
Chapter 77: The Second Elder's Decision to Arrest Tang Hao. _2


"Fourth Brother, you're just worried and confused," said the second elder clearly, "What else could go wrong?"

Besides, how often does a Titled Douluo of the Ninety-Fifth Rank appear? Our Hao Tian Clan has no one else but Tang Hao."

Hearing this, the Fourth Elder stopped talking. "Alright..."


Just as his voice faded, another voice came from outside the hall.

"Elders, the Seventh Elder has returned."

The Hao Tian Clan disciple outside spoke with a solemn voice.

"Ha ha, Fourth Brother, I told you there's nothing to worry about."

The Fifth Elder laughed heartily, "Look, he's back, isn't he? Enough talk, I'll personally go and welcome him."


It was a false alarm after all.

The Fourth Elder let out a sigh of relief.

But everyone had overlooked one point: the disciple from the Hao Tian Clan said the Seventh Elder had returned, not that the Third and Seventh Elders had come back together...


Just as the Seventh Elder was standing up, a figure had already arrived outside the Sect Main Hall.

"Seventh Brother..."

"Seventh Bro."

The Fourth and Fifth Elders called out one after another.

"Seventh Brother, where's Third Brother?"

It was at this moment the Second Elder also asked.

The Fifth Elder, full of curiosity, questioned, "Yeah, where's Third Brother? Why did two go and only one return?"

"Second Brother, Fourth Brother, Fifth Brother..."

"Third Brother has been captured by Qin Xiao!"

The Seventh Elder, finally seeing his family, couldn't help but cry despite being well advanced in years and having seen much of life's hardships.

He was truly heartbroken.

"What? Third Brother, captured!"

The Second Elder was shocked, "The two of you together should have been able to retreat intact even when facing a level-95 Titled Douluo, how could someone leave Third Brother behind?"

His voice was filled with confusion and disbelief.

It just didn't make sense.

"Big Brother, don't disbelieve it. What if the other person's strength was above level 95?" the Seventh Elder asked with a tear-streaked face, "Could we still have gotten away?"


A Titled Douluo above level 95!

The three Elders were all shocked.

Keep in mind, not even their Hao Tian Clan had such a strong martial artist!

And seeing the seriousness of the Seventh Elder, it was clear he was not joking.

So, was that nameless nobody actually such a terrifying figure?

Afterward, the Second Elder asked seriously, "Seventh Brother, tell me exactly what happened!"

"Here's what happened..."

The Seventh Elder then recounted all his experiences since leaving the sect.

After listening to the Seventh Elder, the Second Elder, Fourth Elder, and Fifth Elder, all Titled Douluo-level experts, couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"What, the joke that's been going around Tiandou City... pah, the legend is true. Qin Xiao is that mysterious Titled Douluo-level expert!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They had completely treated the matter as a joke before.

"Titled Douluo!"

"Did he start cultivating from the moment he was in his mother's womb? How could someone so young become a Titled Douluo? When he was his age, I had just reached Soul Ancestor level!"

"Such talent and strength are monstrous. Even the Tang Sect outcast Tang Hao, known as the youngest Titled Douluo on Soul Land, pales in comparison to him. It's hard to imagine what level Qin Xiao will reach in the future!"


The three Elders were incredibly shocked.

They vented their emotions one after another.

Amazement, admiration...

A myriad of feelings, too many to count.


Are you guys serious?

The more the Seventh Elder heard, the more he felt something was off.

No matter how powerful this Qin Xiao is, isn't he still the enemy?

Third Brother is still suffering in his hands...

"Elders, are we discussing the issue of Qin Xiao's talent right now?"


""Shouldn't we consider Third Brother's situation? He's still in the hands of that detestable Qin Xiao."

Besides, having provoked such a powerful figure, what should our Hao Tian Clan do next? Should we put forth all our efforts to destroy him, or should we set aside past grievances to win him over?"

The seventh elder threw out several questions at once.

"Seventh Brother makes a good point."

"What Seventh Brother said is correct."

