
I am (not ) the Hero

Tim died trying to save a girl and got sent to a place with literally nothing ,just infinite Void. Just when he was losing hope he was sent in to the body of Trinston ,a rich guy. Tim ( now Trinston) was really exited to love his new life ,he thought that like every reincarnated person,he was going to get his own cheat, a System which would help him rise to the top really fast. But little that he know about the suprise waiting for him.

Fun_Timepasser · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Family meeting

After Cecilia parked her car she followed Trinston into the elevator.

She then quickly pressed the button for the 48th floor, for which Trinston was grateful since he remembered the floor only after she pressed it.

' Damn it, what's with this memory, can't they just come all at once' but quickly buried the thought after remembering the pain he had gone through just to assimilate those fragments, he couldn't he even imagine what it would be like if all of them came at once.

After they reached their floor Cecilia went towards the door and swiped a card at the handle, which blinked green and clicked open and Trinston followed her in.

Just after entering he saw a small rack holding different types of foot wear. Trinston didn't need any memories to figure out what to do next. He quickly changed to a simple black home slippers.

" Go freshen up, I'll make you something to eat" Cecilia said while moving to the kitchen.

Trinston then silently went to his room and shut the door. His eyes then shifted to the room. It was a pretty big one.With a bed big enough to comfortably accomodate two people in the left corner and a wardrobe just next to it. Opposite to the bed was a neatly placed desk. It had a computer on it and some other miscellaneous things. The room had some fancy decor ' Rich folks' Trinston rolled his eyes at the how costly the room looked.

After taking a good look at his room he went to the bathroom. It too was larger than the average ones. Trinston took off his clothes and tossed them into a nearby laundry basket. Walking to the tub, he turned the tap for hot water. Once it was full, he gently slipped in. "haaa.." He sighed in comfort. After a few minutes of relaxation, Trinston thought of the things that happened to him till now. One moment he died and now here he was, the things that transpired in the middle no longer felt so long as he had thought.

And being reincarnated, he couldn't help but fell special.

" I reincarnated, and that's where my specialness ended, now I'm just an average ability user that's all." Though he told himself this, to avoid getting overconfident, but some part of him still wanted to he was unique. Who wouldn't want to be special, have privelages that others didn't.

"Haaa..why the heck am I even thinking all of this, if special then I'll be special no need to find the why and all that shit" Trinston mumbled, clearing his head of such unnecessary thoughts.

Speaking of being special he suddenly remembered, from the stories and Anime he had seen in his previous life, wasn't he supposed to get some cheat ability or system after getting reincarnated?

Trinston, excited, immediately started testing all types of phrases to activate his system

"Open....ah....Status... Activate.....no?....open system...."

Trinston tried many commands but he didn't see any blue panel, or any blinking symbols, he didn't even see any sign of having a System for that matter.

" Maybe I didn't get any system" Trinston mutter feeling dejected about not having a cheat system. But then his eyes lit up in realisation " Who told me that the cheat was only a system, it could be an ability too,or maybe some enhancement to my body" his mood got better and better as various forms of potential cheats crawled up their way into his head.

"Trinston , are you done? "

His mother's voice jolted him from his transe.

" Yes mom, I'll be out in afew minutes." Trinston immediately got out of the tub and dried himself with a towel. He opened his wardrobe and put on a black shirt and pant.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror. Although he didn't look like a celebrity, he did, atleast look better than his past self.

''Black hair, black eyes and Black clothes.....Hmm looks good, if only my face was better I would have been a looker.'' Trinston mumbled

" Damn this acne, it didn't leave me even in my second life." complaning about the slight acne and pimple marks on his face.

After reviewing his new look, Trinston left to the dining table, not wanting to make his mother wait any longer than she already had.

After getting to the table, Trinston sat in front of his mother, his plate already served.

He took a sniff of the hot food, the incredible aroma filling his nose . Though he didn't know much about cooking, but if he could, he would rate it five out of five.No longer able to hold himself back , he quickly devoured the delicious food on his plate.

Cecilia quietly stared at Trinston with a smile, happy that her son was enjoying the food she made. Noticing that he was almost done eating, she served him some more. Which Trinston ate without waiting for a second.

"Here, have some more, and eat slowly ok" Cecilia notised how he was gobbling up everything she served.

" But mom, these are just that hard to resist"

"Haha ..I know " she puffed up her chest in pride. " Back in the High school a head chef from a fancy restaurant even asked me to join his team full-time."

Trinston then ended his meal with a satisfied sigh and a not so loud burp. To which Cecilia laughed.

Trinston then helped his mother wash the dishes, though she didn't want him to.

" So Trinston, have you thought about joing the power?" His mother suddenly asked, while cleaning the wet plates with a tissue.

" I know we agreed on talking about it after your dad comes, but I want to know" Cecilia asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

" I'll..." But before he could answer the door clicked open. And in came a man, adorning silky white hair and blue eyes. His gaze swept across the table, only to be filled with confusion after he laid his eyes on Trinston.

