
1.17. Riestallia Academy

"Excuse me, do you know where I can get directions to Riestallia Academy?" Sequencee asked the clerk.

Last time it was Leitcia, so Sequencee thought he should take the lead this time around.

"Are you going for the try-outs? Let's see.. would you be interested in buying a map?"

"A map? How much would that cost?"

"Around 100G."

'Kinda feels like I'm being ripped off. I don't have good experiences with maps.'

"No, it's alright. Could you just point in the general direction where the Academy is located?"

"Too bad. Alright then. It's located in the innermost region of the city, closer to the Black Ravine."

Unlike Equestria Empire, there is no such thing as a 'nobles only' district. And it was questionable if there was a place for royalty. Hero Rika herself took up the responsibility to lead the academy, and so for convenience, she had built her home near the school– which is really just the pagoda in the center of the city.

Of course, it wasn't like Riestallia Academy was the only academy available in Rika Nation. Academies like Covenants Academy and Wilson's Mercenary Academy were there to take advantage of the students that were unable to enroll into Riestallia with their lower rates and marketing message saying: we're your second line of hope.

"Just so you know, although there is nothing like divisions or boundaries, the mass buying of homes half a centuries ago has created something like an invisible border between noble districts and commoner homes. I highly recommend you get the maps just as many of our clients have. I wouldn't want you and your party to get lost by meeting some dead end, causing you to be late for the try-outs."

'True.. wow, he's a glib salesperson alright.'

"Do you know when the try-out is going to begin?"

"Should be this week. I know another client staying here is also gunning for it, but it doesn't seem like the person is here at the moment."

"Okay.. right. I'll buy the map then."

"Thank you for the patronage!"

'Sales isn't just about the item.. the person selling it is equally important.'


"The streets have such a weird design. It's so eerie. How much did it cost to build this?" Lilian asked in awe.

Asphalt streets sandwiched in between two pedestrian walks. There were trash bins, irrigation systems, benches, light poles, shrubs and trees that were included as part of the construction. It created this inordinate fusion of modern design with the 1970's beginning of the industrial age with medieval fantasy elements.

It was a pleasing mess– which made for this unique city.

"Is it just me or do the shops here open darned early?" Ro said.

He could see some of the places already lit. The apothecary store, ateliers, bookshop– those kinds of things.

"Oddly enough, the streets are still quite empty," Sequencee was really feeling the culture shock of this place.

"Sequencee, where do we go after reaching the roundabout?" Leticia interjected.

"Ah that. We make a left turn, and there should be a sign there that says Achoo Road."

"Achoo as in sneezing?" Lilian leaned in to see the map Sequencee was holding.

'It's not just the roads. There are a lot of weird naming regions here..'

Bach's District, Michelangelo's district, Einstein's district, Darwin's District..

Sequencee would've thought that it was fake if the clerk didn't explain how the hero had quite the– let just say she was quite the eccentric person.

It was an hour walk from the inn to the academy gates.

'Wow.. I'm so glad I bought the map.'

They finally arrived at the outer perimeter of Riestallia Academy. High walls made from cement, alabaster and black iron twisted into beautiful artistry, a lush forest could be seen just beyond.

Further in, resided the salient pagoda which could be seen even from the outside. And as the sun crested just above the mountains, it created light rays which further spotlighted the silhouette of this amazing palace.

"The entrance should be around here." Sequencee said, looking up from the map.

Something like an open hole had been blown into the high walls, an influx of people entering, carriages lined the streets with noble insignias etched onto the doors.

Most of the people entering, presumably students, wore similar uniforms.

"Do we just enter?" Lilian asked nervously.

"Maybe we should ask a student?" Sequencee said.

"How do we know who to ask? I don't know if.. it's a good idea to provoke nobles.." Ro hesitated.

While they were having a mini dilemma, Leticia simply walked right to one of the smaller students and asked her a question.

She had a small lissom body, her hair tied into a ponytail with a red ribbon and eyes were of the same shade, platinum blonde. The matching colours brought out an ethereal charm to her looks, but it wasn't to the point where it deterred people away. Rather, her appearance would garner the goodwill of many.

"Um, pardon me, my name is Leticia. May I ask a few questions regarding this academy?"

"A-Ah yes. Sure.. are you here for the try-outs?"

"Yes. I hear that there's an appraisal scholarship available for those that meet a certain criteria. Is it alright to ask for more information regarding that?"

"Um. The appraisal is open for 4 days, and it began two days ago, I think? So there are 2 days left. Each day only 200 participants are offered, eight hundred in total over the entire session. You better be quick to take a spot if you want to stand a chance."

'What? So it's begun already?'

"So where does it happen? Are we allowed to go in?"

"Yup. You can just go in. Do you need a guide?"

"If you would, please." Leticia bowed.

"Okay. Follow me."

