
Two Titans Roaring Into The Sunset

Soon, Kal began to hear people screaming. Well, the place would become famous the next day.

Kalina flanked Valian at a distance, wondering if it was reasonable to get closer. At that moment, both wyverns were roaring at each other, and Kalina was grateful that the ground stopped shaking so much.

On the other hand, the atmosphere was charged with an enormous and terrible energy. It was terrifying and Kalina began to tremble.

She still could not believe the image of the two colossal silhouettes against the opaque evening sky. Two titans were roaring into the sunset. Yes, it would be night any minute. So, Kalina decided to get closer. As she approached, Valian looked in her direction. He had felt her.

"Stay away until I get her under control!" He roared. Then he suddenly charged at the white wyvern that shone like a gigantic diamond. The confrontation that followed was something epic and terrible. Above all, terrifying.