
I'm Not the Hero

I thought I was the hero witnessing the villain's execution, but everything felt so wrong. I was too late when I realised... this life was not mine.

Brother_Yu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs


After dropping Alberu at the Infermel training area where his sword lessons are, I went to the weaponry next to the training area and grabbed a sword to replace my now chipped one.

I placed my hand on the small bag attacked to my hip, I guess it's time to use these eyes. Before Leaving the Infermel mansion, I went back to my room and placed the chipped sword that dad gave me as a 'congratulations' for joining the academy back on the display and stepped back, staring at it. I will never be able to use this sword again. Yesterday night was the last time that I'd be able to use it unless if I could find a swordsmith who would accept my commission, though most would probably reject it.

I walked out the house and found a carriage at the front gate. I walked towards it and called out to the coachman.

"Hey, I need you to take me somewhere," I said. The normal annoyed or irritated expression that I would usually get from him and the others didn't appear on his face. What replaced the annoyance and irritation was a scared expression which means that he probably heard of the massacre in the attic.

"Yes young master I will take you there right away!" the coachman nervously spoke before opening the passenger door, "here young master." I entered the carriage and he closed the door then rushed to the front. "Where would you like to go?"

"The palace."

The carriage started moving and the sight of an isolated forest area that the Infermel mansion was surrounded by disappeared, and was replaced by the sight of the capitol town. Outside the window, small crowds started forming around the carriage on the side lines. They seemed like they were trying to see who was in the carriage and I know that if they find out that it's me and not any other of the Infermels, they would not hesitate to attack me.

I pulled the curtains to cover the windows, not because I was afraid that they'd find out that the one in the carriage is 'Felix Infermel' and not any of the other infermels, but because I found the sight of them gathering around and staring at the carriage with caution and hatred at the same time irritating. They are clearly afraid of the Infermel name, so they can only stand aside until they find out it's me.

The carriage came to a stop and I moved the curtains back to how they were like before. The coachman opened the door and with a nervous expression and said, "young master the guards have stopped us in front of the palace gates."

"Move," I said. He complied and moved out of the way, allowing me to step out. "You can leave now," I told him.

"Would you like me to wait for you?" he asked.

"There's no need to," I replied. I could tell that he was happy from the look of relief that he showed on his face. He quickly bowed before getting in the front seat and driving back to the Infermel mansion.

"You cannot enter without requesting an audience with his majesty or his highness in advance," one of the guards said.

I turned back to look at them with a neutral expression and approached the gate. Two swords formed an 'X' in front of the gate, blocking me.

"Didn't you hear me? You cannot enter without requesting an audience with his majesty or his highness," the guard repeated, annoyed at me.

"Move the swords," I glared.

"Is your hearing ok? You can't enter!" said the other guard.

"I can hear very well, but can you? I said move the swords. I'm giving you one last chance to move them," I stood my ground.

"You-Ack!" Before the guards could do anything to me, they both flew back from a small explosion of white flames appeared. The guards stared at me with widened eyes.

"How dare you use the power of Cyrus to rebel!" one of them shouted.

"Did the royal family create this nation? No, it was Esper, Cyrus and Lumi who created it, so as long as one of them approves of me doing this, then I'm not rebelling against the nation they built," I said calmly. "If you try to stop me from entering again, the next attack won't be as light."

I entered the palace and found my way to the throne room where the king and Owen was at. When they saw me, the king looked amused while Owen's eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?!" asked Owen.

"Leave Owen, I have something to ask his majesty, not you," I said, making Owen's face turn red from anger.


"Leave," the king said, looking at Owen.

"But father-"

"Do you want to leave on your own or do I need to order the guards to escort you out of my throne room?" the king asked with cold eyes.

"... I'll leave on my own father," said Owen before bumping against me and leaving. When he walked passed me, I could see his frustration shown on his face, but he couldn't say anything because the king was here. He wouldn't have to be afraid of his father for long though, I'll chance things to how they are supposed to be. Owen can argue as much as he wants with his father after that. Well, that's if he has the guts to.

"So," the king leaned forward, "what do you want? Did you come here to ask me to get rid of the papers that were flying everywhere earlier?"


"Then are you were to offer your life so Theodore can return?" the king raised his eyebrow.

"Not that either," I said.

"Then what do you want?" the king questioned, leaning back.

"I want to request something," I answered, "I want to request permission to leave the nation."

"What?" the king's eyes darkened, "you, the heir of Cyrus wants to leave the nation that was created by Esper? Your power comes from here and you are Cyrus's awakener, meaning you represent us- you represent this nation, but you want to leave? I reject your request. Everyone with powers representing Esper must stay in this nation."

"Your majesty, I will only leave for a while and return right after I'm done with my business," I explained. "The deadline that was given by his highness the first prince's kidnapper was one month. I don't want to just sit around and wait for my death, but I don't know the location that his highness is currently being kept at either, so I want to go to Floran."

"Floran? You want to enter the enemy nation of Kassiel?"

"Yes, I heard that their Goddess if very knowledgeable. She might know where Theodore is and there's somethings I want to know too," I replied.

"What makes you think their Goddess would spare you if you were to meet her? You awakened the power of Cyrus which means she has even more reason to kill you. Do you think you'll be able to get her to answer your questions and let you leave Floran alive?" questioned the king.

"I have a way," I said, "I was given something that the Goddess of Floran really wants." It was William's peach eyes that were being kept in the small bag strapped around my hip. I don't know why the Goddess of Floran wants them so much, but it doesn't matter as long as I get the information I want and need.

"And what is that?"

"I cannot say what it is, but I can say it was given to me by a friend who's now gone. I believe they'd hate it if someone found out the reason that drove them to give them to me," I answered. "I would like to avoid telling anyone what the item is and who they belonged to."

"Fine then, I won't demand you to tell me so you can protect your dead friend's honour or whatever," said the king. "Can you get the information of Theodore's location in time to save him though? You only have one month to get him back."

"I will leave immediately after I get your permission to leave Kassiel and head off to Floran."

"You're not using this as an excuse to leave Kassiel are you?" asked the king, with dangerous eyes as if he was warning me, "maybe you and Theodore's kidnappers are the same person and you wrote that letter as an excuse to ask me to leave Kassiel."

"If I don't return then I'm probably dead, but if you are scepticle then you can declare that I'm a criminal," I replied.

"Fine then. You may leave," said the king.

I left the palace and went to a close by inn where Kelan was waiting for me. The two of us had planned to stick together and go to Floran.

"Let's go," Kellan got in the front seat of the carriage. It was the same carriage that he drove Wren and I in. "Get in. Hide yourself well. The Infermel family crest is not on this carriage, so it can't scare people away if they see you."

"I know," I said before getting in.

It was my first time leaving Kassiel in my own body. In Eason's body, I was able to travel anywhere I want and even killed the God of Thanar. The king didn't restrict me from leaving Kassiel in Eason's body, but he was about to just now. The double standard is quite annoying, but at least I was able to get permission to leave in the end.

In full honesty, I had considered leaving Kassiel forever and staying in another nation like the king said. Thanar might've been the best place to stay actually. It's a violent place but at the same time, it was peaceful. I wouldn't mind staying there instead of Floran however, there are things that I want to do so I must return to Kassiel.

The king and Owen should enjoy their status for the time being because when I return, they won't even have a position in the aristocracy.