
I am (not ) the Hero

Tim died trying to save a girl and got sent to a place with literally nothing ,just infinite Void. Just when he was losing hope he was sent in to the body of Trinston ,a rich guy. Tim ( now Trinston) was really exited to love his new life ,he thought that like every reincarnated person,he was going to get his own cheat, a System which would help him rise to the top really fast. But little that he know about the suprise waiting for him.

Fun_Timepasser · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

New World ( edited )

A young man ,with pitch black hair , was lying on a comfortably large hospital bed, some small medical pipes were attached to his wrist and torso sending medicinal fluids directly into his system. His chest was bare, showing the bandages around his torso.

A nurse would visit him every once in a while checking his condition and the monitoring equipment.

' Hmm ..where is this?' Tim slowly opens his blcak eyes and looks around. ' A hospital '

A smile quickly crept up his face, a part of it because he had successfully left the soul space but mostly because he had successfully completed his reincarnation after waiting for a long,long time.

' Damn, I feel new already, I can't wait see what this world is like.'

Many thoughts were racing through his mind,like what type of world is this? Does it have magic , superpowers, powerful beasts, advancesd technology and many more.

But then, he realised , why waste time thinking when he had Trinston's memories. Tim slowly went through Trinston's memories, inspecting all of them.

' Ahh..Damn, it still hurts, atleast it's not as bad.' Tim groaned,feeling the slight headache he was having by going through the memories.

Yet, smirked after fully going through Trinston's memories, Although they weren't as detailed as he had expected them to be , but he could still make do with what he got.

The world he got reincarnated into was called...earth, same as the previous one and some of the things were same, like the technology level, and how they society runs and all that. But that's where the similarities end, because in this world humanity was under same banner, unlike his previous one where each country was divided,and reason for that were the beasts. These were mutated animal possessing very high physical strength and some even having abilities.

And of course humans fight back but the ones fighting at the front lines are all soldiers with fine Qi control. This Qi is generated in every human being but very few could master it.

Qi has many applications from temporaryly increasing strength to healing and even enhancing durability of anything in contact.

And of course the are those individuals who awaken abilities, but Trinston's memories on this topic was very limited

Speaking of abilities Trinston seemed have one as well. It was that crystal armour thing he saw in soul space .

' Since I've taken over his body, I hope I can use that ability.' Tim mused

" Oh, your awake Mr.Stone " a nurse came to his side.

" Yes, I wake up just a few moments ago."

' Trinston Stone, STONE ,WTF, might as well add paper and scissor. This guy's ancestor's naming sense is shittier than mine.'

" So, how are you feeling? Any pains or discomforts?" The nurse asked

" No, I don't feel any discomfort except for these tubes" Trinston said pointing at the tubes attached to his wrists and torso.

" Really? You don't feel any pain?" The nurse asked again remembering his condition when he was brought in.

' They said he was hit by fast moving heavy truck, and most of his ribs were broken, it's already a miracle he is alive but to think he would heal this fast even with the healing serum, ability users really are Tenacious'

" Yes it's true, why would I lie about my own health if it's in compramise." Trinston acted as if he was offended by her.

" It's not that I think your lying, just suprised is all." The nurse replied trying not be rude.

" Well, it's a wonderfull thing that you have recovered very fast, your parents were worried and kept asking me about your condition." The nurse then swiftly removed all the tubes. And left saying that she would report to her superior and do some final test to make sure he didn't have any more problems.




After the tests were done, Trinston was finally discharged. The nurse then guided him to the waiting room, where a woman immediately pulled him to her embrace. It was Trinston's mother Cecilia. After a few seconds of motherly hug she let him go.

" Ah hi ..mom" Trinston said awkwardly

' It's hard to call someone I just met mom, but I guess I'll have to since this is my new life.'

Tim then prepared himself mentally.

"Trinston, my son how are you? Did they treat you well?..." She then thew a barell of questions on him about his wellbeing.

" Mom, calm down, I'm all right ok." Trinston said while putting his hand on her shoulder to calm her down. " They even used healing serums and did final tests , and theres nothing to worry about, ok. I'm perfectly fine" Trinston tried to subdue her worries.

