

How long has it been?

When did it all start?

I've been sitting here for so long...

...it's so dark...

...there's nothing here...

Sometimes I can feel something moving...

Ahhhh, but it's so minute it's barely noticeable

Maybe it's because I've been alone here for so long...

I've become so sensitive to anything I can grasp


I'm so lonely

When is something going to happen?

What does it mean to happen even?

Oh, that's right

I can feel

But what does this feeling mean?

It itches

The itchy feeling has been here since I can remember

Growing stronger and stronger

I don't like it


I don't know...


No matter how many times I ask myself this, it doesn't change, huh

I'll just sleep a little then

Just for a little... I'll slee... maybe somethi.... huh....