
I'm The Only One With Cancer

Earth, 22nd Century The incurable cancer that served as a nightmare for people one century ago is now just a rare but curable disease. With the world’s development, there are now cures for all types of cancer. The Earth is now a planet with no more people suffering from cancer. Except for Zen. Diagnosed with a mutated cancer that was the only one of its kind at an early age, he sank in despair. That was until an opportunity which turned his curse into a blessing presented itself. What power would Zen gain from the disease that plagued him since his childhood? *** The art is not mine, all credits to the original artist.

CheekyForehead · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
139 Chs

Danger IV

"What!? The missile didn't hit its intended target!? Stupid, how stupid can you be!?"

In an office, a middle-aged man shouted while holding a telephone.

[S-sir, please forgive us but the other side seems to have an exceptional pilot…] The person on the other side of the telephone replied nervously.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear any excuses!"

The middle-aged man breathed heavily in an attempt to calm himself down. Then after a while, he spoke again.

"You know what… send another one."

[Another what sir?]

"How stupid can you be!? Launch another missile!"

[But sir, the pressure from the surrounding countries will increase!]

"I don't care! You don't know Ren and Rina's capabilities! We can't let them be acquired by another power! Just do what I say!" The middle-aged man shouted at the top of his voice before hanging up.

"Arghh! Fucking Ren! His nickname should've been cockroach!"

The middle-aged man shouted angrily.

Fortunately, the office he was in was soundproof so nobody heard his shouts.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

In anger, the middle-aged man picked up and shouted, "Don't tell me that it didn't work agai—!"

[Mr, President.]

"Oh, it's you secretary Jones! Why did you call?" The middle-aged man, or rather, the president who should've been dead, answered.

[Other nations are sending invitations for a meeting with you.]

"Oh, news really does travel fast, huh. Alright, tell them that I'll be there."

After hanging up, the president picked up his coat from the stand and exited the office.


2,000 feet

"Shit, We're out of gas. I didn't notice earlier because of all the pressure, but now, it seems that we barely have enough left. I'm not sure if we can reach the island…" Sophie didn't continue what she was about to say.

Originally, she and her colleagues made sure that the fuel tank of the aircraft was fully filled. Just so they could be sure to be ready if a problem occurred on the way.

However, there were times where no matter how much you prepare, it will never be enough for the problem that's about to come. They didn't expect such a fast reaction from the government, not to mention the fact that they sent a missile after them.

Due to the situation, she also had to fly the aircraft in the stratosphere which consumed more fuel.

Just the fact that they had survived was enough to be glad about.

Ren, who was just relieved that they have gotten through a dangerous situation, now became depressed again.

"Miss Sophie, let's just fly the aircraft as fast as possible and hope that the momentum will carry us on the island." Ren said after a while. He knew that this plan wasn't feasible, but he was at a dead end once again.

Sophie and Rina were both shocked, but they also knew that they didn't have any choice left.

Zen and Sera also kept quiet.

'Ugh, I've hit so many dead ends today. Am I getting too old?' Ren thought wryly.

1,500 feet

1,000 feet

At the 900th feet, they were now a few miles away from the island.

However, they were also close to exhausting the remaining bit of fuel in the aircraft.

Soon enough, they started dropping off the air.

700th feet

600th feet

At the 500th feet, they were still around 4 miles away from the island.

"We won't make it." Ren said as he made a rough calculation of the speed they were falling and their distance from the island.

At this moment, Zen, who was holding Sera suddenly cursed loudly, "Shit!" Then, he quickly hurried over to Rina, who didn't have time to react, grabbed her and went towards Ren and Sophie.

Zen felt goosebumps again, and this time, it's much more intense than the one he felt earlier.

Everyone in the cockpit was shocked at his actions. They could also notice the panic written over his face.

Ren asked worriedly, "Son, what happened."

Zen replied, "We have no time. I need you all to trust me!"

Following that, he hugged and carried all four of them.

"Close your eyes and cover your ears!" Zen said urgently.

Then, he broke the windshield of the aircraft with a kick, before stepping outside on the nose of the aircraft.

Through the precise control he gained from having the legendary skill, [Adaptive Combat Technique], Zen made it so that the force of his kick will make the shards of the wind shield fly outward in order to prevent any shards from injuring them.

Zen felt like worms were crawling underneath his skin. He looked behind him and saw a missile a few miles away through his eyesight that was enhanced by his Constitution.

'Ahhh, shit.' Zen thought before preparing to jump with all he had.

Rina, Sera and Ren all had absolute trust in Zen, they also knew about the power that he gained from the game. Although they were still worried, since Zen asked for them to trust them, then it was what they would do.

Sophie on the other hand, squirmed slightly as she felt the wind. Coupled with the sound of the glass breaking earlier, she felt nervous as she imagined various scenarios in her head.

"Keep your eyes closed and your ears covered. Don't open them unless I tell you so." Zen reminded the four people in his embrace before lowering his back. His calm voice soothed Sophie who was just about to open her eyes.

The muscles on his lower back, thighs, legs and feet tensed as terrifying power started to gather in them.

Just as the sense of danger he was feeling reached its limit, he jumped.

Him and the four people in his embrace shot out at a terrifying speed. Of course, Zen made sure to control his jump in a way so that the four people in his embrace won't suffer any injuries.

Zen felt powerless earlier since they were in the sky and he didn't have any supernatural means yet. However, he was confident in one thing; his physical strength.

This jump emitted a terrifying force, making the nose of the aircraft cave in. And it didn't stop there, the force from his jump traveled throughout the aircraft's body, thoroughly destroying the aircraft even before the missile hit it.


A few seconds later…

In the air, Zen and the four people in his embrace were now only 2 miles away from the island.


They then heard an explosion. Clearly, the missile had already hit the aircraft.

Hi! I hope you had a pleasant reading experience~

And yes I’m not good at creating chapter titles. Well, all that matters is the content of the chapter, right? Right!?

Also, I’d like to know your thoughts. So if you have any, don’t be shy to comment them.

Have a good day!

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