
3.1. Second Chance

"We have 24 groups remaining in the dungeon," Jonnathan reported after a quick call with the resolution crew at the terminal end.

"They're finishing it up quite quick," Aaron said.

"There's yet to be a single incident so far, which is great. The SOS beacon was set off at least five times last year– if I recall correctly."

Saying so, Jonnathan made himself at home on the broken couch. He was the emergency rescue crew leader for this year's examination; an instructor for first class students, though not directly in charge of the hero's class.

Jonnathan was a beastkin, a rarity among the population. Fur could be seen sparsely along his lean arms and legs, a powerful tail and jagged wolf-like ears added to his regal features. Despite so, many people who knew him would say that he was quite the friendly and easygoing chap.

"As long as there are students that remain, we have to remain vigilant, especially the hero's group. I don't know what kind of mess they're in now," Aaron said.

Jonnathan was in charge of managing the command line, while Aaron played a part in the main rescue team. Such was the arrangement as it would be a waste to not put an ex SS-rank mercenary to good use. That aside, Aaron hadn't any chance to make his move yet.

Of course, there were many other members in this rescue team beside the two. Judy, notably, being among one of them.

This crew had their main base camp set up inside one of the dungeon nodes, somewhere around the one third mark. There was also another smaller crew nearer to the termination point, their focus being on teams that were closer to the finish line.

"Ah yes, there's no argument about that. It is a mystery don't you agree? How some people are natural magnets for disaster," Jonnathan laughed.

Aaron shifted his gaze to the entrance of the tent.

"Anything interesting to report?" Judy peeked in.

"No. Is the teams ready to move out now?" Aaron replied.

"Yes. Just.. hopefully they don't get themselves into trouble."

Schwii had to go through two relay points to transmit the message that the hero's party had entered a off-map zone. First relay point between herself and Sequencee, then from her to the crew through a communication device in the office where Sir Grian was.

Aaron found it odd how someone like Schwii knew about the matter. The explaination given was that she and Sequencee had a matching communication pendent.

As expensive as it was to manufacture a communication crystal, it was even rarer for something like a communication pendent to appear in the market due to its size. And even if a pair was found, the likelihood of both having the same resonance frequency was even slimmer. The most one could ask for was a communication plate, and that itself was the size of a small mirror.

The only other person he knew who once had such a device was Anna. It was possible that Schwii had connections to her, hence why she had a pendant connected to Sequencee's.

"Oh brother, we'll pray for their safety," Jonnathan tilted his body back and stared at the interior edifice of the tent.

As if to smear mud on his words, a loud siren rang out as the maddening lights of warning bells painted everything in red.

Aaron's eyes darted towards the table map device. The signal came from an uncharted location outside the boundary of the typical routes.

"Those kids really just don't listen don't they.." Aaron gritted his teeth and picked up his sword.

"Oh man, how many times does it make it already.. just when I thought we'd finally get a year of no work," Jonnathan sighed. "Aaron, go quickly."

"Understood. Judy, rally up everyone quickly. I'll clear a path."


Aaron took off from the tent and with an explosive step, bolted down the dungeon halls. Strong current gushing behind his leaving momentum as he disappeared into the dark.


Sequencee opened his eyes once more.

He stared at the ceiling of the cavern, noticint the small glowing crystals embedded in the rock. Glimmering stalactites with beads of water dripping ever so slowly, the sounds of falling water echoed; the intermittent crumbling of rocks and splashing that came in reaction.

His brown hair remained slightly damp from the moisture, he could feel the weight of his still-wet clothes sticking to his skin.

Lifting his head up a little, he noticed a curtain of dark red hair blocking his view. A pair of indifferent silver eyes looked down upon him.


"You're awake, Your Highness. How are you feeling?"


She was giving him a lap pillow.

Sequencee got up silently and sat beside her. Iona had no reservations, saying nothing. The pain of regeneration which had shocked him into a short concussion had disappeared completely. Though, that didn't mean his body was entirely well.

"How long have I been out?" he said, staring at the ground.

"Less than an hour. The rescue crew should be on their way."

".. huh.."

Iona had definitely used something to support Sequencee's recovery. It would've been impossible for him to recover to his current state is such a short time otherwise.

Sequencee looked towards the bridge– the midpoint completely wrecked. He turned to the entrance– a hundred meter diameter deep crater vitrified into crystal due to the heat and pressure generated from the impact. It went against all senses.

– His survival made no sense.


"Yes, Your Highness."

"Die for me."

An obelisk shot up where Iona sat. And to his expectations, she disappeared before it had the chance to even touch her.

"Your Highness, please calm down," she reappeared in front of him.

"I am really calm."

He forced himself to create two tears in space, further straining his mana pool. Masking the location using [Illusion Magic: Universal Haze] he hoped that she would walk right up to it and sever her torso into two. Concurrently, a field of obelisks launched off the ground to skewer her alive.

