
I'm ruby rose

I wake up as ruby rose I guess I'll have to slay monsters now

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
83 Chs

Chapter 4

"well that something you don't see everyday" I heard uncle qrow say as he slowly walked over to me as I was sitting in the lotus position with my eyes closed, my aura calmly flowing around me

"your doing all right there kid" he said as I slowly opened my eyes with dark circles under them

"do I look all right to you" I said as I stood up still in a little pain but nothing I couldn't handle especially from what the pain I felt the previous day

"wow no need to be like that but I see you've healed your self quite nicely" he said slowly nodding, to my annoyance he was, I was able to heal most of my injuries something some my age could never dream of recreating given it was only because of my understanding of my aura and how it works

"yes, but was there a reason why you left me in the woods in such a terrible state" I said as I walked up to him and looked him in the eye

"yes, this was the only thing that came to mind to allow you to experience, one of the pains of being a hunter, but this little test was one that you shouldn't have passed, to be honest you should have passed out from your injuries but here you are and standing no less" he said oddly seeming proud of me

"come on I'm sure you dad's worried sick about you" he said his tone slightly shifting when he said dad as if he felt negatively about that word

'does he not like dad well dad doesn't really like uncle Qrow to visit much' I thought as he walked toward the house which was a good distance away

'how far did he throw me' I thought as we passed by a few broken trees with traces of blood my blood

'sigh his right though and I knew I wasn't supposed to pass this test because it was simply impossible for someone how just unlocked there aura, yet I did... No aura is a second limb limiting it's power and ability is the problem'

"hy ruby how did you get so good at using your aura, the way you were using it was way to advanced for someone yout age" he said as he turned his head to look at me


"there's nothing to it uncle qrow it was easy to learn how to control but the main thing that helped was the semblance training I've been doing these last two months, using flash step needs high aura control, it got easier once I stopped limiting aura movement" I said

"really I wonder"


"nothing come" he said as I continue following behind him, as we got to the house Sandra was waiting for us, her head moved up from the sink

"ohh your ba-" she stopped mid sentence as she saw me covered in blood and natural she freaked out and ran too me in a panic

"ruby what happened why are you so injured come here where are the bandages ahhh, qrow what have you done to ruby!" she shouted as she kicked qrow in the face

"Sandra calm down" I said as I grabbed her hand as she looked at me

"there's no need for you to worry, I will be healed by tomorrow" I said as I as I walked off towards my room to get some needed sleep

"and were do you think your goin" she said as she grabbed my shoulder

"to my room I haven't slept for the past 24 hour I am currently running on fumes right now" I said with a tired expression

"oh no you don't I need to clean and bandage your wounds and then you need to eat" she said as she dragged me to the bathroom and by the time i got to bed I looked like a mummy 'huh this is the worsted but at least I can sle-' I couldn't finish as I passed out


I woke up in a white space

"hello there little soul" a voice said as I looked around to see a two dark and light beings 'these must be the gods of remnant'

"huh hello" I said as I looked at them a little nervously

"hello there" the light said as I nodded as I could feel a smile on him because y'know light being

"is this really needed we could just give her the information and power and be on our way this is not really necessary brother" the darkness said as I rocked on my toes

"yes but I like doing things this way it makes me feel a little better about what we did" light said with a cheerful tone

"huh whatever just tell him what's going on and be done with it" darkness said

"thank you, now little soul may I have your name as calling you little soul is getting quite.... You know" he said laughing a little as I nodded

"oh right hy my name is ruby.. Ruby rose" I said with a cheerful tone

"no I don't mean that name but your real name"

"how did you?" I asked a little shooed but I really don't care

"well we are the ones how put you there"

"I see well my name is DeShawn but why did you put me inside ruby's body" I said as I asked them a question that's been on my mind

"it's very nice to meet your DeShawn and as to why I put you inside ruby's body was because we have a mission for you"

"huh I now were this is going but continue"

"yes well before we do let me give you a little background you see long ago"

"is this the story about old remnant and salem and ozma and the curses you gave the two and how you killed everyone on it and then remade us yeah I already knew all that"

"well that was rude you could have at least let me explain a little but whatever the reason why I've brought you here is to"

"save the world" darkness said as I wanted to laugh a little as I saw the light pout somehow

"ahhhhhh why would you do that brother!" he shouted

"you were taking to long"

"true" I add as darkness nodded

"huh whatever but yes the reason why we have placed you in the girls body was fix our wrongs"

"by that you mean killing salem and ozpin I'm guessing" I said as they nodded



"but you guys do realize that you made one unkillable and the other is basically a body jumping ghost"

"yes but we are going to give you some help and as you have the silver eyes you already have a way to slow selam down as I had originally gave them to the rose family to kill her but as you have noticed the rose bloodline is too kind hearted as they have had many chances to end her but never went through with it as the gave her chance after chance but she end up killing most and the power of the eyes has decreased to such a degree the they freeze grim instead of killing but not to fear little soul cause I will be restoring them to full power" he said as he walked over to me and touched my head as I felt a new energy inside my left eye

