

Kalina put the key to the massive lock inside one of her many front pockets and entered the archive room. The guild library had restricted access and was heavily guarded. It happened that it kept both old documents and fresh information. The files that Irion kept so well were precious indeed, as well as secret and dangerous.

"Information is also Power, Kalina." He had told her once. Thinking of this, Kalina closed the door and locked it with a bar. She took a few steps, taking in the familiar room at a glance. The archives chambers were at the top of the guild tower. At that time, the sunlight was streaming in through a high window, providing some illumination. Anyway, she lit four oil lamps. Syria seemed not to be present at the moment, and Kalina wondered where her beloved librarian could be found.

There was barely a week left until her mission. Suddenly remembering such a fact, Kalina led her steps to the Aladar's section. She found a whole shelf, which meant four ledges full of information.

Kalina ran her hands through the tomes of topography, politics, and history.

Admittedly, the reach of Irion's informants was impressive; rather, Syria was impressive.

Aladar was famous for being isolated and cryptic to the rest of the world. In a country so closed to exchange, it was only known about its antagonism with Sacra Terra due to some long-ago conflicts. However, there was one quite clear aspect, and that was his formidable military strength. The fearsome Red Army of Adalar. It was called that because of the color of the Kru people's hair. So, Kalina chose six scrolls in the military section. Then she emptied the section of confidential scrolls.

By the time Kalina took a seat at the large, rectangular table, she had a mountain of information to study. Then, she diligently started reading a scroll about history.

Four hours later, as her stomach growled, Kalina thought she couldn't take in another sentence of information. With a bored gesture, she got up from her chair and prepared to put aside the material she needed to study. However, a sudden movement to her left made her tense like a stretched spring.

Syria could also transport itself between different dimensions once known, just like Irion. They were family for a reason. However, unlike her brother, Syria could do it with complete subtlety. Not even Kalina was able to sense the young girl, and that had always been somehow disturbing to her. Yes, despite loving Syria like a sister, Kalina had to admit that she could be creepy at times.

"Syria!" Kalina told her, trying to simulate her surprise. "It's been a while since I last saw you. Don't make me miss you so much, girl?."

Good to see you.- Answered in turn Syria while smiling, expressing herself with her sign language. Syria was mute.

"Same." It was true: Kalina had always favored the little Syria. Even after she had become the leader of the guild's informant group and practically disappeared from Kalina's life. "I hope you're doing well."

I see that you are preparing.- Syria told Kalina with her signs. Unlike her brother, Syria was a petite Eriá, almost as small-boned as Kalina herself. It was a rarity they both shared. But their similarities would end right there. Cause Syria, just like Irion, was a golden being. If it weren't for the disfigured side of her face, she would have been an exceptional beauty, even more stunning than the Brumas dancer.

Syria smiled at her again as she walked over to pick up the used materials. The three macabre scars peeking out on the right at the top edge of the dark band that covered almost her entire face except for her eyes. As usual, Syria was dressed all in black, with a cowl that hid a large part of her face. Likewise, her hair was hidden, which was golden as if it had been braided by sunlight itself.

"Let me do it," Kalina asked, thinking she must have returned from some mission. "You must be tired, Syria."

I'm fine, Kal... - Syria said and took in her hands part of the used manuscripts.

Kalina watched her move in total silence until she suddenly disappeared without warning. Oh Gosh… Kalina should have been used to it by now. But that wasn't the case. Syria had an impressive ability to blend in. In fact, Kalina was not able to sense her taboo energy at all. And Kalina didn't know if it was that Syria didn't possess energy or if it was that she could hide it very well. In any case, she had never asked Syria about it. The truth was that Syria was very good at magical arts, however, she had scarce physical strength.

I just returned from Kru.- Syria said. Appearing again right under Kalina's nose.

The hell?... ¿Kru? ¿Really? The very capital of Aladar and the only habitable place in the entire damn western continent.