The fourth and fifth elders, trying to mask their embarrassment, echoed the seventh elder's words with dry vocabulary.

The second elder asked, "First tell us, what conditions did Qin Xiao lay out for releasing Third Brother?"

"Tang Hao!"

Without any hesitation, the seventh elder stated, "Qin Xiao said that he would only release Third Brother if we capture Tang Hao and bring him before Qin Xiao."

"Who? Tang Hao?"

"Is there any relationship between Qin Xiao and Tang Hao?"

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat.

They were already vaguely aware of the problem – it was all because of Tang Hao, the troublemaker.

"Please remove 'any' and 'is there' from that sentence."

"I can say with certainty that there's more than just a relationship between Qin Xiao and Tang Hao; it's a significant one," said the seventh elder.

His gaze swept across the faces of those present, "You could say that Qin Xiao's extermination of the Clan of Strength has a lot to do with Tang Hao. After all, not only was the Clan of Strength once a subsidiary of our Hao Tian Clan, but it also was Tang Hao's most loyal dog."

"Is that the real truth? The primary factor behind Qin Xiao's destruction of the Clan of Strength was due to Tang Hao?!"

Disbelief was etched onto everyone's faces.

Now that they thought about it, had they been unnecessarily worked up before?

"Indeed, after clearing up the sequence of events, I feel as though our Hao Tian Clan has been caught in an undeserved calamity. It's all Tang Hao's doing!" The seventh elder spoke with a face full of hatred, "It was him, that calamity-bringer, who provoked the Martial Soul Hall back in the day, causing our Hao Tian Clan to suffer an unprecedented blow. If it were not for our joint decision to close the sect and retreat in seclusion…"

"Just as our Hao Tian Clan was starting to recover, this wretch has gone and provoked such a formidable enemy..."

"I now seriously suspect that he harbors a grudge against our Hao Tian Clan."

With these words, consensus was immediately reached among the others.

"I think Seventh Brother makes sense; Tang Hao must be doing this as revenge against us," stated the fifth elder with conviction, inspired by the seventh elder.

"Younger brothers, hold your emotions in check and don't jump to conclusions so soon," said the second elder, seeing the two zealously carried away, and motioned them to keep quiet.

But the seventh elder was not having it, "Big Brother, what more is there to talk about? If we can capture Tang Hao, the truth will be clear."

"While you elders are arguing, I think we should consider how to save Third Brother..."

At this point, the fourth elder could no longer stand by and watch.

Third Brother...

Upon hearing the fourth elder's words, everyone fell silent.

It seemed that they could only exchange Tang Hao's life for Third Brother, right?

"Alright, then we will leave the sect with you to find Tang Hao."

"Right and wrong will be clear once we find Tang Hao," declared the second elder gravely. "If it's truly this youth stirring up trouble in the shadows, I will show no mercy!"


"Xiaosan, after crossing the Iron Chain Bridge up ahead, you will see the true entrance to the Hao Tian Clan," said Tang Hao while leading Tang San, who was soon to officially arrive at the entrance to the Hao Tian Clan.

What were insurmountable barriers for ordinary people were trivial for a Titled Douluo like Tang Hao.

On the other hand, Tang San in his arms was completely astounded.

'This place truly has something special, almost comparable to the forbidden areas in Tang Sect of my previous life.' Without realizing it, he had begun to change some of his former views.

The Hao Tian Clan indeed had its merits.

"Dad, let's go over now," said Tang San, suddenly curious to see what the entrance to the Hao Tian Clan so highly praised by Tang Hao was like.

"No problem, let's set off now..."

Tang Hao nodded vigorously, about to rely on Soul Power to make the crossing.

But, in the next moment, his expression became rigid.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Tang San asked anxiously.

Tang Hao spoke somberly, "It seems we can't enter now; there are powerful figures coming out from the Hao Tian Clan!"

"Powerful figures? How powerful?"

"Titled Douluo!"


Tang San took a sharp breath, gradually forgetting to breathe.

"Then why aren't we leaving?" he quickly asked.

There was an unavoidable touch of urgency in his voice.