And with that, the four of them followed the student into campus grounds.

A wide alameda which led towards a large white building with columns of pillars and gold embellishments decorating the appearance; the pagoda behind peeking from just above the edifice of the roof.

"This is called the Sage's Hall building. The gathering point is inside."

"Thank you… oh right. I haven't gotten your name yet. Pardon me for that," Leticia said.

"It's no biggie. My name is Lottie, I'm in my second year alchemy course."

'Is she a noble?'

Leticia didn't dare ask. Whatever it was, she was glad Lottie was willing to guide them through the process but..

Leticia turned around to see Sequencee, Lilian and Ro following her.

'.. Is everyone ready?'

They only planned to gather information before actually participating in the appraisal. She didn't think it would already be underway.. and there were only two days left.




Leticia was dumbfounded. Lottie just branched off from the path to approach a friend of her's. They chatted as if they had just reunited after a long time apart. Lottie, of course, didn't forget Leticia's presence.

"Who is that?" the person named Elaine asked.

"They're students who want to partake in the try-out. I'm just helping out."

"I see. Hello, welcome to Riestallia Academy, a place where people like me come to die," Elaine greeted Leticia with a smile.


"Ah.. don't listen to her. She exaggerates things too much," Lottie followed up with a slack expression.

"Hmph. That's what you've got to say after coming back from the holidays?"



'Wow.. what a deep friendship.'

Leticia felt a little jealous.

"Elaine, do you know where the try-out is happening? Is it at the Sage's Hall?" Lottie asked.

"Yup. Let's go.." Elaine nodded wildly.

They look like normal people on the outside but..

'These people are probably elites.'

The Sage's Hall Building. It was a fancy name coined by Hero Rika to describe the structure which houses this prodigious field of marble and granite. Surrounded by colonnades in all four cardinal directions, pyrite crystals could be seen growing on the surface.

The ceiling was glass, had beams cross over in diamond patterns which allowed light to shine down from above. A geometrical space which felt more like a mega-sized cavern if anything, even the ground seemed to glow slightly.

There were at least a thousand chairs which covered half the flat field, and about half were already filled.

Lilian and Ro were too stunned to speak. Leticia and Sequencee on the other hand merely admired the place internally.

"The try out will start later at 7:30, I think? So find a seat and wait." Elaine said.

"Is there anything else we need to know?" Leticia asked.

"Nope. Just do your best. Not even we know how they plan to choose the candidates."

"I see.."

"Elaine, I'll go put my stuff in my dorm. See you there," Lottie said and then headed off.

"Heh? What? You're going to leave me here.. haah.. that's just how she is, don't mind it. I won't be accompanying you either so I wish you good luck."

"Yes, thank you."

Saying so, Elaine chased after Lottie.

They watched as they disappeared past a corner.


"What now?" Sequencee asked.

"Ro, Lilian, are you ready to take the try out today?" Leticia turned to the two.

"Today? We.." Lilian stuttered.

"If we miss today, we still have tomorrow but.. we don't know how big of a crowd it would be on the last day.." Ro, who had heard Lottie's explanation by chance earlier, was in dilemma.

They weren't prepared. Not in the slightest.

"I don't know.." Lilian gripped the hem of her dress and trembled.

"Sequencee, what do you think?" Leitcia wanted his input.

"I think we should just do it today. As Ro said, we don't know what would happen tomorrow. Moreover, since we're here, we should just get it over with. I don't know about you, but I'm taking today's appraisal."

"If you say that, then I'm doing it too," Leticia said.

"Fine, just get it over with ha.." Ro sighed.

"Erm.." Lilian had no choice but to follow the majority.

The four of them found their seats and waited.

A staff member came up to them and placed a gold cloth on top of the chair to mark that the seat had been taken. They were also asked to show their hands. It was to check for the possibility of anyone taking the test a second time. Those that have failed will have a mark on their hands.

Many people here were like themselves, thought they looked like they had been better dressed. Compared to the Luddite-style clothes they were wearing, the others gave off an intimidating air of superiority. Of course, it wasn't that they did it on purpose.

More and more participants entered. The hall of a thousand chairs had been filled up completely. More had to be brought out by the staff.

"This is ludicrous.." Ro commented.

"Uh.. I think I need to use the washroom," Lilian said embarrassingly.

"Um, Sequencee, can you hold our seats down for us." Leticia said.

"Got it."

"I kinda need to go too, well, later then," Ro mumbled.

Half an hour passed.

There were over a thousand five hundred participants by this point. As age wasn't a limiting factor, there were plenty of adults and mercenaries taking part in it too. It created a diverse group.

Then someone came onto the stage.

A man with willowy gray hair, lanky body and a gentle look.

He gave one sweep of a gaze to the crowd.

He stepped up to the podium.

Holding the amplification device, he began.