
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs


"Damn it" He yelled as his hands turned to fist, his eyes blazed with fury as he looked at the two agents standing in front of him. All this while he was trying to keep calm but he was already at the edge, it's been days since the rogue agent got away and no one has been able to catch her.

"There's something else sir" The young man dressed in black spoke out, he looked calm as he brought out a photograph and handed it to his boss. 

The man looked at the picture with a certain familiarity, his eyes darted to his agent asking for an explanation. 

"The rogue agent have been spotted with him countless times, we suspect they are working together" The man reported. 

The boss didn't say anything, he continued to look at the picture for a while as his hands carefully touched the edges like he was trying to feel for something. He seemed to be lost in thoughts as he tried to recollect his past memories and then all of a sudden it clicked. 

"I see stubbornness runs in the family" He said as he looked at the picture one last time and then dropped it on his desk.

"Any lead on Diana?" He asked and then he saw both men shook their heads. He sighed in annoyance as he tried not to explode, two agents were missing and they both were assets to his operation. One had access to secret government projects and the other was....he couldn't say, so much was happening right now. 

With no further words he dismissed his agents, he got up from his chair and walked into the light. Now one could see his features so clear, the man had a grin on his lips as he held a glass of champagne and raised it to his lips. 

He had his eyes fixed outside as he looked at the city lights, so much was running through his mind right now but he still looked cool and collected. One glance and one could mistake him for a young man in his 20's, but with a closer look one would notice the strands of grey hair that he had styled perfectly to his side. He had a scary aura around him, one that would make little children shiver and run away. 

"Tick tock Selena" He said as he finished his wine in one gulp and dropped the glass. 


Selena tossed and turned on the bed as her hands gripped the bed covers, she mumbled some incorrect sentences. She could hear someone call her name and she could feel his hands touching her cheeks in an attempt to wake her up. 

"Selena..." Damien called out, he had been watching her for a few minutes now, she had been tossing around the bed for a while. At first he thought it was a bad dream but then he was worried when she didn't wake up from it. 

"Selena" Damien called again, this time his voice was a little louder as he pulled her and it seemed like that was the solution. 

Selena's eyes shot open as she caught her breath, she was sweating profusely as her hands clenched the bed covers. She looked at Damien and she saw the worry in his eyes but it disappeared before she could even get a closer look.

"What happened?" Damien asked as he placed his hand on her cheek and gently caressed it.

"A bad dream" That was all Selena could say, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply as she tried to cool herself. She realized that she was still naked after what happened between them, Selena sat up on the bed as she looked at Damien. 

"How long have you been awake?" Selena asked when she noticed that he had a robe on and his hair was dripping. 

"Almost an hour" Damien answered, he sat down next to her on the bed as he placed his palm over her head so he could feel her temperature.

"What happened?" Selena asked. From the look of things she guessed that something must have happened to him. His expression had changed, his eyes had turned darker, he looked different from how he was when she kissed him. "A bad dream?" Selena asked. 

Damien looked at her but didn't say a word.

"Talk to me" Selena demanded as she placed her hands on his cheek and looked him in the eye, she could tell something was wrong. 

"Headaches" That was all Damien said as he got up from the bed and poured water into a glass for her.

"Just headaches?" Selena asked with raised brows, it was clear that she needed more explanation. 

"It's not just headaches, my type of headache brings back memories" Damien answered and when he realized that she still wasn't understanding he sighed and decided to break it down. 

"You forgot that I suffered from memory loss" Damien said. "My memories are slowly returning back to me, but each time it happens I feel a sharp pain in my head" Damien explained as he handed the glass of water to her. 

"Sorry, is it really painful?" Selena asked as she collected the glass and took a small sip before dropping it on the table. 

"Yes, very. " Damien said honestly. 

"It's almost midnight, you should get some rest" Damien added, urging her to lie down. 

"Did you remember anything you should be worried about?" Selena asked again.

Damien looked at the girl, he wondered if this was her way of getting information from him. 

"I'm just asking" Selena cleared the air with a shrugg, she could already guess what was going on in his mind. 

"Nothing, just some Business projects and work related stuff", Damien answered. "time to sleep" He added.

"I don't want to go to sleep now" Selena said honestly and then she held Damiens arm stopping him from moving. 

"Where are you going?" Selena asked.

"Back to my room" Damien answered.

"Stay with me" Selena pleaded as she looked at him, she gently tapped on the side next to him and urged him to lay next to her. 

Damien looked at the girl, he had no words to say to her, her words had surprised him. Damien had never slept in the same room with her ever since they had been together, as a matter of fact the man had never shared a room with a woman before. 

Damien could turn down her request and walk away but for some reason he stayed rooted to the floor as he looked at her for a while before finally making a decision.