
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry

One night, two paths cross. An ordinary boy came across a fragile girl. However, things turn for the worse when a dark secret threatens to drive them apart. (Based on Kikuo's Gomen ne Gomen ne)

Kuroki_Ayano · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


I started to REALLY worry.

I took a step forward

as she took one back.

It's only natural to be afraid

when one has gone through something so horrible,

if not much worse.


"It's okay. I won't hurt you."

Tears well up in her eyes

as she falls onto her knees.

Ah...poor girl.

I gently embraced her trembling, fragile body.

"Run away with me,

away from the bastard

who's given you nothing but Hell."

She looked at me with teary eyes.

After some hesitation,

she eventually took my hand.

This is the story of how we met,

but the story doesn't end there.