
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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pichu revealed!

"yo, isn't it that we're less on the road, and we really came to the show, and we're not afraid of losing people?"

the corners of gu li's mouth were pulled up, and he was playing with a card in his hand.

"it's none of your business."

lu sheng was expressionless, showed his identification with the team, and then received a number plate.

gu li looked at him, and said with a hippie smile: "number 068, I don't seem to know what corner it is, look at our strong company number, 012!" we can strongly display the greyhound in the big booth, and your company can only stand in the corner of the horn, sigh..."

"Something to do with you?"

lu sheng paused and scoffed, "even if you go to the big cabin, what you steal is always stolen, what is there to be proud of?" and I'm not the same, don't steal, don't steal, show your own things bright and upright, can they be the same? "

gu li looked at the room staff, said with a cold face: "lu sheng, you are less ridiculous, what steals your things, playing porcelain is used to, right?" Greyhounds have always been creatures developed by my mighty biotech company, and they have nothing to do with you. "


lu sheng swiped her lips, "too lazy to argue with you, you're waiting for me here, won't you mock me twice?" keep it, a broken spiritual dog will be treasured by both of you, and I don't want to give it up. "

"what do you say!"

miao lina, who prides herself on being a genius designer, exploded.

miao lina did not allow others to casually belittle the spirit dog she had designed, and sniffed coldly, "lu sheng, I know you must be jealous, don't you?" you really do have the ability to create a better genetic creature than a greyhound today, otherwise don't make a big fuss here! "

"we will see."

lu sheng took zhuo churan away, too lazy to talk nonsense.

Facts speak louder than words -

when Pichu makes his debut, the two of them will know what a gap is!

your proud greyhound will be easily crushed by pichu!

"dead ducks have a hard mouth..."

"I know him..."

After Lu Sheng left the room, he could faintly hear the sound of Gu Li and Miao Lina talking.

"two bandits".

zhuo churan gave a brief assessment.

lu sheng couldn't help but laugh, "if it wasn't bad enough, how could you do such a faceless thing?" i was stupid at first too, and i really trusted gu lily. spend 100 million to recognize a person, buy a lesson, and don't miss out. "

"Isn't that a loss?"

zhuo churan was speechless.

However, considering the technology that Lu Sheng currently has in his hands, a hundred million seems like nothing!

the two men returned and found the cabin, removed an assortment of props, and placed a large notice board in front of them with a prominent company name written on it.

the two adjoining booths looked at each other frequently and seemed to be curious about Lu Sheng's company.

but their eyes sparkled with jokes now and then, and it was obvious they weren't optimistic.

gu li didn't know when he took a picture discreetly and posted it on weibo.

if it wasn't for the employee's reminder, lu sheng wouldn't know about it.

"Thank you to the exhibition organizers for putting together a great booth for our strong company, and it is a great honor to be treated the same as medium and large companies." booth #012, welcome to visit greyhound, will definitely bring surprises for everyone! "

"besides, I seem to have found something amazing! I just passed booth number 068, no, when the booth, saw a company, haha, didn't really expect to dare to come!"

There are some pictures below, the first two are the big stand of the power company, and the back shows pokemon tents from different angles.

unlike the two different screens, it is even poorer and not appreciated by the organizers!

on weibo, many people commented below, mostly laughing.

"a scam company, the organizers are willing to give a tent, it's fine."

"haha, the contrast is obvious, the organizer must have known about the pokémon company in advance, knowing that they can't come up with good things, just organize a position at random."

"xswl, no contrast, no damage, mighty bullshit!"


lu sheng casually browsed the comments, smiled, and exited weibo.


I fear it was deliberately passed.

lu sheng is still very grateful to gu li for creating momentum, and she hopes that after the exhibition starts, there will be a large number of people who will come to see her!

After the booth was organized, Lu Sheng and others waited for the exhibition to open.

although the staff talked in pairs, everyone could still see a little nervousness and emotion in their looks...

half past nine!

the new world pet exhibition is open to the public.

the long line outside began to check tickets, and gradually people entered the venue.

the place was much livelier, buzzing around it and gradually getting congested.

the two cabins next to lu sheng also belong to small unknown companies, and the genetic organisms in their cabins are more common, beautiful in shape, belong to the cute family, and are kinder and clingy in personality, and don't have any particular skills prominent.

but there are still special fans who come to watch and exclaim from time to time.

"you can get the little pichus out."

lu sheng joked with several employees, "seeing no, a lot of people are paying attention to us, but we can't let them down." "

the employees laughed together, how could they not hear the potential meaning of lu sheng?

these people will wait for company jokes.


your expectations are about to fail!

"first uncover the black cloth, place the little pichus to familiarize themselves with their surroundings, and then let them out for a few minutes."

On Lu Sheng's orders, the servants began to move.

revealing the black cloth, pichu made his first public appearance!

the attention of the surrounding public gradually focused on the small cabin 068...

they saw that inside the pet crate, a yellow fur mouse that they had never seen before was nodding and shaking its head, full of cuteness!