
I'm insane dragon actually

english wasnt my first language! sorry if bad grammar ... even might hurt your braincell Archiel is a guy from college just a minute he come out from graduation ceremony suddenly stuck by lightning and dead. light just a random man of culture with extreme syndrome called magic chuunibyou insanity, at age of ten he even try to summon demon by sacrificing his chicken pet. on his room is full of his own drawing of magic circle and magic teory. after dead he met ROB to be reincarnated. and blackmail him after slaughter countless lesser god by single magic. he spread chaos through omniverse by watching people fight. create stages just for entertainment! DISCLAIMER!!! i dont own anything less than my original character. all credit go to the original owner! and i dont own this picture so free to told me to took it down. is this proud dragon approved??

Netherios00Zaphire · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

bored of genocide | ch. 4

As the protagonist of this tale, I, Archiel, make my grand entrance! But what's this? Am I breaking the fourth wall? Why yes, yes I am.

Now, let's see... What's the current situation? Ah, yes. At this very moment, I find myself perched atop a colossal squid or octopus? Ball full of tentacle??. Well, to be precise, it's just the alter ego of Azathoth, nothing more, nothing less.

Just another day in the life of a protagonist caught in the whimsical machinations of fate.

*Screeching azathoth*

Recently I found new amusement in genoc.. no pest annihilation.

So yeah here we are dropping some beam and nuke countries with magic.

Counter guardian? Well they already dead. It's bored I know.. but who to blame. Even Gaia and Alaya corrupted by tentacle below me.

Sigh.. a deep sigh.. yes I accidentally destroy someone else utopia to reincarnated in.

A damn typemoon.

But well that's that, the cat is already out of the bag. I can't do anything about it? Maybe I could but isn't it just erase my history?

You know.. I make my own myth here.

In the face of despair, humanity's resilience never fails to astound. Like cockroaches defying the end, they persist against all odds, clinging to survival with an iron will.

"Sexy Inferno!"

With a deafening roar, an explosion shatters the silence, giving birth to a fiery spectacle. From the chaos emerges a seductive figure, clothed only in flames, her dance weaving a trail of destruction from city streets to ocean depths. Yes, it may sound provocative, but I shan't shy away from the truth.


As if summoned by the very depths of oblivion, the sky itself darkens, clouds swirling ominously as gravity quivers under the weight of impending doom.

But wait, it's not darkness that descends upon the land. Rather, the brilliance of the heavens eclipses even the sun's radiant glow, casting a pall over the world below.



Massive mushrooms of explosion spread, changes rotation of planet...maybe this is end of humanity!?

As soon extremely hot smoke and chemical surrounded whole planet.

Make age of darkness fall to already dead humanity.

Rest in pain you all.

And so on... I try many catastrophic magic.. like um.. Niflheimr.. well since the whole planet is already burnt why don't froze it right?

And my new friend azathoth here is like the show. He is good buddy when we do destruction.

Look currently he even create another multiverse when sleeping.

The world with sword and magic!! There even a lesser god inside it...

I slap his face with the goal of all life is death and soon the world he creates disappear. Then he look at me with angry tentacle slap my face.. make me flee countless light year.

To infinity and beyond

And I'm proud of how despicable I was.

But now dozen of decades is already passed... I reconcile with azathoth alter ego.

And he gave me few of his tentacle as friendship.

Well I cook it normally but it's taste disgusting.. not because the tentacle. But my cooking skill is suck.

So I ate it raw with wasabi I create with first magic.

In year over years of boredom... Yes boredom.. I give my flesh to azathoth too in exchange.. and surprisingly he dislike it.

Does my meat so bad even make Eldritch god felt disgusted!?

That's hurt

Anyway times flow infinitely.. in boredom I try to connect myself to another reality.


Heck it's sound like Chinese Bluetooth earphones!!!

[Constellation: certain dragon god is online]

Wow.. although I'm a racist and doesn't like your voice. I will approve this time... But silence that answer me. It's seems it just a system without consciousnesses.

