
A Fight Between Warriors

The Master who I'll now refer to as Ter had insane power. Ter had destroyed everything that was Phoenix Academy with his raw power alone. He was the 11th most powerful person in the continent or so the records told.

Finn clutched Morningstar and inserted a good 1,000 White mana into it. The thing about Morningstar is that it amplifies the mana that you insert into it by 100. This meant that Finn used a move that uses 100,000 White mana.

Finn slashed Ter which resulted in and entire mountain getting cut in half and Ter's limbs being cut in half as well. Ter tried to regenerate His limbs back and make a joke of how his body is stronger than the mountain but he couldn't.


If you get cut by Morningstar the cut will not heal, instead it will either be a scar or continue bleeding until your death.


Finn laughed at Ter and swung his sword once again this time using the same amount of mana. This time the slash cut Ter until only his head is left. Surprisingly Ter was still alive and and powerful as ever.

Ter used some of his mana to prolong his life a little more and since he was only a head now his 10,000 mana that he gave was for a mere 10 seconds. Ter sped up and flew into the body of a bandit.

Finn realized what he was doing and destroyed all the bodies in the vicinity. There was one body that Ter could take that was not destroyed but in use by his student, Curtis.

"Curtis run I can't kill this person you have a potential bigger than that wretched Estell Run and kill this person once you get stronger" Ter Shouted. This did one of 2 things.

The first thing is Curtis sobbing uncontrollably and running away the second is Ter charging at Finn with a new materialistic body that he somehow made out of rubble.

Finn enough of these bastards. He sheathed Morningstar and used his Esper Energy. Finn had been collecting Esper energy since he was brought into this world


Here is the scale of Esper Energy amount trading.

1 Yellow Mana = 10 Esper Energy

1 Blue Mana = 10,000 Esper Energy

1 White Mana = 10,000,000 Esper Energy

One Esper Energy is enough to lift a pebble, 10 is enough to lift a small rock 1000 is enough to lift up a elephant, 10,000 is enough to destroy an entire building etc.


Finn had 1,000,000,000 Esper Energy, that is exactly 1 billion Esper Energy. Finn used a 10,000 Esper Energy to crush Ter into a ball Lift up all the rubble to save any survivors that may still be standing.

Crushing Ter resulted in a very bloody piece of stone. Some teachers and Anton saw Finn doing all this and didn't like it. They thought that he was using Dark Mana and called him names, but that's the story for another chapter (the next one).

To Be Continued...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

denthavetocreators' thoughts