
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasi
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355 Chs

Beautiful (8)


She looked so beautiful. I just want to give her the world. The way her arm wraps around my neck makes the air around me feel heavy, we've been kicking it for a while, but this is the first time she explains how she craves me. I hunger for her too. I kissed her arms to her pretty lips. She Scoots down letting me know she wanted me to finish my plate. It's mine I don't mind putting my mouth on what's mine. Back arching, Goosebumps showing me where to go. F*Ck I love her so much. I want to give her the world. The universe if I can

Carla: Baby come up

Cleon: Done already?

Carla: Not nearly.

She uses her hands to get me in as soon as possible. Moving her waist with me, it feels even better raw. She felt like pure honey.

Carla: Ugh wait maybe we should have waited.

Cleon: Why?

Carla: You feel better than usual

Cleon: You forgot what you bless? I guess the plastic was in the way. Am never wrapping up again

Carla: Ah... Cleon don't joke like that

Haha, she thinks am joking. Now that the stars confirm she's mine I don't need to strap anymore. We had a wonderful time. I almost didn't pull out haha I won't tell her that.

Carla: I love you

Cleon: I am lovable


said panting next to her shirtless

Carla: Shut up.

She said smacking my sweaty bare chest laughing.

Cleon: Um Lala

Carla: Mm

Cleon: You ever want to get married again?

Carla: Haha no not really

Cleon: Right...

I said getting up to take a shower. How am I going to tell her she's mine? This is so hard; it shouldn't be this hard.

Carla: Need help with your back?

Cleon: Sure, you offering

Carla: What do you think am standing here for?

She came in gently rubbing my back.

Cleon: This shouldn't be this hard

She smiled saying nothing

Cleon: What I was trying to say is, do you ever think about becoming my wife?

Carla: Do my back for me?

She turns for me to sponge her back. I focused more on the booty naturally haha. She went back to the room. Putting undergarments on, I have to say it. I can't wait. I walked over grabbing her hands swallowing my fear.

Cleon: Carla would you do me the honor... I would be very happy if... Dam it! Marry me, Carla!


What did he just say? Naw I must be hearing things... I looked at him blankly not knowing what to say.

Japess: Empress were here.

Oh, thank God!

Carla: Um I got to go.

I rushed outta there. What is he thinking? Marriage? Oh lord... I swear it's my kitty cat. First Ugo now Cleon? Oh my God... I left so wrong... But what did he expect?


Haha did she sprint out of here? I love her personality. I portal home. She always has a way of exhausting me. It's almost time to open my club.


I can't get his proposal out of my mind. It's been 3 days since we came back from the trip. I've been Avoiding Cleon; I can't tell him no, it's too soon for Yes. Am in My throne room taking requests. I heard "you're going to be okay honey"

it looks to be a man and woman approaching the front. Guts out spilling blood, Johny drenched in Gaby's blood.

Johny: Carla you got to help me

He cried tears floating out His eyes

Johny: There was an attack at my kingdom and... Carla, please don't let her die.

Gaby's stomach split open, Johny holding it in his hands crying.

Carla: What do you offer?

Johny: What? Carla this isn't the time

I made a water bubble over Gaby to stop her from bleeding out.

Carla: I'll help but the first, payment

Johny: Okay, what do you want, I'll do anything just please save her.

I portal him somewhere more private, away from everyone.

Johny: Where are we?

Carla: Subconscious

Johny: Mine or yours

Carla: Does it matter?

Johny: What do you want Carla?

Carla: Cleon asks my hand in marriage.

He looked upset but remained calm.

Carla: I really like him

I smiled

Carla: His caring, Thoughtful...

Johny: Get to your point Brown

Ouh so angry.

Carla: I want you to be his friend again.

Johny: He knows how to fix that

Carla: By breaking up with me?

Johny: Yup! He knows not to touch what's mine.

Carla: But Johny I am not yours

Johny: If you say so

Carla: You married to a beautiful maiden, is it fair for me to be alone Johny?

Johny: If it's loneliness you feel I can help


Determine to make her feel wanted again. I pulled her closer to me. She always loved it when I take charge. Kissing her sensitive neck.

Johny: You are mine. Am so sorry I hurt you

Carla: Johny!

Johny: You just say the words and I'll be yours and only yours.

I said unstrapping her dress for me to take her right here. I've missed her so much. I can't believe Cleon has been playing in her garden. She knows Noone can satisfy her the way I do.

Carla: Leave Gaby for me. Right now?

Johny: I can't this instance, she's dying but soon as she feels better am all yours.

Carla: You are just as you always were, nothing changed

Johny: Carla!

Carla: Yes. Say the words and I'll put her out her misery, She's in a lot of pain Johny

She dares me to betray her as I did her

Johny: Yeah but

Carla: Stop wasting my time what do you want to do young King?

She said jumping backward creating space

Johny: How about I don't see her again, but you still heal her.

Carla: Your path is clearer than ever. Make nice with Cleon

She said firmly

Johny: Fine, end her then we can be together.

Carla: You would kill an innocent woman just to be with me? you're sick

Johny: It's your idea

Carla: I don't want you, Johny, being with you was not...

Johny: Why does your body respond?

Carla: My body still remembers the time we spent together, our memories. I found the man who put me first, I deserve that.

