
01| Chapter

My "family" consisted of my sleaze dad. He'd always be at work and never come home, I don't even remember what he looked like. At some point, I thought that maybe he didn't even remember he even had a family in the first place. And there was my mom who blamed me for everything that went wrong between them. She'd beat me to make sure I was at the top of the class, no, the school. At first, I thought she liked me and was hard on me because she didn't want me to have a waste of space guy like my dad, but that pipe dream died when she scolded me for getting a tie for 1st place. No matter how much perfectly scored exams, or trophies and medals I brought home, they would never be enough. She never once said 'well done,' or 'good job.' Not once has she ever even hugged me. You could imagine what she'd do to me if I didn't get a perfect score. She came up with this 'punishment' for me. I'd receive sixty beatings and no food for an entire month. I hated it at home, but school was even worse. I don't have any friends, no one wants to be my friend anyway, and I'm relentlessly bullied. And even though I'm the top student, the teachers do nothing about it. Both at home and school, it was an endless cycle of hell, pain, and torment. But everything changed when he came. He was tall and had short curly dark-brown hair, but what I was most interested in was his dazzling emeralds for eyes. He was a new transfer student, named Akira Minato. You could tell he was nothing like me, a total social outcast. Every girl in the school was going crazy for him, and the guys thought he was pretty cool. I had no interest in getting along with him or even talking to him, I just loved his emerald-green eyes.