
I, a Slime, have also dreamed of becoming a great Demon King!

The vast Dream Sea, atop layers of miracles and magnificence, where Transcendents walk the ascendant path guided by their ultimate longings as if by beacons. The supreme beings wielded power, their greatness shining in all directions, ascending to divinity. But even deities were not the ultimate. They too struggled for greater perfection and ideals, endlessly, within the Void Origin, above the Dream Sea. "So... Your Majesty Ybur, as the most powerful Slime in history, what exactly drives you to become stronger?" Many years later, when faced with the question from a Heavenly envoy, Ybur, who by then stood at the zenith of the Dream Realm as the "World Devourer," recalled the afternoon just after his birth when the Creator had stuffed him down a golden toilet and flushed him into the sewers in one go... After a long silence, he spoke with a heavy tone: "It's the toilet. The golden toilet." The envoy: "???"

Winter Snow Thousand Cat Lanterns · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
248 Chs

Chapter 44 Clara's Decision

Clara set out the next day to find Cherie for a divination.

Under undisturbed conditions, the results of divination were generally accurate. However, typically, the more accurate the divination, the less information it provided.

Cherie's divination confirmed that the letter was indeed accurate and not intentionally deceptive.

But… this only deepened Clara's perplexity. Who had sent her this letter, and could it be another conspiracy against her?

Logically speaking, reporting the message directly to the authorities should have been the best course of action, but Clara had already sensed that the higher-ups were not eager to pursue the Abyssal Cult further. The Special Duties Bureau had bizarrely lost track of the target—could it have been intentional?

If she were to report this matter, perhaps it would just be swept under the rug in the end.