
I'm starting over

Hidden conspiracies was the start of our relationship, and it as well has brought us this far. Damien we have to live or else why did we come so far for, we unravelled the secrets tat hurt us saved our friends put an end to the viper's after all this we still have to live our best lives together

sheng_liv · Olahraga
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs


"what do you mean by he is missing", a man screamed looking at the group of people wearing lab coats, "this boy was just brought in and he is also just taken away, is the security of this place as low as that of the streets", the man continued "I have just been wasting my money on a bunch of fools", the man said and just then he's assistant walked "sir he has been spotted close to the entrance, I have sent the guards to bring him back but sir, there is another person with him", the assistant said, "who is it", the man said turning to look at his assistant. "it's a girl sir and she seems adept a fighting as she had beaten up the security guards at the first stop. "get her too", the man said walking away.

"Brian, we might not make it" I said once I caught up to my Brian, I had finished beating up the security guards when I noticed that some black clad people were coming in our direction looks like we've been fund out, and it seemed that whatever drug they gave Brian is yet to wear out as he is still very sluggish even in running. I took Brian's hand in mine and pulled him along with me slightly tugging on him and making him skip a few steps while running. I heard a sound and turned my head where it was coming from and it turned out that our pursuers had guns with them, well I expected nothing less with the second sound of a gunshot and Brian rolled on the ground pulling me along with him, he was shot. 

"Brian", I called out my voice choked with tears, just then our pursuers caught up with us. I looked at Brian who was groaning in pain while clutching his thighs. "tie them up" I heard someone say and soon we were grabbed and and restrained, I wanted to struggle but then a gun was put on Brian's head and he was pulled up, I watched as he was pulled away and then felt hand being tugged on and I looked at the man behind me who pointed that I should get on my feet and start walking, my hands were tied in front of me which was a good thing I thought, it could help later.

We were brought back to the observatory room where Brian was previously held. "oh your good friends" I heard as soon as we were brought in I looked up and saw a battered Jason, I squinted my eyes as I moved my gaze to where the sound came from and I saw the man in a black suit sitting and wiping his bloodied hands, and behind him were the scientists of this research institute. It looked like they had seen the survelance footage. This was going to be bad. "If it isn't the daughter of the Lightons, pleasure to see you milady", the man said and it felt like I had seen him somewhere before