

London's Pov.......

I got a text from Aiden and it was the sweetest. We just got in and to say I'm exhausted is an understatement. I tapped my phone calling Aiden..... it rang and went to voicemail, and I sighed.

"Come on babe, pick up"...

I rang it again and after 3 rings he picked up.

Hi! I stated.

"Hey baby!", He said, "thought you forgot about me," he said with a raspy voice and I knew he was sleeping.

"I like your sleepy voice", I said and he chuckled, do you now? He asks and I smiled.

Flipping on my belly like a love-struck teenager, yes I said, and he chuckled.

"I liked your interview, it was honest and I think it's good that you're bringing awareness to cancer", he said and I sighed.

"Yeah, I guess. I miss you so much" I sighed into the phone when I heard a beeping noise. I looked at the phone realizing Aiden was video calling me.

I accepted and his face popped up as I started taking my clothes off. "How's work?"

"Ahh it's good, just tiring. Been doing a lot of hours and especially late nights."

I place the phone upright so he could see me, just to get him riled up. "L" I heard him say, and I smirked.

Yes.. I answered, turning around to face the phone as his jaw clenched and Adam's apple moved in his throat.

I pulled my clothes down slowly, tormenting him. After which I pulled it off my feet and was only in my mesh bra and underwear.

"Fuck!, that was so hot!".

I laughed and took the phone up. It was, wasn't it? I said as he chuckled, "you're such a tease", he stated.

"Why thank you very much", I said and he smirked. Just as I heard a knock by his door and I raised a brow at him.

"Who is it?", He asked...

"It's Jessie."

"I'm in the middle of something can I talk to you tomorrow?" he asked and she said no!

"Please Aiden it won't take long."

"Tell you what, you go ahead and deal with that and call me back ok? I said and he raised his brows at me.

"Are you sure?" he asks and I nod and say a yes. "L," he said, Aiden I respond.

"It's fine I said, call me back", I stated while he said an ok and I hang up.

Aiden video calling.......

"Thought you fell asleep", he said.

"I told you to call me back right?", I asked and he nods his head.

"True! So where were we?", He asked and I looked at him.

"Don't you think I deserve an explanation?", I asked and he gave me a tight-lipped smile, not saying anything.

"So what did she want?", I asked and he sighed, nothing he replied.

"She came to your door at 1 am and didn't want anything?".

"I know you're lying Aiden, but it's ok if you don't want to tell me", I stated. "Listen, I have a really early start and I told that little girl Bella I would look for her so I'll talk to you tomorrow ok", I said.

"L", don't hang up the phone! He said as I ended the call. I turned my phone off and went to bed.

I woke up and turned my phone on seeing missed calls from Aiden and messages. I wasn't in the mood so I place the phone on the table and took a shower. I got dressed in a white tank top with blush pink high-waisted pants and nude strapped heels and a nude jacket.

I took my phone up and headed out, I got in the car and Scott's name appeared on the screen.... "didn't you hear?" He asked as I answered.

"Hear what?"

"Bella died this morning at about 4 am."

I was in total shock, I felt numb. "London!" I heard Scott say but the phone fell out of my hand and I cried. No! I said in a whisper, I place my head in my hands and cried.

The phone kept ringing but I didn't care. I just cried. The driver rolled the partition down, "Are you ok Ms. kings?" he asked and I nod saying a yes. I don't think you should go to the hospital in this state said the driver.

My phone rang again and I saw Aiden's name on it.

Aiden's Pov.....

I called "L" so many times I lost count. I knew she was mad at me but I didn't want to tell her that Jessie basically came into my room naked.

I woke up early so that I could try calling her again and went downstairs. Selena and Ashley were watching the news, hey! I said and they both shushed me.

"What's so important?"

"The girl that London Kings went to visit at the hospital she died.... it's headline news as people are sending rip to the family and posts to London".

Shit! I yelled and ran up the stair to my room as I rang "L's" phone. Please let her answer.

I kept calling but nothing. Oh god please let her be ok.

I rang again and this time it answered.