Johny: I don't believe that for one second. I know you've missed me how I missed you. Carla am your first love. You never forget your first love.

I flew to her. Stealing her lips. She turned red as usual.

Carla: It's no denying you were my first love. But...

She said making an explosion between us, my reflexes pull me back to avoid a fatal blow. She could have killed me

Carla: Cleon is who I love. Not you. I will not betray his trust.

Johny: Tsk...

Carla: Be nice with Cleon or your wife dies. Without any help from me, she won't survive

Johny: Tsk...

Carla: And next time you kiss me again Mr. Robinson Royal or think of touching me, I'll explode your f*cking head off.

So feisty Haha she always had a temper. Arguing back now are we Carla Haha means she still cares.


I felt a presence in my room. I woke up to see Carla's eyes glowing red standing at the foot of my bed staring at me. I uncovered a part of the bed, signaling her to lay with me. I place my hands over her and we slept. The next morning, I knew she had already left as usual. When I turn to get up, I was surprised to see her still sound asleep

Carla: It's rude to stare pussy cat.

Cleon: Says the woman who was staring at me last night

Carla: Hmm let me get started on breakfast

Cleon: Hmm

This is strange? I don't mind her coming over but yesterday she looked disturbed, did someone touch her?

Carla: So, I was thinking you can take over some of the responsibilities at the castle.

She said as I came to the kitchen after a bath.

Cleon: Um

Carla: But first they got to know of your proposal and that you'll be their new king

The smile was uncontaminated. Is she saying yes to my proposal?

Cleon: I own a business

Carla: I know, do what I do, use your Instalaxia form.

Cleon: So, you agree to be my wife

I ask smiling.

Carla: Am sorry for not letting you know I was swinging by. You could've had some poor girl in your bed.

Cleon: That's true you don't know what I would have been doing

Carla: So am thinking of a small wedding

Cleon: Haha Fine but I want kids.

Carla: What, why? You have like 6 and grandkids; I have like 75

Cleon: So, they say

Carla: Babe honestly aren't we too old for kids?

Cleon: Nope. Oh and no more protection

Carla: Why?

Cleon: Um because I want to fully know you

Carla: That's not stopping you from knowing me.

Cleon: Haha yes, it is.

Carla: No, sex until our wedding day

Cleon: Haha that won't last long but I'll agree temporarily

Carla: Why it won't?

Cleon: Babe your hormones are crazy high. We're definitely a match

Carla: I can keep it in my pants you know

She said grimacing her cute lips

Cleon: No promises

We sat and ate. Then she cleaned the house? What is going on? I sat in the living room drinking a cold beverage watching TV

Carla: Me and Grand will start living with you.

Cleon: I would want nothing more.

Carla: Alright

When she was done cleaning, she got started on lunch. The time came for me to go to work. She decided to take a nap. At work, Alexandra is getting on my nerves. She's weirdly mad at me because I left for 1 month. Am her boss I don't need to explain myself to her. Time to close couldn't come sooner. Am hoping my baby is still at the house, I need some loving. Go home I didn't see any trace of her, I took a shower got in bed. I uncovered my bed to find her breast out, wearing nothing but a string for underwear. She's trying to get pregnant that's what it is. Deep down am sure she doesn't know how sexy she is. I grabbed a couple of blankets and crashed on the couch. The next morning my nose woke me up to the smell of pancake, eggs, milk, oats, and fruits. She placed them on my coffee table in front of the couch I was sleeping in

Cleon: Good morning

Carla: Good morning. Why did you sleep on the couch last night?

Cleon: You can't dress like that and expect not to get pregnant.

Carla: Haha is that why you slept outside?

Cleon: Now that am anti protection

Carla: Anti-protection?

Cleon: Anti-protection! I will be attempting for children every time we make love! By the order of your king.

She laughed so hard she cried. Even in that oversized T-shirt with long socks, she looks mouthwatering

Carla: Babe Johny is here

That's why she left her castle, did Johny do something the other day?

Cleon: Is he?

Carla: Yeah, am taking care of Gaby...

Cleon: While your here?

Carla: My Japess almost know as much as I do, if they are unsure of something they call me.

Cleon: Your throne?

Carla: I duplicated myself, I am currently taking requests and listening to complaints

Cleon: I forget how powerful you are at times

Carla: Hmm.

Cleon: What happened to Gaby?

Carla: Her guts were hanging out her stomach

She said casually.

Cleon: Oh my... I got to go

Carla: Where?

Cleon: To see Gaby, Carla of course.

Carla: Am going back to bed.

She said walking inside my bedroom. I finish my breakfast, go to the castle. Appearing where the sick gets treatment, I saw Gaby in tubes, she was stable but in pretty bad shape. Johny was by her side kissing her hands asking for her to wake up. Back against the wall, I couldn't make it fully to her room before stopping

Johny: I know your here Cleon

Cleon: Am not trying to argue, I just want to pay my respects to Gaby

I said walking into the room, Sitting on a chair. Provided by the facility

Johny: The attack was brutal

Cleon: LOJ ask for Carla help a few days before it happened

Johny: She respectfully declines... That sounds like her.

Cleon: I thought you could have handled yourself. I kept thinking if you needed me, you could have called

Johny: Hmm Guess you were wrong.

Cleon: Why didn't you call Johny?

Johny: You wanted me to call you or the cruel Queen? That wasn't going to happen