"yes and since ozpin is a being that was blessed by my brother the only way to kill him is to use my power the power of darkness" the dark brother also touched my head as a new energy flow into my right eye

"now I now this is new for you but we will give you some information about how to use these powers" darkness said as he took his hand away

"oh and you may do anything you want as long as you kill or stop those two we don't care you can even rule the world or bring peace are kill everyone its your choice" the light said as he floated away

"oh and before we forget there are going to be some slight changes nothing to big okay bye"

"wait before I go what happened to original ruby" I asked as I my have not shown it but this has been killing me as the fact that I took over her body and there's a chance I killed a little girl is just to much for me and I would have broke sooner or later

"oh right I forgot you humans actually care about this thing but the original ruby died a week before you came in and the only reason she has been alive was because of our power and we also fussed half of her soul in you and gave you her memories as the other soul is with her mother in heaven until they join the reincarnated cycle so you don't need to worry about that but it's time for you to leave now bye" as I was kicked out and sent to my body

I woke up in the middle of the night with a massive headache as information rushed into my head 'I see so the powers the two gods gave work like that huh' I said as I looked outside to see it was still dark as I placed my head back on the pillow as I analyzed the information 'so the light gods gift can one shot most grim and is highly toxic to grim and I can also channel it into weapons and my body but it will take time as it will probably knock me out if I do it right now as it is and the darkness is the opposite as it is meant to kill human souls and I can also use it as a wide blast or channel it through my body or objects and into people so death touch and they also give me some passive abilities like for light increased the power of my aura, semblance and healing and darkness nullifys some semblance that effect my body like emerald illusion powers and the ability to sense others emotions so basically you can't hide from me but I need some sleep I'll deal with this tomorrow' I said as I fell asleep not knowing what has happened to my body

(the next day)

I woke up at my usual time as I went to the bathroom to get myself cleaned as I removed the bandages to see that all my wounds have fully healed 'huh neat' as I got in the shower and did my thing 'wait didn't light say something about changes' I froze as I looked at my body and felt around 'okay everythings good no new tail or anything like that' I said as I continued with my shower got out and got dressed in one of my many training clothes as I want out side and waited for uncle qrow and after an hour he showed up as I felt him coming 'okay this is going to need some getting use I can basically feel uncle qrow from out here and dad and yang as they are leaving the house'

"uummm ruby is that you" he said as he looked at me confused 'why the hell is he looking.... At.... Me.. Like that.... Oh my fuck my face was changed not my body fuck'

"of course its me uncle qrow" I said as I ran up to him and on his shoulders

"yep definitely you" he said as he grabbed me and placed me down "now what happened to you... Did something happen to you last night" he said a little worried

"huh no but I did have a crazy dream with mom in it as she said something about my powers awakening or something still don't know what she was talking about but whatever" I said as I scratch my nose 'I can't tell anyone about this and uncle qrow is to close to Oz so I can't let them know about my new powers he may lock me up or tell that idiot general'

"summer was in your.... Nevermide what did she tell you anything about your new power"

"nope just said that they have awakened and told me to tell you to never loss hope and that you are never alone" I said 'I hope this will help him in the future because what happens to him when he finds out the truth is just upsetting as to see a person like qrow completely loss hope is something I never want to see'

"really huh well whatever now it's time to continue your training" he said as he dropped a heavy bag in front of me as it sunk into the ground 'what's in that bag anyways'

"wait before that" I said as I flash stepped to the bath room and looked at mirror to see that I looked the same except my eyes which were different colors one red and one silver fox like eyes, sharp k9 and slightly pointed ears but all and all I looked the same. 'not as big a change as I thought but still something' I said coming out of the bathroom to qrow

"what's this" I said as I already knew the answer but was hoping it was false

"I'm glad you asked" as he reached into the bag and pulled out arm and leg weights "these is what you will be using to train you already know the basics and you skills and abilities are at a high level we can't use normal training anymore so and this will be a way to bring your strength to the same as the rest of your body okay"

"huh I understand"

"good because you will be wearing these 24/7 all day every day"

"huh is that all"

"nope you will also be doing push ups, sit ups, squats and lots lots more" he said as he placed the weights on my as I struggled to move but there weren't that bad I could still move only slightly

"these are a little heavy"

"I know but it's nothing you can't handle right"

"right" I said as I did a back fip

"good now start running at full speed and also avoid the random bullets that will be coming your way and don't stop until I say so start running" he said as he turned his scythe in to a shotgun and I began to run but I also noticed that these weights had cut my speed in half and I was using more energy than normal 'I see now these should help me break through my limits and him randomly shooting me should help me increase my awareness skills huh looks like uncle qrow is actually a pretty smart teacher' I thought as I got hit and fell to the floor

"stop slacking" 'asshole' I got up and began running again

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Yes she is going to be op and this is a GXG