
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasi
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355 Chs

Queen strength part 6


We made it back to the castle, Cleon was floating in spiritual form folowing us but remaining undetectable, I've got an hint his mad at me? Queen was embarrassed of how the Wolve toss her on the floor like she was nothing. She had killer eyes, We lost 400 hundred men today, the remainder was wounded. When we made It to the castle.

Carees: Good night General

She said storming out the carriage.

I figured she wanted to be alone. I made it home, Cleon was sitting on the table not saying anything, I was preparing myself for the talk, I walk upstair to shower, Its been a few days, I was looking forward to make up with him. When I finish showering I head downstairs for the talk but he wasn't there. I went back to bed waiting for him to come home. I was shock when I seen the sun rising he didnt come home? I decided to go to work. Arriving at the castle there was alot of people turning in their ID explaining they are leaving and never returning to this planet. Since the Jupiter resident they have to return their ID if they have no intentions of returning. I walked inside to the Queens room where her and her husband was having a conversation

Gladius: So we took casualty?

Carees: Yes

Gladius: Are you hurt?

Carees: No

Gladius: Good.

He said sitting there with her sipping tea,

Gladius: I'll swing by the family...

Carees: I think they know

Gladius: How?

Carees: The injured run their mouth so much, No decipline

Gladius: General you are free for the day, I wish to spend the day with my beloved wife.

Satphire: As you wish

I left, The citizen end up throwing their ID at the guard. This is chaos. I went to the house to get much needed rest. Cleon was siting at the table again, Eye to the ceiling deep in thought.

Satphire: Good morning

I said smilling brightly

Cleon: Hey

He said getting up about to leave out the front door. It was definite, he was mad at me.

Satphire: Erm.. I have the day off would you want to do something?

I said holding my hads infront of me, Bringing out my delicious perky breast, Outlining my curves. He turn to look at me, his eyes looked uninterested

Cleon: What do you want to do?

Satphire: We can watch movies for the day?

I said walking towards him putting my hands on his shoulders.

He shook my hands off.

Cleon: Not today

If he was going to ignore my request why entertain me in asking what I wanted?

Satphire: What do you want to do?

He looked at me like I was missing something. He flew out our small house. I decided to take a nap it was my original plan anyways. He bothers me when he act like that. He wasn't being silent with me? What is it? I walk upstairs, I laid on the bed sleep instantly took over me. When I woke up the sun was already setting how long was I sleeping? I took a shower got dress to see if Cleon done with whatever he was doing. I went downstairs he wasn't there. I flew to Giant marble world, getting inside the marble I appear in the sun side, Now full of trees to help with shade, beautiful grass. I seen him sitting by himself watching the waterfall deep in thoughts. I flew up to talk to him

Satphire: Hey there

Cleon: Hi

Why his word so dry?

Satphire: Are you leaving me?

He didn't say anything.

Satphire: Just so you know anyone you get after me I will kill them.

I said with sincerity. Looking at him he haven't take his eyes off the waterfall. I reach touching his arms forcing him to look at me, His eyes was still wondering else where.

Satphire: Please talk to me?

Cleon: You do the most reckless things

Was it about the fight?

Satphire: Am sorry I didn't have prior warning.

Cleon: Am trying to understand, I know I was dead for thousands of years, You might gotten use to not having me around..

I leaned in kissing him

Satphire: There wasn't a day that pass by I didn't think of you

Cleon: Your crazy powerful, I get that; Your not the same bratty princess back on earth you might not need my help, But Phire I

Satphire: Don't doubt your strength

Cleon: Haha you took out 20 thousands of those wolves no sweat. You have gotten clever on how you use your powers, I gotta catch up.

Satphire: But..

Cleon: Phire those days you left with no words, No sign your still alive, I couldn't breathe. When I tell you your my everything I am not joking.

Satphire: I know

Cleon: You disregard my worrying just because your strong

Satphire: Then marry me so you can enhireted everything I have

Cleon: Babe..

He said looking down to the ground

Satphire: I Could be as strong as Carla or stronger who knows but it means nothing if your not by my side, I tried to move on, find someone new but my heart never forgot you, If you want to trade strength I don't care, Your my biggest strength.

