
A new view

Everything has been going fine so far

We've saved universes

Defeated enemies

Converted enemies too

And now we should be resting

No... the 'Lord' should be resting

But there he goes again... creating a new world

I can't understand


We were just going to pass this dark dimension just like we have the others... but as we had gone halfway through, he suddenly stopped and stared into the distance like he could see something and said "... I see"

Ever since we've been here

He sends his split off every day like he's searching for something... we're talking about the dark dimension here!!!

there is nothing here...

No land

No places

Not even time

It's just a big void

And he sends it in this sort of place every single day, e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y!

that's just too much already

If it weren't for our special circumstances, we wouldn't even be able to survive here


I just can't stress this

He even used a 'word' here

Just a few days ago, he suddenly got up and said "Let there be [-LIGHT-] "!!!

This is not some minor thing like just making light, after all even I can make light too but it will only be temporary

No, this is far beyond that.

You see, we are currently in what? THE DARK DIMENSION!!! So there is nothing

This needs a source or it won't last, and so he used the word [-LIGHT-]

and created a universe...

...from the void

every time I think of that I just want to roll up and cry

that's just how valuable a word is

But if that was all he did, I wouldn't be here today now would I?

This void universe - is what I will call it - started working

planets, stars, all you could think of came into existence because of the light...

Oh, and it's time too

It went from non-existent to super active instantly...

Let me explain it to you using my observed time and that of the void universe as a comparison

A day to me is like billions of days in the void universe... Too fast!

But all that is unimportant

My Lord has been going to this universe every day

He has focused on creating a planet

He changed the air

separated the water

made land

trees, fruits, all self-sufficient

sparked the creation of several organisms that survive both on the land and in the waters

some could even move in the air freely

it's a beautiful place he made, we even go there to play sometimes

But today, He did something again...




A ball of light moved around quickly, crossing long distances in mere seconds.

It suddenly stops as it approaches a large golden structure covered in intricate designs on its path.

like a mountain, it towered up over touching the sky measuring more than tens of meters if anyone ever wished to measure it, grabbing the attention of anyone that passes by. The ball of light looked like a speck of dust floating in front of it.

The light flickers as its radiance diminished revealing a figure standing in the spot it was floating mere moments ago. The figure stepped forward and approached the structure, stretching its hand forward to touch the structure.

"I pray for an audience with the Blessed Voice."

He spoke to the structure and took a step back, watching as a faint glowing mark was present where his hand rested leaving an outline of his hand on the structure.

The glow intensified as it spread from the outline going up the structure as a humming sound echoed from it.

A booming voice came out of the structure.

"Angel. Betake thyself to the chancel. Thy presence is awaited."

The structure suddenly splits from the mark that was left by the angel and moves in opposing directions. From the distance, it would appear like a gate opening up, but wasn't this too big to be a gate?

"Please, excuse me."

The angel spoke as he bowed slightly towards the 'gate?'

A ball of light envelops him again as it bolts to its destination - a large building in the distance with a glowing ring floating above it.

putting ideas down is hard... Who knew I would be this bad at it?

RheednDaoistcreators' thoughts