" Trinston??! Wait, is that really you." The man asked in disbelief, almost shouting.

" Dad, calm down it is me." Trinston immediately tried to calm the confused man before he had a heart attack front the suprise.

" Trinston,boy, I'm so glad you alright" Rick pulled him into a tight manly hug.

" So what happened to your hair..and eyes too??" Rick immediately asked after letting Trinston go.

It was only then that Trinston remembered, the original had white hair and blue eyes like his father. He was so used to his hair and eyes being black in his previous life that he didn't even notice the changes. Trinston's brain quickly churned, making a perfect explanation, which, form the fragments is quite accurate.

" Ah..I don't know the exact reason, but it seems that after the accident my body underwent a metamorphosis" Trinston calmly explained.

It was quite common actually, ability users' bodies change to better accomodate their abilities. So if a man had an ability to control fire then his tolerance to heat and burns would increase, some outright developing total resistance to the effects of their abilities.

Like Surger a popular special police officer with electric ability, he underwent a metamorphosis and now he is totally immune to anything that deals with electricity.

" Is that so, well thats a good sign." Rick said excited for his son.

Since only those who regularly train and push their abilities to the limits, could undergo metamorphosis. Or those with unique abilities. His son's case being the latter, since he never saw Trinston practice with his ability.

But there was still one thing he couldn't get his head around ' why did his hair and eyes change though.?' many people had their physical appearances Changed after going through metamorphosis. But what bugged him was that the changes were generally connected to their abilities, so for example, if a person had the ability to control insects or commucate with them they would probably develop some antlers or something associated with insects. And similarly for a person who can harden his skin, his skin may turn even sturdier or something.

Most of the time the changes were all internal, and very rarely did they ever change the hair or eye colour. ' Whatever, it's not like it's a bad thing .' Rick simply let the matter pass by him.

Trinston then glanced at his mother, wondering why she didn't ask him about the changes. But all he could see was his mother having a smug face.

" My,my what's this dear, your so suprised just because our son changed his hair colour?" She asked Rick with cheeky grin.

" It was just moment of shock,dear." Rick chuckled, running his hand through his hair.

" But from what I saw, it seemed you didn't even recognise him for a few seconds." Cecilia pointed out.

Rick's brows rised, catching on to his wife's playgul jab. " Don't act all high in front of me, I'm sure even you didn't recognise him at first."

" I didn't ask Trinston anything and just hugged him the moment I saw him . Isn't that right baby? Tell your father how I didn't even hesitate for a second like your father." Cecilia urged Trinston, with a smirk.

" Yeah dad, she's right" Trinston agreed with his mom, finally understanding their playful competition.

" Well, it's a good thing you recovered so fast Trinston. Now then, let's move onto a more important subject." Rick said instantly getting seriously and sat on the sofas, his mother followed and sat next to him. Both exchanging glances, and thoughts alike.

The room was now tense, his parents staring at him. Trinston sat in front of them, wondering about sudden seriousness.

' whats wrong with them, one second they act all friendly and the next all serious'

" Trinston, I don't have much time to spend with you, and I'm sorry for that. You know, as a doctor I've seen many people die to injuries from the beasts and also seen many live through them. And when i heard about your accident I rushed to see you . In the state I saw you, if I hadn't been for my healing ability you would've died" Rick said, his first clenched and face filled with pain. Same for Cecilia.

' That explains why The nurse was so surprised at my recovery, Wait!! Does that mean that fucking hospital didnt have a doctor with healing ability??' Trinston body froze, if his father didn't have a healing ability, then he would have been what his father just said, dead.

" Wait, dad does that hospital not have healer?? Although he was alive and kicking, he still wanted to know.

" Ah..it did but I'm better, so told him I would take care of you myself" Rick said, his voice tinged with pride." Now, let's not waste time,Im in a hurry, so let's make it quick.

Trinston, I know we talked about this alot and you disagreed alot. Seeing how you almost died in an accident, I, and your mother, atleast want you to learn how to use your ability, not for fighting, but for self defence. If you had know how to use your ability, then that accident would've never happend and...."

" Ok then, I'll join ARC. "

" And that's why, we want you to .....wait you'll join" Rick was suprised to say the least, his son, because of an incident that happend in the past, has was always rejected the very idea of even using his ability. So now seeing him accept it so easily was,..well.. suprising.

' maybe the accident changed his opinion on it' Rick thought, coming to his own conclusion.

" Okay then, I'll get going now." Rick then quickly left.

' ok, that was quick' Trinston was dumbfounded at how quickly Rick had left, the man didn't even spend an hour at home,Not that he complained.Well he couldn't blame him. As a doctor who serves the military it was only natural he'd be busy. Especially now, since a city nearby was assaulted by a D grade beast horde. And the military needed all the help they could get.