"I'm not impressed." He said and Kalina guessed the laughter in his words. "Still." She returned, trying to match his amusement and completely failing. That man had a knack for annoying her, that was for sure. ¿Why? Kalina didn't know for sure. She felt a little stupid about the discovery, but there was something else. Something attracted her to him, that was undeniable.
A couple of strangers passed by, screaming like crazy. Kalina turned away from Valian, exalted. Well, how could they see if it was damn night already?
"Can they perhaps smell the damn stones?" She said, rolling her eyes.
"The moonlight will make them shine," Said Valian. "There is a full moon," He added, then cast a fatal glance at Kalina. "You don't like precious stones, treasure? Anyone else would be picking up a sack and filling their pockets."
"Bah! I prefer swords…" She said without remorse.
Valian laughed.
Kalina waited until he was able to breathe, before asking the next question.
"How did she transform?" She looked up at the starry sky. Valian was right. A large full moon illuminated the night.