we were embroiled in a conflict that sought to exploit Hina's unique heritage, her very existence a beacon to those who would use her for their ends.

As the emotional weight of the moment began to settle, a soft, concerned voice called out, breaking the silence that had enveloped the courtyard.

"Yami? Hina? Are you both okay?" Eri's voice, filled with worry and relief, echoed as she hurried towards us. Her approach was hesitant, her eyes scanning the scene before her, taking in the visible signs of the battle and the emotional toll it had taken on everyone involved.

Eri's gaze fell upon Hina, tears still fresh on her cheeks, and a wave of concern washed over her face. Without a moment's hesitation, she was at Hina's side, her arms wrapping around her in a comforting embrace. "Hina, I was so worried," she whispered, her voice a soothing balm to Hina's frayed nerves.

The sight of Eri, safe and unharmed, brought a new wave of relief to Hina, who leaned into the embrace, drawing strength from her presence. "Eri, they tried to take me... but Yami saved me," Hina managed to say, her voice a mix of gratitude and lingering fear.

Eri's eyes met mine over Hina's shoulder, a silent exchange of relief and mutual understanding passing between us. Her gratitude was evident, her smile a silent thank you for protecting the one she loved.

Kyoko-sama, Hina's mother, rushed to her side, her protective instincts in full display. "Hina, my precious child, are you alright?" Her voice was thick with emotion, each word laced with the fear of what might have been.

Sebas, ever the stoic butler, allowed a rare show of concern to cross his features. "Ojou-sama, Yami-sama, it's a relief to see you both safe," he said, his usual composure tinged with relief.

[Hina’s P.O.V.]

"Mommy!" I exclaimed, rushing into her arms. Her embrace was tight, a fortress of love and protection against any storm.

"My dear Hina," she murmured, holding me at arm's length to better look at me. "I heard about what happened. You're safe; that's all that matters." Her eyes then shifted to Yami, and something unspoken passed between them—a mother's gratitude, perhaps, or acknowledgment of a debt she felt owed.

"Yami," Mommy began, her voice steady and sure, "you have my deepest thanks for protecting Hina. I cannot express how much it means to us, to our family." She stepped forward, embracing Yami in a gesture so full of warmth and acceptance it brought tears to my eyes.

Grandpa Sebas cleared his throat, a sign that he, too, wished to express his gratitude. "Miss Yami, your bravery and dedication are beyond commendable. We are deeply in your debt," he said, his voice imbued with a sincerity that underscored the gravity of his words.

Yami, taken aback by the depth of their gratitude, managed a humble, "I did what anyone would do for those they love. Hina is precious to us all."

Mommy smiled, a twinkle in her eye as she declared, "Then it's settled. Yami, with your permission, I would like to formally acknowledge you as Hina's second fiancée."

The room fell silent, the weight of her words hanging in the air like a promise. Yami looked at me, searching for any sign of hesitation, but all she found was my beaming smile and an enthusiastic nod. Eri, ever the supportive partner, took my hand in hers, squeezing it gently—a silent show of unity and support.

"Kyoko-sama, I am honored," Yami replied, her voice steady but I could detect the undercurrent of emotion. "I promise to protect and cherish Hina, always."

Mommy nodded, satisfied, then turned her gaze to me. "And you, my little fox, make sure you take care of your fiancées as well. Love is a precious thing; it needs to be nurtured."

I felt a warmth spreading through my chest, a sense of belonging and love that was overwhelming in its intensity. "I will, Mommy. I promise," I said, my voice thick with emotion.