
Holy Weapons

Finn was training especially hard the last 2 years and had increased his access to 670 Blue mana with his brother at 590 Blue mana. The two brothers were now 13 with their sister at 10 Years old.

There was 6 months left until the exam for Phoenix Academy.


Morningstar - Holy Sword

Oblivion - Holy Battle Axe

Calamity - Holy Shield

Harmony - Holy Magic Staff


Finn Decided to got to a dungeon and get some God Level items that were revealed later in the book and get them now so he could increase his strength.

The first thing he had to get was a sword. The sword which is known as 'Morningstar'. Morningstar was used as Anton's blade in the book. If it declared you the owner you would have white mana immediately and only you could pick it up until you die.

Another thing that comes with the sword is that your amount of mana will be Multiplied by 10 and you can call it when you want to or if its too far (similar to Mjölnir).

Finn Wanted to use this overpowered sword that shouldn't exist and change his destiny all the while becoming the strongest. Finn was Planning to collect the 4 Holy weapons and be the owner of them all.

Since the location of 'Morningstar' was given in the novel it was easy to mark it in a map. Finn packed up some supplies and left for the sword. He told his family that he will be back by the exam and if hasn't come by then he died. saying this he left.

Finn arrived at the dungeon where to sword was supposed to be. He entered the dungeon when the entrance collapsed and Finn was stuck. Luckily he packed enough food and supplies to last 2 months.

The Dungeon was dark and sticky. There was no monsters until now which was usually a bad sign. Finn was walking with his sword clutched in his hand and some fireballs to light up the area so he could see more clearly.

Suddenly out of nowhere a large bird cawed and grey hands flew his way. The bird was a Beak-Face which was a strong monster.


Monster Leveling:

Weak ; Normal ; Strong ; Deadly ; Monstrous ; Catastrophic ; Godly


It was a grey feathered bird and its whole face was covered by its abnormally large beak which spat out acid one of them is easy to kill as it has bad aim but there was 6 of them which increased the probability of getting hit.

Finn jumped back and cast fireballs to attack the beak since the beak was the weakness of the monster. most of them died with the shot, but the ones that were still standing charged at Finn beak first in hoping to stab him as their beaks were dry and could not spit acid anymore.

Finn quickly swung his sword at the bird and instantly killed it. Finn ventured on to obtain the sword and become stronger in the process.

Finn encountered many Beak-Faces in the process but won nonetheless. Then he came upon the stronger monsters.

Finn stumbled on a nest of Geyre. Geyre is a Insect type monster and individually was on the [Strong] Level on its own but they often band together to increase their strength. This particular bunch of Geyre together was on a [Monstrous] level.

To Be Continued...