
I've reincarnated in a world with benders

The story is about a boy that has reincarnated in the World of Avatar, during the time of Avatar Korra. The story starts a few years before Korra comes to Republic City for training and is about a boy that finds himself thrust headfirst into a world with no one to help him, on the streets of Republic City, trying to fend for himself in a world dominated by elemental-powered people. During his struggles, he finds people to rely on, true friends, great teachers, and masters that help him improve. This is my first novel, so I appreciate all the feedback please, forgive me for any spelling errors.

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106 Chs

The Southern Water Tribe(2)

I went with Asami and Bolin to meet with Varrick, leaving just as Unalaq finally calmed down and was ready to make a comeback, making him even madder. I took Bolin with us because he has this unique ability to stop his brain when something weird is happening and roll with it, knowing Varrick this will help. We entered the boat and I was baffled at first sight.

We walked in on something that I could only describe as crazy, it made me think of the hippies of my world, only that most of the people present were important people with their heads on their shoulders. Varrick himself was a genius so how can he believe that he was levitating. I knew that he was eccentric and almost border line insane, I even knew the scene before me from the anime but damn, it made me question the sanity of the people in the room. I'm a pretty understanding person, I died once so I knew how it felt to know something other people considered crazy, because of this I stop judging people but even with all of this it made me think that this esteemed engineer should be in a straight jacket not in an expensive suit.

While I was trying to recollect myself from what I just saw Bolin rebutted him and the scene went on as in the anime, ending with a staring contest between Asami and Varrick. What didn't appear in the anime was the boat ride that we were invited after. Guess that there are differences between the cartoon and the real world. We started to talk with Zhu Li about the detail of the arrangement since she handled this part of the business and she was extremely good at it. While we were discussing the final details we hear a voice from the front of the boat.

"Hey, now I remember! Aren't you called the Undying Mechanical Terror?"

"It is a nickname I acquired, yes. Why, is there a problem?"

"You're kidding, right? I'm super excited to meet such a legend, I heard that you can even fly using some new kind of equipment, what I would do to have a look under the hood!"

"Who knows, in due time you might."

"Since you're here, can you show us some of your marksmen skills? I heard that there isn't a person as good as you with a ranged weapon!"

I look at Varrick, I look at the others, they all look curious, even Asami and Bolin, while we fought together I never used my guns. I always had one on me but I rarely used them while fighting the Equalists, firstly they were my people, and secondly, I didn't want to bloody the streets, I sign and ask.

"Does anyone have a coin and can someone give me a scarf?"

Multiple people offered to give me both, seeing this I took the closest to me. I folded the scarf and put it on my eyes and gave the coin to Zhu Li.

"Toss it straight up as hard as you can."

Before she tossed it I enter 'limbo state' and focused on her palm. I might not be able to feel the coin right now but the moment it's in the air I'm sure that I will be able to know where it is. She tossed it and I sharpened all my remaining senses on the coin. I felt the coin in the air, I aimed my gun and I fired three shots.

There was a long silence after that and then a low sound of metal hitting metal, it was the coin hitting the ground. I pull the scarf down and take a look, all my shots hit the coin with terrifying precision. It took a while for the people there to regain their composure but when they did a round of applause was heard across the boat. I surprised them, I could even say that I scared some of them, even Varrick in his madness let a tint of fear slip from his eyes.

"AMAZING! Please everybody a round of applause for mister Ethan here!"

I smiled and didn't say anything, I didn't expect to be this tired after doing this, I knew I needed to use a lot of energy to concentrate but never did I expect to use this much.

It took a while for the people on the boat to calm down, but when they did the atmosphere turned back to the festive one that was before. Before long I found myself sitting on a chair at the banquet for the northern tribe chieftain.

"Ethan, are you ok?"

I look to where the voice was coming and I see Nya looking worried at me.

"I'm fine, just tired, meeting Varrick was quite the experience. I knew he was eccentric but not to that extent."

While Nya told me about the amazing stalls that she saw and that we should check out, Unalaq gave his speech about unity and spirituality.

"Now that is a greedy guy."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Bolin, Unalaq might seem like a good person on the outside but it's one of the biggest assholes you would ever meet."

"Those are some harsh words, are you sure about that, other than his pride I don't see anything wrong with him, he even is nice at times when talking with Korra and he seems genuinely concerned about the spirits."

"Just give it time, all he wants it's more power, sooner or later this mask of righteousness will fall to reveal the snake that he is underneath and about the spirits, well I think it's more a pretext than actual worry."

Hey guys! I didn't post in a while but I'm back and trying to start posting more and more, I would appreciate it if you would leave a comment down below.

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