
To Loose Control

Valian showed Kal how much he had missed her in the tub. Then he had taken her to his bed and shown her some ways to use the carved posts while they made love.

They had been at it until midnight.

"I would like to invite you to a ride tomorrow afternoon. We can watch the sunset together. Besides, I think Blaze misses you." He had told her before they both fell asleep.

The next day Kal had her first lesson with Reya. The maid began the class with an interesting sketch about the formation of Aladar as an empire. Pleasantly and expertly, Reya broadly covered the history of Kru from its founding to the present day. Then the maid ended up naming several elite courtiers and nobles that Kalina had to memorize. In the end, she left her a couple of books about the history of Aladar and told her that the next lesson would be on manners and etiquette.