
I'm Just Level 1

In a world where adventurers—human warriors possessing supernatural abilities—must fight deadly monsters to protect humanity from certain destruction, a mere level 1 adventurer finds himself in a seemingly endless struggle for survival. One day, he was thrown by his party into the core of the dungeon and suddenly a mysterious program called the System selected him as a player, giving him a unique ability to increase his strength. This was something that other adventurers couldn't do, because adventurers' abilities were fixed after they awakened. He then embarks on a journey as he fights against all kinds of enemies, both humans and monsters, to discover the secret of the dungeon and the true source of his power.

Sirius459 · Fantasi
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83 Chs

For Now, We Just Look Towards Tomorrow

Garen immediately activated his 'Taunt' skill, making the monster turn its attention to him. "Hey, here, ugly creature!" shouted Garen, shaking his shield to attract the monsters' attention.

The monster turned around, directing its flame blast towards Garen. Quickly, Garen raised his shield, blocking most of the fire attacks. Meanwhile, Axel moved swiftly, taking advantage of the moment to approach the monster from the side.

"Lila, now!" Axel shouted while launching attacks with his sword and dagger, aiming for the weak point on the monster's side.

Lila swung her wand and cast attack magic. A large fireball flew quickly, hitting the monster right in the head, making it groan in pain.

The monster shook and lost its balance for a moment. Axel saw the opportunity and launched an attack with 'Shadow Fang' directly at the monster's weak point, causing severe internal injuries. The monster roared in pain, black blood flowing from its wound.