
I'm ruby rose

I wake up as ruby rose I guess I'll have to slay monsters now

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Komik
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83 Chs

Chapter 2

As i sat in the middle of the yard with my legs crossed and my eyes closed as I meditated to restore my aura to max as meditation has proven time and time again to be the best why to restore it but anyways its been two months since I first woke up as ruby rose and in that time I have made some slow but definite changes in my new life like slowly changing my attitude to a fusion of my old on and rubys so that my family won't be surprised but that not important right now as over the two months I have been improving my speed and total stamina but my aura is still at the same level but since I have been using my semblance so much I am able to minimize the cost of it and speaking about my semblance I have made no progress in using the power separately but I am able to stop myself from turning into rose it's all about the speed and the phasing through walls is so op but I need a running start to be able to phase properly as if it's to short I will snap into the walls and at that speed you best believe it hurt and if it wasn't for the healing and shield of aura I would have had to go to the hospital multiple times but still op and my shape-shifting has improved a little its not that great but being able to spit your self in two and then pull yourself together is trippy its like you divide yourself but you still connected and you have full control but my reaction time has increased after slamming into trees for the better part of the month I was able to finally get through the forest with my semblance on full power with out hitting a tree and that was the happiest day of my new life because it meant that all my hard work was actually doing something but during my I found out that my aura takes about 12 hours to refill but I was able to get it to 11 and a half 'aura is a bitch' but I came to realize that my aura is the smallest in the family like I don't even have a tenth of what yang has, but to be honest her semblance is literally burning aura for power but from what I've seen when she spar with dad her semblance doesn't increase her speed or strength only her striking force and this can be easily avoided by someone like me and she needs to be hit in order to power it up but anyways I don't have a lot of aura but from what dad has told me training to increase aura is a waste of time because it grows naturally to that I say bullshit I mean think about it like this there are two trees with the same growth rate as each other but on of the does something to increase his growth at about 0,1% over the course of 10 years which one will be the tallest.... The one that had an extra increase 'huh looks like it took less time to get my aura back' I said as I got back up 'my normal speed has reached a road block I can't seem to be able to get past this level but and I'm pretty sure I can run the whole day without rest..... It's really weird if I was still in my old body this would have been taken years and this body was way stronger than I was in my previous life plus I've seen yang move a car so yeah still' I thought as I got up

"huh uncle qrow will be coming soon" I said as I went back inside to see Sandra make me a sneak as I used super speed to teleport to the chair

"hy ruby how was your training go today any improvement" she said as she turned around and looked at me with a very large smile and not surprised by my sudden appearance as I've been doing this for the past two months

"not really I'm at my limit of what I can do right now so still at a road block"

"I wouldn't say that you teleportation has really improved you were able to sit down with only making a little sound" she said trying to cheer me up but

"it's called flash step and it's not teleportation it's just me using my semblance in short bursts nothing special" I said as I placed my head on the table

"but improvements are improvements compared to last month when you use to crash into everything when you first started working on it so be happy that you have improved so much"

"I guess you're right about that and if I want to be the strongest hunter in all of Remnant"

"oh wasn't it to just be the best huntress you could be and saving people"

"yeah but I realize that I was dreaming to small and the thought of being the most strongest hunter is my dream now plus uncle qrow is number one and his been training me so it only makes sense that I follow him and take his title" I said as I munched on a cookie that Sandra had given me

"is that so well it seems that I should up your training if you want to be able to beat me" a voice from behind said as I turned around with stars in my eyes as I flash stepped and appeared on his back

"UNCLE QROW DID YOU MISS ME DID YOU" I said as he grabbed me from his back looked me in the eyes and said

"nope" as he placed me down and gave me a pet on the head as he went to sit down

"haha stop lie you suck at it" I said as I sat next to him

"it's good to see you Sandra " qrow said as winked at her as she just smiled

"you to qrow" she said as she throw a spoon at her

"oh uncle qrow tell me about your adventures I want to hear all about them" I said with stars in my eyes

" maybe later but tell me about that thing you just did"

"oh your talking about my flash step"

"flash step what is that"

"oh its just my semblance pushed to the limit for a second took me a month to get this far it's cool right" I said as I disappeared and reappeared every where

"right it should help you later in life when you need to fight strong enemies"

"that what it's for but it's also fun to mass with people with it"

"I see anyways what's this about you wanting to be the strongest I thought you wanted to save people from monsters"

"uhhh I do but in order to save people you need the power to do so and aiming for number one is the best way to being able to save as many people as possible"

"huh well what have you been doing these two months and when did you get so serious about being a hunter"

"well to be honest uncle qrow there was this video I saw of the horrors of being a hunter and well let's just say that it wasn't pretty and since I want to still be a hunter I have to take training seriously"

"I see well if you are taking this seriously now I guess I can pull out all the stops and train you the way I was trained" he said as he took a sip from his flusk


"yes but I must warn you its going to be pure hell but it will make you stronger" he said as he gave me a serious look

"I don't care I will train to be the strongest.... But what about dad won't he have a problem with me getting hurt" I said as I sat down on my chair

"nope he doesn't have a say in how I train you so there's no need to worry" leaning back in his chair

"I wasn't worried about dad just wanted to make sure"

"right anyway tell me what you've been doing this whole time

" well" as I began to tell him about my training and everything else I have done for the past two months and in that time yang and Tai got home as yang ran to qrow after the greetings qrow pull Tai to the side for some reason as yang and myself played games as I let her beat me in some matches but after a while Sandra had to leave and dad came back extremely angry 'probably lost an argument with qrow that would be the only way to explain this' as time when by it was time for dinner as we all sat down to eat

"ruby" Tai called out as I looked up with a large amount of food in my mouth as I quickly swolled

"yes dad"

"qrow tells me that you agree to let him increase your training is that true"

"yes why is the a problem with that" I said as I looked

"no its just I want to tell you that you don't have to push yourself you can be a pretty good hunter if you take things slow" he said with a worried tone 'does this man even now the meaning of slow I remember he spared with yang on her first week of training'

"good isn't good enough I want to be the best not good and in order to be the best I need to train hard"

"you could get hurt"

"pain is not a lasting pain I'll get over it"



"well Tai there's your answer looks like I get the green light on your training kid and trust me it will suck" qrow said as he laughed like a crazy person

"huh I tried but don't do anything to extreme and ruby"

"yes dad" I said as I looked at him

"try not to die" he said as he got up took the dishes and went to the kitchen

"umm uncle qrow"

"yes" he said as he had a large smile on his face

"what does he mean"

"don't worry about it right now enjoy your life as from tomorrow hell begins hahaha"

'I should have just kept my mouth shut' I said as I went to my room to write my will