[Notice: want to watch streaming from countless being in omniverse?]


As my finger hovered above the button, a surge of anticipation pulsed through me, mingled with a hint of uncertainty. Yet, without hesitation, I pressed down, the soft hum of machinery filling the air as the world materialized before my eyes.

A hundred monitors blinked to life in front of me, each one a window into a different corner of existence. From the bustling streets of distant cities to the serene beauty of untouched landscapes, the vastness of the world stretched out before me, a tapestry of sights and sounds waiting to be explored.

As I surveyed the myriad images before me, my gaze lingered on one particular scene, a familiar pair caught in a moment of intimacy amidst the ethereal glow of moonlight.

Damn it!! It's emiya and sakura in heavens feel route!!

A wry smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I recognized the characters from a beloved tale, their actions a playful nod to the fantasies of countless admirers.

Yet, even as a grin threatened to spread across my face, I resisted the urge to indulge in voyeuristic amusement. For I was no mere spectator, but a dragon of discernment and dignity, above such base desires. Instead, I watched with detached interest, committing the scene to memory for future reference, a silent observer in a world of fleeting pleasures.

Let's go see another universe..

Unknown pov:

My name is Luciel, I'm reincarnator...I met bored ROB yesterday after my death hit by meteor.

He gave me system which I use right now.

|Name: Adolf Hitman|

Age: 5

Lv: 2

Job: none

Class: streamer.

Well it's not like I would gain status in number.. it's a prototype of self growth system that not limited with number.

That what the ROB says but I think he just too lazy to add it.

And currently I'm world that everyone know as Danmachi.

Dint I say I'm still a toddler here? Yes on my childhood.. but Its just...um.. I was too early 1000 years before the Canon start?

Well it's just been an hour ago a black dragon destroy my village.. and hero with black hair and red scarf on his neck jump and hit the eyes of the dragon.

Instictly I start streaming with when see the scene.

[Notice: certain dragon god enter your stream]

"Welcome to my stream dear guest, I shall show you the fight of hero in legend agains dragon!".

[Certain dragon god gaze at you]

Wait what is the meaning of this.. I'm first time doing this... Um.. no think calmly.

Without saying anything.. I move the camera away toward the fight.

3rd pov

In the shadowed depths of an ancient might in fight, Its scales, a tapestry of ruby and obsidian, gleamed beneath the dappled sunlight as it stretched its wings, casting a daunting shadow over the trees.

[Certain dragon god interested with one of his kind]

Meanwhile, Albert, a brave legendary adventurer.. a hero known as Albert Waldstein, stood his ground amidst the foliage, his heart pounding with both fear and determination. Clad in armor battered by this battles, he gripped his sword tightly, its blade shimmering with a faint luminescence in anticipation of the impending clash.

With a deafening roar that echoed through the forest, the dragon lunged forward, its eyes ablaze with ancient fury. Albert braced himself, his muscles tensing as he prepared to face this formidable foe. With a thunderous clash, sword met scale, the clash sending shockwaves through the forest, shaking the very earth beneath their feet.

Albert danced with agility, dodging fiery breath and swiping his sword with precision, each strike a testament to his unyielding resolve. The dragon, undeterred by his defiance, unleashed its full wrath, unleashing torrents of flame that licked at Albert's heels.

[Certain dragon growl and say foolish attempt]

Yet, fueled by courage and determination, Albert pressed on, his every movement a symphony of skill and bravery. With a final, resounding blow, he drove his sword deep into the dragon's heart, but the obsidian black scales is more thick than he thought.

He stood alone to fight this evil creature with all his might.

As the dawn broke over the horizon, casting its golden light upon the battlefield, all thing he able to do is just a small wound that remove the black dragon eyes.

[Constellation certain dragon god nod with approval]

[Constellation: certain dragon sponsored you 10 gold bar and *Holy sword Balmung*]
