
Rock, Paper, Scissors!

In the middle of break during class, two friends decide to have a little bet.

Charles, 15 years old, current sexuality: straight. Pitch black short hair, height 5 feet 7 inches (170.18 cm), weight 123.

His friend, Blessing approached him at the start of break with a sinister idea in his mind.

"Yo Charles, wanna make a bet," Blessing said pulling up a chair to Charles's desk.

At the time, Charles was reading a manga, he stopped reading it to look up at Blessing. "A bet? What

"Listen, it's pretty simple, rock paper scissors for some cash."

Charles's ears perked up, "Cash, you say?" Charles closes his manga and puts it in his book bag that was next to him.

"I will take you up on that bet, how much money are you giving up," Charles says fishing in his pocket for his wallet.

"10 buckaroos," Blessing says waving the 10$ bill around.

Charles freezes at the sight of it, I don't have 10$. How am I gonna pay up if I lose? Charles thinks as he stops looking for his wallet.

"I know you gotta be short on some money, so I'll change up the bet. If you win you get the 10 dollars. However, if I win, I get a kiss from you," Blessing says with lust clearly in his eyes that disgusted Charles.

"Alright! I won," Blessing says with a huge smile on his face, "The score is now 1-1, game point."

Charles shivers in his seat, the thought of him kissing me, I can't even imagine it. I should probably excuse myself.

Charles gets up from his seat, "It's been fun Blessing, but break is almost over, I should go to the bathroom. Now if you will excuse me..."

Charles begins walking away, "If you're going to the bathroom, I'll just follow you," Blessing says making Charles return back to his seat.

"Now I can't go anymore."

"Huh. What's wrong with two guys walking into the bathroom together."

"It's gay, I'm not gay!"

Charles yells this out, he and Blessing are too absorbed in their conversation to notice the looks from their classmates. Each one of them with a disgusted yet fed up look at them. They do this all the time, just hurry up and date. Their classmates would usually think.

"Shut up, I know you were thinking of me last night cutie."

"It's probably because you sent me a text saying that you will 'eat my ass', when I was about to go to sleep!"

"And I'll still do it even if I lose. Now let's get this over with."

Alright, I'll just get this over with so I can get my money and buy some food with it. Wait, he'll probably invite himself and think we are going on a date. Whatever, I'll just ditch him! That 10 dollars is mine!

"Rock. Paper. Scissors. SHOOT!" They both say simultaneously.

Charles picked Rock.

Blessing chose Paper.

Blessing has won, meaning that Charles and Blessing had to kiss.

"Blessing, if you get near me, I'm going to punch the shit out of you."

"Stop being so homophobic, now pucker up cutie."

Blessing closes his eyes, puckering his lips and inching closer to Charles. Charles clenches his fist, and looks around making sure no one else is looking. He grabs Blessing's face and kisses him on the lips for a millisecond, then pushes him back.

"There I did it, go back to your own desk, I want to finish my manga," Charles says with a slight blush.

"What are you, gay? I was planning on kissing you on the cheek like a bro, but you went straight for the lips. You're bold!" Blessing says laughing.

"Mom, forgive me I may kill a man today," Charles whispers.

"Huh? What did you say," Blessing asks.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

I am not gay.

Shinja_kuncreators' thoughts