This is a story of a young boy named Jack full name Jack Gold aged 19 and how his story and his life as the greatest evil began
Jack was never the normal kid he was usually considered a outcast left out during activities always the last choice for anything he had a very small group that he ever talked to and even then he was always the left out one in his group the least talked to and the always ignored
by no means was he bullied however even as a outcast he refuses to ever be stepped on and he never faked a threat, was it smashing someone's head on a wall or breaking someone's arm he always went through with what he said he would do
even though he was notorious for fights and getting in trouble he was never suspended and had never been really punished for what he'd done as every teacher considered him to be a model student due to his grades
in another world where he had conversation skills and was better looking or had a better attitude he may have stood at the top of groups of freinds but he wasn't
Then one day he couldn't take it anymore he had always had the thoughts but he decided to go through with them and he did his first real evil deed
He Killed Someone
it was 27 year old man the news had announced that he had been found dead with 3 stab wounds in the back and signs of the murderer trying to cut his head off
Jack couldn't get enough of the rush he got the bloody scene brought his an unkown pleasure he had never felt before and all he could think of was that he wanted
so a string of unkown murders followed and all this happened at the age of 15 when he first started his spree
for 2 years he continued this and was never caught he had killed more then 100 people now he had a feeling of invincibility as if nothing could stop him and that's when the first setback happened
on a dark night a young man dressed in black followed a man who looked to be about 30 and was walking like he was drunk the young man walked up to the other man and a glint of silver led to a yell
but it wasn't from the older man it was from the young man he had a blade stuck in his stomach and the older man turned around with a bright bloody smile on his face and started to talk
"you carry a very bloody smell on you" he paused as he twisted the blade in the young man "I LOVE that scent" the man's face started to look different and his hand looked to have claws on them and a pair of wings grew on his back
"If I consume you I may just evolve to become a second tier demon so die nicely and let me take all your pain away" as the demon talked a smile spread on the young man's face and he kicked out at the demon
"RAHHHHH" The demon let out a yell as a blade stabbed right into the most sensitive organ a man has and he let go of the knife in the young man
the young man's show had a blade in it that he had used many times while killing people to make them suffer as he pulled the knife out of his stomach and used it I'm his second hand he used both knives to brutally stab at the demon he hadn't killed a demon before he wondered if it would feel better then killing a human
both his knives stabbed deeply in the neck of the demon as it breathed it's last breath the young man smiled and pulled the knife out to lick some of the blood off and a grimace showed on his face
"human blood taste a lot better" a burning feeling spread through the young man's body and he ran off while covering his bloody wound he climbed up the side of his house intl his room and grabbed the med kit he stopped the bleeding the warm feeling inside him spread and his arms started getting a reddish tint to them he held in his scream as his wound healed itself
he smiled ever so creepily as he understood this meant he could have more fun with the next day
this settled as the young man's introduction into a world unkown to most people and the start of his bloody path to destruction
2 years past since tha setback and he had been slightly more careful with his targets since it was his birthday and as usual no one he knew cared about anything to do with him
but a new occurrence happened as he left his house that he had bought the year before he saw a teenage girl who looked 18 sitting outside like she was waiting for him, with a smile on her face she started talking
"I don't know whether to thank you for all the demons you have gotten rid of on the path you've taken or to hate you for all the human lives you have taken to bad for you that the mission I'm taking is to end you so please die quickly for me"
the young man didn't pull out a knife but started to change to a red body and giant wings spread behind him and claws appeared he grew to 3 meters in height and started to glow
the girls smile disappeared as a look of shock spread "How could you be a rank 7 demon that's impossible you were born human and the highest rank demon a human can become is rank 5"
the young man smiled and raised his hand starting to walk forward as his dark voice started "I have never cared about ranks I only did this to feel the pleasure as I watch the life drain from people's eyes I can't wait to watch yours"
the girl didn't seem worried more curious then anything as she asked "so you follow the path of death no wonder you could surpass your limit to bad your journey ends here as my power is rank 8"
the girl raised her hand a fire shot out completely incinerating Jacks arm and the house behind him jack ran forward as he arm regenerated and he stabbed forward with his right arm
the girl had a look of surprise again as she dodged his claws "and you even gained the unique bloodline skill from satan regeneration" she raised her arm again and blades appeared all around Jack and flashed towards him cutting his entire body apart leaving only his head which a new body regenerated from
the girl looked frustrated "how am I supposed to get the reward for killing you if I have to destroy your head to kill you" jack ran forward again and his claws flashed leaving a slight cut the girls arm due to her late dodge
the girl raised her arm again this time looking slightly sad "I guess I'll just have to completely destroy you, such a waste I may have been able to rank up if I got the reward for killing you"
the girls hand had strong of fire and wind spread out which wrapped around jack completely incinerating him and causing Jacks death a look of pain appeared on the girl as she yelled "you even have the unique possession from satan but I won't let your murder continue" she started to bloat as her body expanded "even if we die together"
the girls body exploded leaving the world along with Jack there lives ending at that moment as a flash of light and there souls were grabbed from the earth by a smiling deity" I was needing 2 souls for my new world perfect good and evil just what I needed" his smile disappeared as a giant formation appeared and he disappeared and was now in a void he sent the 2 souls forward into his world and disappeared with a few words "make sure to entertain me well"