Cleon: Biggest strength?

Satphire: You have a way to calm me without saying anything. The way you hold me when we sleep feels better than heaven for me, trust me I've been to heaven.

CLEON I went to heaven and it was Hell because you wasn't there, Physical strength doesn't matter when you pull the string to my heart, I promise I will never make you worry like that again on purpose. If it can't be avoided I'll call or portal you there.

Cleon: Alright.

He said picking up a rock throwing it in the water. Its true we haven't gotten married yet, as a Goddess I haven't present him as my forever, thus he haven't gain none of my strength, We had sex but it wasn't submission from husband and wife. So I got up Circling him, I remember the last time we got married I was hot headed as usual, we fought but he calmed me down.

Cleon: Babe sit down what are you doing?

Satphire: Say yes?

Cleon: You want a big wedding remember?

Satphire: I don't care about that, I want you as my equal, As my forever

He got up trying to stop me from finishing the ritual dance.

Satphire: Haha it's already started look at the floor its glowing, Haha guess am a Goddess now it's a different level

The ground was glowing as ancient writing appeared all around us.. I did the dance of unionship with symbol of forever

Cleon: I Won't let you, Without a proper wedding

He jumped at me causing us both to fall in the water.

Satphire: It followed us

I nod my head for him to look above his head, there was a crown of light above him. His smile made my soul rejoice.

Satphire: So are we making this thing official or not?

He swam over. I miss his kisses so much. I never want him to be mad or worry about me again, His hands was shaking as he grab my waist. Haha marrying a Goddess might be overwhelming.

Cleon: What is this, There so much power I feel like it's crushing my bones.

Satphire: Try to hang on, Am giving you half of my strength, don't faint yet. We need to explode at the same time, To receive our heavenly gifts.

He agreed, kissing me as he took off his pants The water was distracting, I flew to the grass beside it. My Goddess light surrounded us. When Cleon finally manage to get inside My purity shine like a bright light piercing the atmosphere, Splitting the heavens, I hope he holds on so I could properly seal our engagement.


Mom: Baby?

Carla: Yeah I feel it too.. Hahaha Cleon and Satphire are finally married! I have to go get my Gifts

I said exiting my mothers room, I flew up to my cloud house. GC was waiting for me, She had her gift at hand waiting for the light to get stronger to put it in the light.

GC: Health and Beauty is what I'll give them

Carla: Lame

GC: Haha what you gonna give them

Carla: My gift is so much better.

I use my light to reveal my gift. Haha am waiting on the light to get stronger so I could give my gift.


The union light, I transform to my Goddess form. My kids was in the room

Scarlet: Dad your hair is blonde?

Johny: Its not a big deal

Red: Yo!

I flew out, Everyone in the marble world was in awe, looking at me. I only got this form because of Carla, It makes me feel worst. Hurry up light and get strong already I want to go back in my house.


Cleon: Ahh babe... I can't hold on..

Satphire: Baby.. You have to hang out, Its important!

I decided to get on top, making circles as he grab on my peach booty, I don't know if he can handle if I jumped on his manhood. I could tell he was loosing his mind, I was close but not there yet. After a few minute, guess he couldn't hold it back anymore, He turn me over, He went somewhere he never been before. As we exploded together My light filled him, His justification filled me. We had so much gifts

Cleon: What is this add on feeling

Satphire: There gifts

Carla: Hey I gave you a great gift.

Cleon: How is she able to?

Satphire: Were linked in

Cleon: What?

Satphire: Who ever is giving gift are able to speak with us.

Cleon: Oh

Carla: Cleon I gave you the gift of satisfaction, Were your able to make sure she's exhausted everytime, unless she wants something different. I know with her box being bless you might not last as long as before. I bless your manhood! Hahaha now you'll really be her equal in all things.

GC: I give you health and beauty.

Johny: I give you The strength to litsend to eachother, even when it's the opposite of what you want. Also, "glue" to always find yourself drawn to eachother, always wanting to restart over, no matter what life brings. Forever is a long time good luck you guys.

Cleon: Forever?

Satphire: Yeah am a Goddess, You live as long as I do

Cleon: Oh

Knowledge: I give you riches, Half of mine actually. Cleon I still hate you!


