
I Am 100% Human But Not Edible For Zombies! (」゚ロ゚)」

At the start of apocalypse, humans transform into zombies or the human-eating undead monsters. I heard their cries of suffering and fear. Also, the world set new rule called "survival of the fittest". Fortunately, Gods pity on them and give them superpowers to fight back but why is it that zombies are ignoring me?! (」゚ロ゚)」 And, wait! Why are these zombies vomit when they bite me?! Am I not edible?!!(◎_◎;)

VestigialPrincess · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 5

Her falling accident made a noise and attracted many zombies when she heard their suffocating groans. She wanted to test herself if all zombies will really ignore her forever like she's not existing at all. Unfortunately, she couldn't do the test because a white blanket blocked her sight and wrapped it around her body. She felt a hand grab her wrist and pulled her up forcefully. She was shocked of this person's strength. Another hand wrapped around her waist to guide to the safe area. She couldn't resist as she knows that resisting is not an option at all. If she does and the zombies caught up but ignored her, she couldn't explain her situation. Even, she doesn't know why so how could she explain logically?

Well, superpowers will appear in each person sooner but it is still the first day. She doesn't want to be treated as guinea pig at the beginning of apocalypse, just because of zombies are ignoring her. So, she could only let the hand's owner drag her away while she's trying to pop out her head out of the blanket's cover like a cake roll.

"Uhm...You are?" Psyche Flint panted when she, finally, popped out her head out of the blanket's cover. Her body soaked in sweat because of the blanket's thickness and almost out of breath but still her arms and legs are both wrap inside the blanket while being dragged like a bulged sack.

Psyche Flint was stunned when she realized that the one who is pulling her right now is a man with cold and aloof personality. Additionally, his handsome face can be sold in a brothel from ancient times. She contemplated if how much money she will earn she, together with this man, was born in ancient times.

"I'm Darwin Kim, the 1st son of Louie Kim - the Head of Kim Company" Darwin Kim said while Psyche Flint looked at his handsome face. She looks like a fan and Darwin Kim is her idol. She stopped daydreaming after hearing that Darwin Kim is the son of Louie Kim, her father's mortal enemy and former best friend.

"I'm...Psyche F--" she was about to say her name when a woman with soft tone and sweet voice shouted the word 'Oppa'. She has a pretty face, slender body that showed her sexiness, twin-tail long hair, a C-cup size hill there and jade-like skin while holding a plastic bottle of soda drink.

Psyche Flint's lips twitched. She thought that no one would use that Korean word here in the Philippines because they are not in Korea or may be, some people are using it because of Korean Wave (means, Korea's culture influence the world).

Suddenly, the woman's gaze turned hostile. Psyche Flint felt that she meet a demon girl crawling out from hell-hole.

"Who is she?" the woman asked coldly while squeezing tightly on soda drink like venting her anger to the soda drink as she couldn't directly confront Psyche Flint because of Darwin Kim and Darwin Kim doesn't like a troublesome woman so she is passionate on masking herself as white lotus flower that always trigger Darwin Kim's urge to protect a weak woman. This is also the reason why he rescued Psyche Flint.

"Oh" Darwin Kim's response to the woman's questioning. He looked at Psyche Flint and stared at silently like a statue.

'Why do I feel that I know what he meant by staying silent like that but so lazy to answer?' Psyche Flint felt troubled and awkward but still, she reached out her left hand for the handshake.

"I'm Psyche F--" Again, Psyche Flint was about to tell her name but the woman got annoyed so she waved her hand, implying that she doesn't want to know her name but for Darwin Kim's point of view, the woman implied that she doesn't care of knowing Psyche Flint's name, as long as her condition fine which made him smile. His smile brightens the mood between the woman and Psyche Flint. His cold personality passed her standard for men but his smile, plus, his handsome face and strong body-built is more attractive than a sweet honey.

"CAPTAIN!" a soldier called out to Darwin Kim. He nodded and left them. The woman pouted at the leaving back of Darwin Kim. The woman and Psyche Flint followed behind her. They entered a huge space of land filled with grassland and tress. Psyche Flint looked around and halted her steps when she realized that they are inside the military camp.

"W...Why are we here?" Psyche Flint asked. Inside her, she was panicking because of many possibilities that will happen to her, if ever she stayed and her secret leaked. First, she will become a frontline soldier puppet who always fight with the zombies. Worst case scenario, they will force her to singlehandedly cut those zombies outside. Even if they are not a threat to her, she still hates their rotten smell and chilling groans. That will be a sleepless nights, if happened.

"Is there something wrong?" Darwin Kim asked when he noticed her pale face. The woman is observing them from behind and feels jealous because, it is the first time that Darwin Kim said a word with concern.

"Uhh.. I'm fine" Psyche Flint's lips twitched weirdly when she felt the woman's gaze on her body. She sighed and wanted to be out of the woman's sight but the woman's eyes still stick on her body like a leech.

"Miss Andrea Su, Mr. Valenciano is looking for you" another woman said, to the woman who was hostile to Psyche Flint. Andrea Su is hesitating because of Psyche Flint's closeness towards Darwin Kim. She couldn't bear to watch them being so close to each other and she feared that, one day, Darwin Kim will fall in love to Psyche Flint.

She clenched her hands and decided to follow another woman, heading to Mr. Valenciano's area of monitoring while giving a warning look to Psyche Flint. Psyche Flint will really become a real dumb if she doesn't know the meaning of Andrea Su's warning look.