
I'm In The World Of Attack On Titan

Jiyu Tsukuru was chosen one night by the soul deliverer Truck-kun to be reborn in the world of Attack on Titans after he and his partner finished watching the last episode of its anime. In this familiar place, he was reborn as a child named Heishi of the Ryoshi family with his memories temporarily locked. An ancient family hidden from the rest of the world along with their many secrets. Join Heishi as he works on completing his mission along with his companions and serve as the light of hope and freedom in this dark cruel world. Expect a few moments or chapters where I try to add comedic and emotional scenes into the story. Attack on Titan and its pre-existing characters does not belong to me and this is only a work of fan-fiction.

Ludicolo_46th · Komik
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22 Chs

You can call me The LIVED

"Hey..hey kid...Kid, wake up."


"Wha-what?" Jiyu woke up with a start and immediately sat up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself face to face with a middle-aged man who wore a pair of shades.

"Good, you finally woke up. Alright, let's formally start this. Get up." Said the man as he stood up straight and looked down on him. With the man standing up, Jiyu could now look at the man as a whole. The middle-aged man wore a formal black suit and held a black briefcase that matched quite well with his black shades. The most noticeable trait of the man which no one could easily forget was his goatee and a pair of curved horns on his head like those of a goat.

"Who are you? Where am I? and where's Gurisu?" Jiyu asked the man as he stood up.

"You can call me The Lived, You're currently in the negotiation room after Torakku-san (Truck-kun) delivered your soul here, and the monkey is currently in paradise." The man calmly replied.

"Who's Torakku-san? and did you just say Guri's in paradise?!" Jiyu went on with his questioning but placed more emphasis on the second question.

"That's Torakku-sama to you. Enough, no more questions. Let's begin the negotiations and get this over with. Your arrival forced me to wake up from my sleep." The Lived replied now clearly irritated.

*snap* with a snap of his fingers the Lived made crystals appear on the ground and form into 2 chairs and a table. He calmed down and placed his briefcase on the table, opened it up, and took out a piece of aged paper while simultaneously sitting down and gesturing Jiyu to do so as well.

"Alright, so according to the instructions given to me, I'll grant your wishes should you have any before I send your soul to be reborn in my world. You should be familiar with it, you have an anime about it after all. Shingeki no Kyojin if I remember correctly. I must say, the Creator has a good naming sense. Back to the topic, I have the right to decline or negotiate if your wishes are not to my liking so don't try to be a wise*ss. Now that that's said and done, state your wishes." the Lived read the writings on the paper before opening the palms of his left hand and crystals began appearing again this time forming a sign pen with suspicious dark red ink inside.

"Oh? So am I going to be reborn in the anime?"

"Not exactly, you'd be reborn into the world that had come to existence due to it."

"Alright cool, How many wishes do I get."

"Four is the limit, no negotiations."

"Got it. First, my bud definitely has to be there so reincarnate Guri too. Second, I want his intelligence to be on par with mine. Third, I want a titan form that I can use as much as I want. Finally, I want him and me to retain our memories." Jiyu stated after carefully thinking it through.

"Interesting? Mind explaining why so?"

"Certainly, as they say, friends should be there for better and for worse, and if I'm gonna suffer he's coming with me. I'm kidding, Guri's reliable, loyal, and can definitely be trusted, those are very hard to find in others, he just needs to be smarter then he'd be even more helpful. Also, it's a titan-filled world so of course, I'd have to have a titan too and one not limited by stamina."

"And the last one?"

"Well, what's the point of my past wishes if we can't remember each other or the knowledge we have right?"

"Very well the wishes are acceptable, Sign here and the deal is done" The Lived said as he finished writing the wishes and turned the paper over to face Jiyu while also handing him over the pen.

*scribble* *scribble*


"Thank you for your cooperation, Have a nice new life." The man said as he stood up, took the contract, placed it back in his briefcase before closing it, and extending his hand to Jiyu.

"Your welcome and thank you as well Mr. Lived...Hold on, what do you mean deal?" Jiyu took his hand and did a handshake before realizing and mentioning the second part.

"Hehe" The horned middle-aged man grinned as he used his other hand to lower his shades to make proper eye contact with Jiyu.

Jiyu was terrified by what he saw for the man's eyes were pure black with a glowing crimson red vertical slit in the middle. Thus was the last thing he saw before his vision darkened as he lost control of his limbs and his 5 senses.

"It seems things are going to get interesting with him around, I wonder what the other one has to offer. We'll see," The Lived chuckled as he gazed into the distance.


<An Unkown Amount Of Time Later>

Jiyu found himself regaining control of his sense of hearing but nothing else...And then his sense of touch returned as he felt the cold wind touch his right foot before an actual hand grabbed it and he felt

"Just a little more sis, I can already see the leg" A beautiful female voice was heard from...above?

"Come on honey, a few more push" This time a male voice was heard similarly urging someone.

'....wait, am I being born?! More push my foot! Go for my head darn it, why are you grabbing my leg?'

"Gah! Look what you did! My head is stuck! Help, I can't breathe!" He panicked as he felt his airway being blocked. Just when he gave up and thought it was over, a surge of energy suddenly entered his body helping him breathe again.

He then felt himself being shoved out of the tight place he was in before. An arm was placed on his back to support his still fragile spine while another arm supported his neck and head. The remainder of the energy that had entered his body then went to his eyes, increasing their growth and allowing him to see a few months earlier.

"Congratulations sis, It's a boy." Jiyu's vision cleared as he found himself in the arms of a young woman in her early 20's with fair skin, blonde hair, and azure blue eyes wearing a midwife's attire.

"Let me hold him." Another woman's voice was heard as Jiyu found himself being passed to another young woman who shared similarities with the previous one except she was older about in her late 20's and had a pale complexion as well as wearing a simple white dress that extended below her knees. She looked at him with loving eyes.

A young man who was also in his late 20's walked to them and sat beside the woman who held Jiyu, kissed her forehead, and similarly looked at him with loving eyes. The man had a smooth shaved face and had thick black bob haircut. "Our son, what should we name him Aria?"

Jiyu frowned upon looking at his new father while thinking to himself. 'Where's Guri?' Seeing no one else coming out of his mother, he ruled out his partner being reborn as his twin. He had not specified anything on Guri's birth so for all he knew, the primate might not even be reborn as one this time. Thinking of this, he realized that he had missed out on the crucial details. 'What if that Lived fellow chose to play with the details and reborn Guri as a fish? What would it matter if his buddy remembered him and became as smart as he was? Would he be able to create an aquarium suit of armor like Minion? How would he do that? fishes don't have fingers!'

Upon seeing the adorable frown on his baby face, his father chuckled. "He reminds me of my old man back in the days when he was still a captain inside the walls. Dad always frowned all the time."

"Hmmm, then why don't we name him Heishi?" His mother suggested after some thinking.

"Heishi Ryoshi, yeah it has a nice ring to it." His father readily agreed.

And so, Jiyu was reborn in the world of titans and technology as Heishi Ryoshi and The Lived was finally able to return to the earth and continue sleeping once more. Unknown to the former, a strange force had slowly begun to wrap around his memory like a vault to safe-keep them.

Heh, finally done. It was nearly finished hours ago, but half vanished after I rewatched episode 1. Did you guys figure out who THE LIVED is? Anyways next chapter will most likely be released tomorrow. For now, I gotta finish chapter 2 for my Pokémon fanfic.

Thanks for reading. Please leave a comment or a suggestion.

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