
I am a devil in a strange world

He was the main character yet everyone else appeared more important than he was. What was this story he was assigned to? In a futuristic world of magic and gadgets, he emerged from the depths which held no value in comparison to the great ones and the higher ups. The world was beautiful and he was considered one of the many blotches that tainted its beauty. The day he was killed, a cleansing was manifested. He, however, reincarnates into the real world - Earth. Reborn from a world of fantasy instigated by ink into the world of humans, he faces no better luck than his previous life in a book. Unfortunately for him, in this new life he is struck with an illness that makes his skin look red. People call him the "devil" and even his mother is scared of him. A world he couldn't understand yet, he understood. Who was this writer that created his story and why was he reincarnated into this strange world that refused to accept him either? What if more lies to writing? What if writing sparks up and opens up a world humans never knew existed? Prepared to learn about this "Earth", he sets into the great merchant city with the help of a shape-shifting system to become the greatest librarian and explore the truths that binds him to the library of his stories. He is Emmet Quinn, the devil in a strange world. [WPC June 2024 entry] _ _ _ Read on and enjoy the journey of Emmet Quinn! Your support is simply the most I could ask for! NB: The story is set in a futuristic Earth with a revolved humanity. However, this "Earth" is different from the Earth in real life. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr

Blak_cherry · Fantasi
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65 Chs

The lady with silver hair

Whenever Emmet stepped out of the Archive, it would automatically lock so as to prevent people from entering in his absence.

Having returned from the market, Emmet decided to set up the signboard at the door first of all things.

Using a string, he was able to connect its ends to two nails at the top of the door. He had taken the string through the small holes at either ends of the signboard and used its ends to hang it on the door.

Emmet took a little step backwards and placed both hands on his waist.

"Now that's just perfect," He stared at the signboard on the door with a look of satisfaction. Being that the Archive was still open for the day, he placed it in a way that "opened" was what was displayed.

"Pretty much," Liesl said in the form of a raven after she seeped out of Emmet's ring and settled on his shoulder.

Afterwards, they both got inside. It was time for Emmet to anticipate customers for the day. Well, he was expecting Gilbert and his friends since they were currently his only customers.

Just then, the door of the Archive was flung open and a hooded person walked in, immediately shutting the door behind.

From the appearance of the hooded figure, Emmet could tell that it was a female.

He hurriedly walked up to meet the lady who was quick to take a seat. Her breath heaved as though she had been running for a long time but all Emmet cared was that he had finally gotten a new customer.

"Good day and welcome to the Devil's Archive. How may I help you?" He greeted as soon as he was in front of the table she had chosen to sit at. Though, he couldn't see her face properly since she had her fist resting on the table and her head bowed, making it seem like she was tired or frustrated.

Suddenly, she sprang up to her feet. Steel flashed before the red man's eyes and came to rest on the side of his neck.

In an act of defense, the raven on his shoulder swiftly transformed into dark smog that violently shot into her body which in turn caused her to stagger backwards and the knife in her hand fell to the ground. The chair on which she had sat, equally fell and slid a little backwards.

Her body turned numb and she could move no longer.

"It's...you," Emmet's eye narrowed to slits.

Her hood went off her head on its own accord, revealing long silver hair that suddenly lifted its tips in a bid to attack but no matter how much it tried to move, it couldn't.

"Who are you?" The girl asked calmly.

With the way she acted, Emmet wondered if she was oblivious to his red skin.

"Oh you wouldn't know," Emmet gazed at the ground and moved to cross his hands behind his back as he walked over to where she stood. "Since I was all covered up that day."

He raised his gaze to meet hers then raised his pouch in front of his face.

"Remember this? Thief," He said, hinting at ' thief '.

"You tried to steal from me and today, you use a knife on me. Now tell me, who sent you?"

The girl stared at him for a moment.

Had come to realize that he looked different?

"Oh so you're the guy with the shape-shifter," Her words contrasted his thoughts.

"I asked a question," Emmet raised an eyebrow.

"Do I look like I was sent to do anything?" She rolled her eyes.

Emmet folded his arms across his chest and gave her the ' Go on ' look.

"I didn't come to read. I'm in search of somewhere to pass the night and I felt a library would be good enough," She reluctantly said.

"What happened to hotels and cabins?" Emmet's other eyebrow raised. If he had a million brows, they would all have been raising at her confusing responses.

"I knew you were a rich guy from the first day. Do you think everyone has the money to afford a hotel for even a night? Besides, I can't go to a hotel now...Akira will find me somehow," She replied.

"Who's Akira?"

That was when she snapped. "Are you f*cking going to keep on asking me all these shitty questions or let me stay?"

"And why do you think I'd let a thief in?" Emmet chuckled.

"We can make a deal," Her face was dead straight. "You let me stay for the night for 22 gold coins and I leave first thing tomorrow," She proposed.

"25," Emmet clicked his tongue and moved to sit on one of the other chairs around the table.

"Son of a b*tch," Ashley cursed.

She was at a risk since she knew very well that Akira wasn't going to stop until she found her.

"Deal," She scoffed.

As soon as she said those words, dark smog surged out of her and returned to Emmet's shoulder as a black cat whose large green eyes peered into her as though it could see far beyond her soul.

"A deal is a deal," Liesl said.

"You can stay but I have rules," Emmet continued.

"Name your second price," Ashley shifted her weight to one leg and placed a hand on her waist.

"No touching stuff," He deadpanned.

Ashley simply nodded. She slowly walked away from the table, allowing her eyes to absorb the simplicity of the Archive.

"So..." She arched her arm a little and white smog emerged from her hair to form a snake that slid onto her arm. "What are you? A part-time circus boy or a cosplayer? Or this is just how you keep your customers entertained?"

She glanced at him before slowly making way towards the desk and chair at a corner which was meant for Emmet.

The red man knew immediately that she was referring to his red skin.

"I am red," He plainly said.

"Ah I see..." She slowly nodded and used her fingers to trace the side of Emmet's desk. "You're red."

It didn't seem like she was listening any longer.

Her hand then swiftly went for the jug of Ethereal tea.

"What's this?" She took off the lid and peered into the content. It was light brown liquid.

"I said no touching," Emmet's brows furrowed and he went up to meet her.

"I'm curious. You can't blame me," She shrugged after he took the jug away from her.

"You know I can take that if I want, right?" She added, lazily moving her gaze from the jug in his hand to his face.

"It's Ethereal tea," Emmet said and placed the jug back onto the desk.

"Ethereal tea?" Ashley tilted her head to the side.

Emmet sighed. He wasn't in the mood for giving detailed and long explanations as Liesl did.

"Don't just touch. Whenever you're ready to come in like a customer, you can get to know what it is."

A scoff left her lips and her eyes fell on the cat on her shoulder. Liesl's large eyes had not left her face for even a second since she got in.

"Where did you get her from?" She narrowed her gaze at the cat. "Shape-shifters of this kind are an unknown species just like mine."