

Leticia's mind went blank. She struggled to form reason as a random statement spewed from her mouth, wishing that he would be persuaded by her.

"Sequencee.. why are you.. so adamant about becoming the hero's companion? Can't you.. kill The Sovereign by yourself someday?"


'Why do I need to become the hero's companion?'

With Sequencee's strength, if he really trained, he could become a force to be reckoned with.

So what's the need for the hero?

Some would say their unrelenting will is the reason behind their strength. Others would praise their deep profound knowledge of the world– their unique perspective, their ability to bear through hardships, their overpowered system functions, skills–

Sequencee believed that it was none of those. All of those came before this one key ingredient: fate. Nothing can compare to having 'fate' by your side. The guidance of the Goddess of Creation, Ra who was believed to have blessed the hero before sending her off into adventure is the reason why Sequencee needed to become the hero's companion to achieve his goal.

'It's as Nearl herself said. No matter the skill or strength, achieving something so bold as killing The Sovereign Demon requires that little bit of luck– the guidance of fate.'

"Leticia. This is just my selfish wish. I won't be persuaded."

'At the end of this mess, once the hero kills my father I'll..'

"So if you want, you should take their offer. You should go to the training ground now before the 20-minute time limit is up," Sequencee said coldly.

Leticia lowered her head, her fist clenched till her knuckles became white.



Leticia knew very well what her goal was.

As someone who lost her family, was ostracized by her step-father, and sold into slavery by her step-sister..

She wanted strength to reconcile with the past.

So the choice was easy, take the offer and leave Sequencee be.

If she went to Rika's Nation and took the appraisal, there was no guarantee she would be able to enter Riestallia Academy.

'No.. it's not that..'

If only Sequencee wasn't so obstinate in his decision, Leticia would've given her all to earn the second seat into Eluive Academy. Her against the rest of the students in this home? Piece of cake.

So it wasn't about Nearl's offer.

This meant that her reluctance stemmed from her self-doubt, and..

Her wish to continue to be by his side.

Realizing what it was, the seedling sprouting inside her heart quivered.

'Ah.. it really is just that.. isn't it?'

Take the easy path and accept the scholarship to go to Eluive's Academy for Heroes, or face her inferiority and take the uncharted path with Sequencee?

The answer? It's clear now.

"Then I won't.. go.."


"I'm following you."

Leticia stated her resolve. That quiet seedling inside of her waiting to bloom into a beautiful flower– and to do that she needed nourishment.

She needed him.. no, she wanted him.

'That's right..'

She can't deny the truth any longer.


"So that's the decision you came to?"

"He can't be persuaded, so I can't either," Leticia replied with her eyes lowered.

Titania picked up the cup of tea and took a sip. A bitter, earthy taste that can't hope to compare with the high-quality leaves found in the Elven Kingdom Eluive. Nevertheless, it was a good attempt.

Elves and humans had been categorised under the 'human race' since ancient times. And though some racial connotations may be interpreted from that, it was an indisputable fact that elves and humans relied on each other to survive.

Humans and elves were one and the same, copulation between the two races was possible. Though their lifespan may be severely dissimilar, the mixing of blood between the two races created a new sub-race.


The mingling of the two races came to a point where some half-elves became indistinguishable from normal humans. These half-elves lack distinct pointy ears, making it easy for them to be mistaken for humans. They would sometimes surprise their companions who wither over time as they remain indefinitely youthful.

Leticia was a half-elf. Though her ears may be rounded, the slightly sharper tip upon closer inspection would've warranted suspicion.

"So your plan is to take the appraisal for Riestallia Academy?"

"Yes, that is our intention."

"If things go awry, we don't mind opening another two slots in our school."


"Leticia and Sequencee. I'll put in a word to the board of directors. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you lack the resources to pay for the fee, you may approach the staff at Eluive Academy to try for a scholarship."

Titania's statement baffled her. If there was an appraisal happening at Riestallia, why wouldn't there be one at Eluive too, right? With this, they'd have a safety net to fall back on if they don't make it.

"T-Thank you very much Your Highness. I will forever remember your grace.."

Leticia bowed.

Titania smiled wryly.

"It's my duty to help those seeking to aid the human race."


"Holy mother of… wow!

"Yeah! Onwards to Eluive!"

"This can't be real.. I must be dreaming.."


"The carriage! It's so beautiful!"


The four people chosen to attend Eluive Prestigious Academy for Heroes were Dylan, Lockner, Carl and Leena. As soon as the test ended, these four went to pack up their bags to set off at the arrival of their transport.

And said transport made for quite an entrance.

"Your Highness, we have arrived."

"Good work, you have done well."

Knights formed a line and saluted Titania. On the street just outside Mane's Home for Disaster Children were rows of fine carriages. Patina could be seen over the green metal used in the construction of the frame, ivory walls carved with arabesque patterns depicting ivy flowers and sturdy wooden doors with twisty handles made of gold.

Butlers and maids stood at the entrance of each carriage, one of which was going to accommodate the four scholarship students.

"Congratulations Dylan," Leticia congratulated.

"Good job," Sequencee patted his shoulders.

"Thanks Sequencee, Leticia.. I can't believe it.. I'm actually going to Eluive Academy.."

Tears of joy could be seen in his eyes, like a girl who'd just received flowers from her boyfriend for the first time.

"I'm going to miss you a bunch."


He wrapped his arms around Sequencee and smeared his tears over his clothes.

"Dylan, come on!"

"Can't keep waiting for ya!"

"Alright, alright.. take care Sequencee, Leticia."

"You too, take care."

Dylan picked up his luggage and then went around saying his goodbyes before catching up with the other four students at the carriage back bonnet. It was a unified mess of feelings. Euphoria, joy, sadness, disappointment, sorrow. Those that participated but didn't qualify grovelled in the pain of loss. Even those that celebrated the victors were struggling to keep their tears in check.

"We'll proceed to the Earl's manor, yes?" Titania confirmed with one of the butlers.

"Yes. I shall inform the others." The butler bowed.

Titania turned to the rest.

"To all my dear children, please don't be disheartened. Let the fire of failure burn within you and use these flames as motivation to drive yourselves forward. Failure is a gain, not a loss. Use this opportunity wisely, and I hope to hear your stories of adventure one day. Till we meet again."

The students broke into cheers, cries and screams.

Titania smiled wryly as she entered the carriage. The four chosen students nervously followed the maids' guidance as they made their way into the one at the back.

The knights moved into position, and the carriages alighted.

A heavy mood suffused the home. The teachers came to console those that were bawling while Director Mane began his motivational talk to raise their spirits. It was fortunate that they only limited the crowd to those that were 17 years old. If all students joined regardless of age, it would've been utter chaos.

"Well, how do you feel about it?" Sequencee asked.

"Somewhat sad but.." Leticia turned to the road.

'It would've been worse if I lost you instead.'

"Sad but?"

"But I think it's better to go to Riestallia Academy. I want to see the hero too," Leticia said with a bright smile.

Sequencee, oblivious to the thoughts in her heart, responded with a nod.