

After rejecting Miran's proposal, Kimimela travels Mexico to celebrate with her family, she battles with her past and is unable to forget Miran. Book two of this book available, search I'M YOURS PARTLY, to understand better make sure you read part one. Don't forget to add to your library, Thanks for reading To contact me; IG: Skypearlie Facebook: Author skypearlie. Email: skypearliewrites@gmail.com

skypearlie · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


Kim stepped out of the house, Miran stood beside a Rolls-Royce Phantom. She chuckled at the sight of him. And of course, she rolled her eyes seeing the bodyguard also waiting for her. For a minute she could imagine herself as a fairytale princess.

"Goodness, Miran" she giggled, taking his hands. Isn't this too much," she blushed, covering her face.

She stepped out in a white bodyhug gown that exposed her beautiful shape and nice thighs, the sleeves were long-length, totally covering her. She matched with long red heels, and a red purse.

Kim parked her hair in a low bun, matching perfectly with the dress.

"You look beautiful," he caressed her waist gently, Kim's hands mantled his neck, and her eyes danced around him, like she searched for something.

"Thank you, and you…" she blinked and swallowed.

She stared at his outfit. He wore a long white single robe called a kandura or thawb and she looked up at his head, he wore a typical headscarf worn by men in Dubai, the ghutrah is also known by the name of keffiyeh and an Agal, also called iqal a black band secured tightly around the ghutrah to keep it in place.

"What Kim?" He asked, his face flushed with the way she stared at him. She loved it whenever he wore this traditional outfit.

"So good" she leaned for a kiss

"You're gonna ruin your lipstick," his hands brushed the side of her lips, a smug smile imprinted on her lips.

"Okay" she broke off his arms, helping herself into his car. Miran followed behind. "I have never been to your parents" she said, trying to change the mood.

Miran placed his hands on her thigh, she looked at him and they both stared at each other. "I know that" Kim narrowed her gaze to his hands and a lovely wicked smile graced her red lips, she took his hands off.

"Stop teasing me" she looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"Kim? I am not teasing you," he leaned closer, took her chin, and pecked her lips, ''I just don't want to ruin your lipstick," he smiled, looking into eyes.

"Don't tease me again huh? I just…" Her fingers grazed his lips, teasingly extending to the back of neck. "I… um" she swallowed. Miran smiled knowing exactly what she wanted to say.

"Why don't we keep what you have to say for later?" Miran pulled back, leaning against the leather seat. She quickly took out her phone, distracting herself.

In a few minutes, they arrived at a large Mansion. Kim looked through the window, she gasped slightly. They had a large colorful fountain and tall trees surrounding the mansion, giving it a unique taste. Looked to her like a palace.

"You grew up here?" She asked.

"No, I told you I didn't" He said, getting down from the car. "Thank you Tony, I would get her myself" she watched him turn the other way, opening the car door.

"Thank you, Baby" she took his hands, getting down. Miran took her purse, and held her hands. She smiled.

"Kim!" She heard a female voice call, she looked around, but found nobody, she looked at him and furrowed her brows.

The door opened and Kim's mouth nearly fell, this has got to be a palace she thought, stepping in

"Oh, my goodness, it's Kimimela!" Farah, Miran's mother said, she came down the long stairs, slowly. They both watched her take her majestic step.

"Isn't that stressful?" She whispered to Miran, he giggled

"She claims it's her exercise," he giggled louder, Kim rolled her eyes, smiling.

"Kimimela" Finally she had gotten down from the stairs, she came closer and took Kim's hand.

"Good… evening ma"

"Mother, call me mom" she said, smiling, Kim choked but swallowed it instantly, she looked at Miran and he could tell she wasn't comfortable.

"أمي ، أليس من السابق لأوانه؟ دعها تناديك بما تحب ، أنت تضغط عليها" he said

(Mom, let her call you whatever she wants, isn't it too early? You're pressing her).

Kim looked at him and back at her, she blinked and nodded, that was the least she could do, she didn't even understand a thing.

"حسنًا ، لقد طغت على نفسي "she smiled at Kim, staring into her eyes

(Fine, I am just overwhelmed)

"I… um, it's fine… anything is fine" Kim said, Farah let go of her hand. And headed to the spacious living room.

Kim tightened her lips, folding her hands together, she looked at Miran and he said a faint smile on.

"I didn't mess it up did I?" She asked.

"You're doing good," he said, caressing her hair backwards.

"Are you guys not coming in? I should ask Aisha to prepare the table," Kim froze, she blinked.

"It's not that one you know, it's her serving girl" He held her waist, helping her inside.

"You know, I have to learn your language" she uttered, Miran blushed, watching her leave his arms.

She looked around the house, and what a castle they had, the chandelier was made out of gold, and so many other gold filled the living room. She looked at the white leather sofa, all her life she had never seen a white sofa sparkle.

"I could teach you," he offered.

"Yeah, you're a great teacher after all" she gulped, staring at him. He smiled and licked his lips, reclining on the leather sofa.

"Kimimela? Do you like tea?" Farah asked, She narrowed her gaze to Miran.

"Take it" he whispered, she looked back at Farah.

"Yes, I love tea." She said, with a small smile. She didn't even know what kind of tea. She breathed slowly and shifted her gaze to Miran. "What?" A soft smile graced her lips, he remained silent and smiled at her.

Kim's smile disappeared, he looked ridiculously hot, she shrunk under his lustful penetrating gaze, and an indecent smile hauled his tantalizing lips. Her heart twitched and she looked away, but he didn't take his eyes off her. Kim inhaled with a smile, she looked back at him. He kept staring. She blushed in embarrassment.

"What is it, Miran?" She questioned, heat rose in her chest sharply.

"Here you go, Miss" the lady, Aisha said. Kim watched her drop it on a small table, she smiled at her. Miran hadn't said anything yet.

"Miran," she gulped with a light smile, his wanton smile intimidated her

"You look beautiful," he said, Kim smiled. She watched the lady pour the tea from the small jug into her teacup. "I mean without clothes," He added, Kim choked instantly, and she looked at the lady, whose hands slipped.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry… miss" she apologized, Kim nodded, she looked at Miran and he laughed.

"It's fine, thank you… you can go" she said, nodding and sending her away.

"That's the reaction I wanted" he said, Kim raised her brows at him.

"Are you insane?" She asked, His smile disappeared, "I'm sorry… but not in front of the lady!" She whispered.

"You're far from me, come closer" his voice turned cold and he opened his arms for her. "I should have whispered it if you were nearer" a small smile inched her lips, she got up and went closer to him, Miran wrapped his hands around her neck, and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry" his breath fanned her ears.

"I am not mad," she looked at him, his hands caressing her chin softly, he leaned closer to get a kiss but Kim looked away. "Your mom," she said, glancing around.

"She doesn't mind," He said in a calm voice, while he held her chin, she smiled, leaning closer, Kim looked away, hearing his mother's voice.

"Oh, Kimimela, I am so grateful for coming into Miran's life," Farah said, sitting closer to them.

"Sorry?" She asked with a smile. Miran sighed.

"Where's dad?" Miran asked, Farah looked around, and shrugged.

"He should be here any moment from now," she said. "We didn't know he was bringing you, he called, last moment, I was happy to know you're still in my boy's life, he really missed you," Miran smirked at her, and each time Kim looked at him, he smiled. "He came to me after you left him,"

"Really?" She asked, pretending to be shocked.

"That's not true," Miran defended.

"Come on, let's eat… his father will be here very soon," she helped Kim up. Kim quickly placed the tea on the small wooden table, following her.


Author's note: Don't forget to add this to your library, Leave a nice review if you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading ❤️