Iona had predicted his spells in advance. While the illusion did mask all presence, the short gap of time between manifestation of the spatial tear and the disappearance of all it's traces had allowed her to grasp the location of the spell.

Sequencee slammed his fist to the ground. A giant hand grew from the rocks and tried to grab Iona. She slipped out of the way– just to end up in his kill zone. He activated his ice trap at once.

"Your Highness."

Except that it didn't hit anything.

Iona hugged him from behind, her head pressed against his shoulder. The fragrance of her hair, like blood-red roses blooming in the field.

The crudely thought out spell combo Sequencee tried on Iona had absolutely no effect. He knew from all the past battles he had with Iona that winning against her was impossible in a fair fight. Even so, he kept telling himself that she would show an opening eventually–

And it appeared, the opportunity he was looking for. She was showing him a gap; the perfect opportunity to kill her in this moment.

"Your Highness."

But right at the last second, his mana clogged up. Deep emotions crashed ashore.

"Open your eyes."

He expected Iona to kill him– he hoped he died. Being killed by a demon general here– it was at least much better than dying a pitiful death.

"You still have so much to live for."

He reasoned at least that he'd be able to go to the afterlife knowing that he had tried–


Water welled up in his eyes, his hand formed into a fist,

'Why.. kill me already..'

He choked on his tears as a deep pain ran through his heart.

'.. this good for nothing asshole who wants nothing but to kill..'

He gripped his chest with his hand, thinking to commit suicide– Iona gently placed her's over his.


He loosened his grip. A tear slid down his cheeks.

She held him tight, transmitting her worries and ernest fears through the contact of their body, as if he were her own.

Tears continued to fall as something new began to take form in the empty void inside his heart.

Revenge? Kill his father? Destroy the entire demon civilization?

What was the result of this wish?


He had died.

Died because of? His maniacal ideals.

But Iona gave him a second chance.

"Iona. What should I.." Sequence croaked.

He didn't know what else he had left.

"What do you think you wish to do, Your Highness?" Iona replied.

He had a new lease in life, a new beginning. He could choose to paint his canvas anew, aware that if he didn't put down his first stroke now, he'll return to how he was before this–

This was the turning point he had to grasp.

"I don't.."

Iona moved her hand and pointed at his heart.

"You do. In here."


"Schwii is concerned about you, Your Highness," Iona snuggled up to him.

Sequence closed his eyes and rested his body against Iona sitting behind.

'I see..'

Crackle. Crackle. Sizzle.


"Last round! FIRE!!"


Fragments of crystal scattered into the surroundings.

The rescue team rushed into the cavern at once, raising their vigilance should there be enemies around– no. The leviathan had gone, left was a maid holding someone in her embrace.

For Aaron, Judy and the rest of the rescue team, the grand scene of destruction took their breath away. The crumbling bridge and vitrified craters on the ground; giant earth and ice formations in bits and pieces.




For Evelyn, Risa and Shiro, it was the shrunken figure in Iona's arm. Her typically well-kempt dark red hair showed traces of struggle.

"Thank you," breaking the ice was the young beastkin Linzy, showing an exaggerated smile

"It's my duty," Iona replied indifferently.

And after a beat of deafening silence.

Sequencee tapped on Iona's finger. With a nod, she stood up, turned around and bowed. Following that, Sequenccee also got up, albeit having staggered a little.

With a downcast gaze he made his way towards the rescue team. An unknown tension fixed them in place.

"Sequencee, I'm sorry. I should've listen I.." Shiro tried to say.

"I'm sorry," Risa merely lowered her head.

"Sequencee, I.." Evelyn reached out..

"Aaron, does this mean we've failed the examination?" Sequencee asked in a calm tone.

"To begin with, the examination is above the typical standards, so we have a minimum passing criteria in place. However, violating the rules.. whether or not you'll pass will depend on the examination committee. I'm sorry," Aaron snuck a glance at Iona.

"Do we proceed to the exit or are we to forfeit now?"


Aaron didn't know how to reply. He expected Sequencee to be in a life threatening situation, signing off the examination for the hero's group on the excuse of emergency. That would've been the case if not for the fact that Sequencee was still alive. Though, his bloody-ripped clothes showed clear signs of heavy injury.

"Sequencee, let me check on your injuries–" Evelyn stepped forward, wanting to do a quick assessment on his condition.

"Evelyn, I'm fine."

"Take off your clothes."

"I'm fine."

"Take off your clothes! Shut up and let me do what I need to! Why are you so stubborn! Do you know how scared I was?!" She shouted with trembling tears in her eyes.


"Your Highness, listen to him," Aaron tried to hold her back.

"Shut up! Don't tell me what to do!" Evelyn reached out to grab his shirt when he grabbed her wrist first.

"Evelyn. It's not your fault. It's no ones fault. This should be expected when we explore a new region, we took this upon ourselves."

She threw her staff away and pulled him in tight. Pressing her head into his shoulder, she began to sob.