
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Komik
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63 Chs


- God, Hiruzen, couldn't you think of anything more boring than this? - Danzō stared in shock at the speech prepared by Hiruzen.

It consisted entirely of his understanding of the Will of Fire, some quotes from past Hokage, as well as poems related to the subject matter.

- Danzo... If you're so smart, why don't you do it yourself? - Hiruzen said displeasedly and with great fatigue in his voice.

Danzo silently burned Hiruzen's speech, after which he left the office.

- Will you have a few hours to prepare tomorrow? - he asked at last.

Hiruzen barely perceptibly nodded and Danzō immediately left.

Returning to his Root, which over the past few days has finally become like a full-fledged organization, and not a team of several people, Danzo went into his office.

"We'll have to do Hiruzen's work... Ugh, and I was going to set aside more time for training!.. Eh, what should I write about if we are talking about 5-6 year old children?"

- Mr. Danzō, the caravan from Takumi Village has arrived! - one of the workers abruptly burst into the office and interrupted Danzo's thoughts.

Danzo slowly looked up.

- Tell me, what's your name? - he asked, leaning back in his chair.

- Rekimo. - the worker straightened up, under the frightening look of Danzo.

Calmly standing up from his chair, Danzō walked to the door and stood next to Rekimo, placing his hand on his shoulder.

- This is my first and last warning. This office, and not some kind of passage courtyard, which you can enter and exit at will. - Danzo then turned away and went out into the corridor. - Don't forget to pass this on to the others.

The reason for this strictness on Danzō's part was purely the need to ensure his own safety.

First, his subordinates would eventually develop a subconscious fear when they wanted to go inside. And if there is a spy among them, no matter whose, then he will be subjected to much higher pressure. Because of this, the likelihood that he somehow gives himself away is greatly increased.

Secondly, it created a false portrait of Danzō's personality. Because of this, someone's misunderstanding of their personality is likely to lead them to wrong conclusions and actions.

What about those who would be hurt by Danzō's behavior like this?

Danzo didn't care about them at all. After all, the Root offers high wages, and if they want to keep it, then let them endure it. Nobody keeps them here.

"Well, it hasn't even been two days since the equipment caravan has already arrived!" Danzō thought as he climbed to the surface and arrived at the agreed meeting point, where both a small caravan and his newly minted genin shinobi were already waiting for him.

Danzō was somewhat surprised at this speed, but remembering that Takumi Village is the best at the moment in a variety of crafts, it would not be surprising if they did something with their wagons.

- Greetings, Mr. Danzo. This is your order. said a somewhat lean man with a prominent, sculpted body, pointing to the wagon behind him. - Minus your advance payment, you are required to pay...

Danzō cut the man off abruptly, literally handing him two packs of one million Ryo each.

- There are exactly 2 million Ryo here. You can count.

Without looking back at the stunned man, Danzō quickly moved to the wagon with Shunshin's help and carefully checked the contents of the bags in them.

He soon found his brand new Wind Blades, which came with a sheath and a special little stone. Thanks to him, Danzō could summon the Wind Blades to him at any moment.

"How I want to try them! But the schedule... And although you know what... I think you can handle the rest yourself."

Then he gestured to pick up the bags and, unexpectedly for everyone, disappeared.

*Don't forget about 37 extra chapters.

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