"She's dead Aiden", I heard her cry and my heart sunk.

"Shhh I know baby...I'm so sorry."

"She died and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, it's not fair! she's was so young".... as she kept crying...

"L", baby listen to me, just breathe ok!"

Ok! she said as she gasped for air. "Where are you?", I asked.

"In the car going to the hospital".... she replied.

"No baby I don't think you should go to the hospital, at least not right now ok? Do you want me to come?" I asked.

"No! she said, don't you have work?"

I sighed, "don't worry about that I'll come if you want me to." The phone went silent, then she said "no I'm fine, I'll be fine but thank you. I'll call you back in a minute", she said and hang up.

I started packing my bags throwing random stuff in as I tried booking the quickest flight to Paris.

I know she's strong but I don't care I wanted to be there for my girl, I wanted her to know that she means the world to me and no matter where she was in this world I'll find her and make sure she's safe.

I went downstairs and told the guys I'll be gone for a few days for the movie and they all took my lie easily since I was doing a movie. Great no explanation!

I got on the flight and hope to God I'll be able to surprise London. I arrived the next day as I put work on hold for a few days.

"L" calling....


"Hey, I've been calling you. Where were you?", She asked.

"On a plane."

What? She said.

"Open your door."

She opened the door and jumped in my arms. "I told you I'm fine", she said.

"I don't care I wanted to be there for you, so here I am", I said and she crushed her lips onto mine. I pushed the door open and got inside.

"Thank you," she said in between kisses and I chuckled, "You're welcome". I lift her up as her legs went around my waist and I buried my face in her hair.

"I missed you so much", I said as it came out muffled, I inhaled her smell as I hugged her so tight.

"I missed you too", she said as I kissed her again.

"I'm so sorry about Bella", I said as I placed her on the bed and told her to give me one minute, and went to the bathroom to run her a bath.

Upon entering the room I realized she fell asleep, I looked at her and her eyes were puffy and her cheeks had tears stained on them.

"Baby! I whispered and she rubbed her eyes, how about you take a bath first and I'll put you to bed?", I asked and she nods. I lift her up take her clothes off, place her in the tub and washed her body gently. Every part of my body ached for her as she kept making little moans as the water hit her body, but I had to control myself I can't be thinking about sex at this moment.

She stood up and I wrapped the towel around her body and took her to bed. I placed her on the bed gently as I pull the sheets over her and slid in the bed beside her. She turned to me and kissed my lips, "thank you", and I smiled. "I'll do anything for you "L," I said and she smiled, always! she whispered as she fell asleep.

I woke up and ordered breakfast for both of us. She walked out and smiled as she hugged me, "good morning", she said not letting go.

"Are you going to let go?" I asked and she muffled a "no" as I took the opportunity to sniff her hair. She looked up at me with a smile and all I wanted to do was kiss her as if my life depended on it. I placed her on the counter and went between her legs, I gently run my lips against her as she pulled me in deepening the kiss. She moaned into my mouth and I growled as my hand cupped her breast as she moaned my name, I ripped her top off and saw that she was in a laced bra and I instantly got hard beneath her. I place my mouth on the top of her breast sucking it, leaving a red mark. I lift her off the counter as I took her to the table. "Let's have breakfast", I said and she nodded.

Her phone went off and I saw Scott pop up, our eyes met briefly and she answered.

"Hey! What's up?" She said, I couldn't hear his end of the conversation but knew what he was saying based on her response.

"Scott I'm ok, don't worry about it!"

"No! She yelled ahhh I mean don't come up I'm ok, I'm not in the mood to see anyone right now ok!" Ok I'll talk to you later, hey thanks for calling, appreciate it!" she said eyeing me.

She continued eating not making eye contact. I didn't wanna fight with her at a time like this so I ignored it.

"So what are we gonna do today?", I asked her and she smiled. "I'm gonna show you Paris, she runs back to the room and laughed. "I have the best idea", she stated.

An hour later there was a makeup artist changing her looks and hair color in a shorter style than her natural hair and she did look different.

I also got a few changing features and then we went to get dressed.