
Reunite with sister

It had been 2 month Eliana recovered from her coma. Tonight is the night the Regnos family will be introduce as a heir. However, to Selia tonight is the night she can see her sister Isabel after 2 month she passed away.

Tonight, Eliana is wearing the blue light dress. Her clothes appropriate for a teenager like her there a not any exposure for this clothes. Isabel wear a dark blue but if Eliana stand beside Isabel people can definitely their dress is mix match look like siblings. However, who is Isabel Asten is the popular designer clothes an enemy with the family Regnos after Selia death. All people have any related or connection with Regnos can't have a work cooperation with her.

Isabel came tonight to see a sleeping beauty who just woke up after 10 years. The girls is pitiful Regnos had been stole 10 years of time from this girl now they want to take away more from that girl. Another meaning who were the member of Regnos is means that member must be careful. The heir must be train from a kid to protect themselves and become a independent person. However, this girl just woke up, the 'Regnos' is impatient to give their inherent to this girl. Can't Damian and Ace protect the girl before this girl turn 20 years to give more time for this girl.

Isabel sip a champagne while a lot of thought came to her mind. Eliana came near to Isabel and whisper something to Isabel. Isabel felt a shock from a Eliana sudden whisper it related to her deep secret. Isabel can still control her composure. 'Are this girl want to play with her, it alright she have more time to spend'.

Eliana whisper to 'VGN' other word virgin is secret password every time Selia play with Isabel. Selia afraid her sister didn't recognize her from the password. She went up to the stage to singing a song that Isabel and her sister always singing only the both of them know.


If I'd like to have my breakfast hot

Madame Carp will make me pay

And I have to fetch the eggs myself

And the barn's a mile away

It's cold and wet

But still I get an omelette on my plate

But in my head I'm back in bed

Snuggled up and sleeping late

Eliana still continue singing hoping Isabel will came on stage to sing with her..


If I want some eggs I ring the bell

And the maid comes running in

And she serves them on a silver tray

And she brings a cookie tin

And while I eat, she rubs my feet

And strolling minstrels play

But I'd rather be in my library

Reading science books all day

Isabel hold the microphone and sing with Eliana

I'm just like you

Eliana (speaking)-

(you are?)


You're just like me

There's somewhere else we'd rather be

Somewhere that's ours

Somewhere that dreams come true

Yes I am a girl like you

You'd never think that it was so

But now I've met you and I know

It's plain as day

Sure as the sky is blue

That I am a girl like you

Isabel sing-

First I choose a fabric from the rack

And I pin the pattern down

And I stitch it in the front and back

And it turns into a gown!


I wear my gown

Without my crown

And dance around my room


And imagine life without the strife

Of an unfamiliar groom


I'm just like you


(I think that's true)


You're just like me


(Yes I can see)


We take responsibility


We carry through


(We carry through)


Do what we need to go

Yes I am a girl like you


I'm just like you


(I'm just like you)


You're just like me


(You're just like me)


It's something anyone can see


A heart that beats


(a heart that beats)


A voice that speaks the truth

Yes I am a girl like you

(I didn't own this song/ credit it belong to owner)

After the song ended and there is clapping sounds from an audience, Isabel mind return to back to reality. This song only Selia and she knew, how can Eliana know except she is Selia. 'Are this a dream?'

'Maybe I can get back my sister back, but first 'I' Isabel must stop 'Regnos' from speaking about Eliana is their heir. Tonight 'I' Isabel must protect Eliana whether she is my sister or not she can tell me later.'