" Well , if that's true then we have nothing to worry about." Cecilia Said, tears threatening to fall from her pale blue eyes." Come on Trinston, now let's go home" she said while dragging him by his hand.And got into sleek looking car with the symbol H on the front. It's a hellrider car equivalent to his previous world's benze or some other same class luxurious car.

' Haa..how am I going to handle them.'

Although Tim was ready to live his new life as Trinston and even excited a bit, bur he still worried about people close to previous Trinston finding something suspicious about his behaviour, since he couldn't just completely change his 17 years-built behaviour all so suddenly.

It would be hard but manageable since, from the memories of the guy, he only needed to worry about the parents, everyone else was manageable, they would notice changes in his behaviour, but wouldnt suspect anything and would just attribute it to him changing over time.

" Trinston.. Trinston" he suddenly heard his new mother calling out to him.

" Y-yes mom? What is it ?" Trinston replied struggling with his new name.

" You are you zoning out a lot since the beginning. If there's something on your mind, I'm always here to listen, ok ?" Cecilia Said trying to make Trinston open up to her.

" It's nothing mom, I was just thinking about the academy" Trinston simply lied.

From the guy's memories the academy is a place to train the students in the usage of their abilities. It would teach them how to use their abilities properly and help them discover the full extent of their powers. It would also train them in the use of Qi. But how the students learns and performance is entirely dependent on them.

You can't expect a lazy bum to become a Qi master or an expert ability wielder.

" Don't worry about that dear, we'll talk about it together once we get home. And if you still don't want to go then that's final. we can't force it onto you since it's you who'll be experiencing the whole thing and not us." Cecilia Said while holding his hand, reassuring him that in the end it's his decision.

" Y-yes mom, let's talk about it at home. By the way, where's father?" Trinston asked about his father ( Rick), as it wasn't considered normal for a parent to be absent when his son almost died. But mainly because to stay in character.

" Haaa..your father is...busy. He said he had something really important." Cecilia replied, slightly sad about his absence.

She was silent for a while, full focusing on the road." Your father cares for you just as much as I do Trinston, even when he wanted you to attend ARC ( Ability research and control,which trains them in Qi and abilities if one had it ), he only thought of the good things you will go through,he doesn't want you to be a master at anything, he only wants you to have a better control on your ability, which can help you a lot." Cecilia said with her still on the road.

" I know mom" Trinston simply said

It seems that Trinston was quiet opposed to the idea of attentding Power. From the memories he could see that he had a few arguments about not going there with his father.

Although Tim had Trinston's memories, he couldn't reason with his actions, since the memories were like watching a movie in first person mode without any access to his thoughts. Not only that but they were also fragmented ' But only a moron would miss such an opportunity, I mean, he has a fucking ability yet he doesn't want to attend ARC, truly, what a moron. Well, its my body now and I'll do whatever I want with it.'

The rest of the journey was quiet boring for Tim, he just made some sweet small talk with his mother. Though he did notice the buildings were large, it's like every building had a requirement of being atleast 20 storey high. It's not like his previous world didn't have sky scrappers but, every single building he saw was screaming impressive for him.

He then suddenly felt a subtle headache which quickly came and went. Just when he was wondering why, he got his answers.

He gained more memories of Trinston, which surprisingly answered his curiosity towards the buildings.

It seems that for an ability user, based on their ability they could get a job in the society.

Those with healing powers could become a docter , earth manipulators could get join construction companies and so on.

' So that's why Rick insisted on me joining the Power, it would help me use it properly and I could probably join in a weapon development company with my ability and make armour or something.'

But now there was another thing for him to worry about, ' Judging how I unlocked a new memory right now, it seems they are assimilating with me only when I come across something related to the memory, if that really is the case then that's going to be troublesome if any important ones were locked out '

' Damn it god couldn't you make things easy for me even after making me wait for almost am eternity'

" We're here now, let's get off " Cecilia quickly called out to him seeing that he was zoned out again.

" Ah, yes, right away" Trinston got off and was again hit by a slight headache, giving him memories of the apartment. It was 53 storey high luxury apartment, having only one apartment per floor making it spacious, very spacious. Trinston quickly went into the corridor and waited near one of the 10 elevators he could see, while his mother parked the car.