Akraham: I give you both Grace and Elegance in all things.

Michael: I give you the gift of creativity when using your powers.

Cleon: Cool thanks man

Micheal: Yup

The earth started to shake, I know heaven agreed to my marriage. I was greateful. Why was everything getting dark? When I finally woke up I was still naked with Cleon laying down next to me.

Johny: Morning

Satphire: Morning?

Johny: Yeah, You been sleeping for 4 days, We went to heaven to have your reception.

He was in his Goddess form, Because of Carla he was able to graduate to Goddess. He was really handsome, Beautiful hazel eyes, Thick blond hair, Nice smile, perfect height. I look down I seen Cleon form on my stomach. I rolled him around breast all in his face.

Cleon: Babe?

He woke up, His fur was pure white, Eyes blue as the sky, it had stars twirling inside it, Infuse with a hint of grayish yellow, He had a white light crown, He looked gorgeous. Good Job GC

Cleon: What?

Satphire: You um.. Look very attractive.

I said blushing shyly. He leaned in kissing me. His hands was racing behind my back.

Cleon: I want to ensure you satisfaction

Johny: Yeahhh.... I'll leave

He said flying out. Cleon looked me in my eyes, He kiss me again, He rolled on top, He was making my heart beat fast. His kisses was sweeter than a bee honey comb.

Satphire: Don't tease me

I said with my face turning red, He smiled. When he entered me, My body was willing to swallow him whole, He was taking his time between each dives. Every dive made me wanted to scream, Dam it Carla what did you do?

I feel like he was making love to my purity versus the others who enjoys my purity, recharging me. The feeling was enormous, I couldnt stop ruffling the sheet.

Satphire: Ah wait, I wasn't ready

Cleon: We just started were not even half way done

Satphire: Its just...

I was trying to scoot back in between strokes, He was alot to handle, Its Carla fault no wonder she was laughing, Is that how I feel for them?

Cleon: Babe stop running

Satphire: Sorry reflects

Cleon: Hmm

He lift me up off the bed he brought me against the wall,

Satphire: Ah babe wait, wait!

He was ignoring my plead. Constantly diving inside of me, Causing me to loose my breath, I couldn't control my org*sm, He was hitting all my vital points, He would throw me in the air, Gravitation wasn't on my side at all, I could feel when gravitation pull me back down on his hard wood, He fits me perfectly, My garden was getting watered, I never had sex so good before, I decided to put my legs on his knees, he using to support me. I think I can jump on him now, To even the odds.

Cleon: Ahh f*ck phire wait, Hold on

Satphire: Hmm

I protall us to 8th level in the secubus realm where they had different strings, and whips to enjoy with your partner. Most people haven't made it this far, I made it to all 10 level, hence me having access to the whole realm. I could see him transforming. His wood was so hard it could hurt someone..

Cleon: Come here?

That's not where I was trying to go, Dam it! I was trying to fly away from him, I know here his hormones is 10 times the original amount. Running away not looking where I was going I got caught in this multiple string, The more I struggled the more tighter it got.

Satphire: Help me?

Cleon: Hmm

In this realm it was complete privacy, The place is completely vacant, Its nothing but red dirt, far away mountains, And all type of ropes and whips imaginable. He walked over admiring my form tangled up in the strings. My breast spilled over, my head hanged low, My legs was being spread apart revealing my pink jewl box, My perfect butterfly was being open infront of him and I can't stop it. His eyes was getting low with desires. He stuff his hard wood in between my breast, he push it all the way to my mouth, I open my mouth as he drilled between my breast and mouth, I could tell he was close he kept going faster and faster. I was relieve, when I seen him circling me, I figured his trying to find a Way to untangled me. But He twist me around? Now my legs was spread open infront of him. The rope was tighten around my butt Making them more tempting than normal. He insert with everything out in the open. I was trying to tell him to stop, But I forgot this realm takes your ability to speak, its your body that do the talking. I was getting the Sh*t F*cked out of me I can't even tell him to stop, The only thing I could do is take it. As he kept invading all my walls, I felt my body shaking out of satisfaction, I couldn't Climax anymore. I felt my body getting loosened, The strings untie me, I had no strength left.