

"Well, I'm sure you have many questions, Kalina." Valian started. "Please, don't think of me as an old adult. You see, I still feel like a juvenile," He added, managing to cast a look that was innocent and sensual at the same time. ¡Condemnation!

He was right to wear a damn helmet at all times. That face and those eyes were anyone's downfall. Kalina had to look away.

"You can call me, Kal." She didn't know what else to say at the moment. "If you like."

"Kal, I like it." Why did the words sound like temptation in his voice?

"We should get some rest too." It wasn't like she needed it. However, she needed to put space between them. Because ¡damn! she had to manage to think clearly.

However, Valian clearly did not think that way. Because he gently grabbed her elbow.