
chapter 5

Kyle moved gently and picked up the beauty while she was still staring at him speechlessly.

He princess carried her and she snapped out of the shock.

Kyle didn't say anything to her but he could feel her body shiver and later saw her tears fall.

Amanda was terrified.'what if he wasn't there would I have been abused?'

Amanda cried bitterly.

Kyle carried her out of the abandoned area and asked

"where's your house I can take you there or do you need to go to the hospital?"

"Thank you so much I'm very grateful thanks so much"

Amanda replied by thanking him

Kyle replied with an 'mhh' and asked again

"do you need to go to the hospital or should I help you get to your house?"

"no not the hospital please.my house just down the street it's not far away and you can put me down I can manage or even hire a cab"

Amanda said as she blushed

Kyle ignored her and continued to carry her. He saw her holding and covering the exposed part of her chest.

He removed the jacket be he was wearing and threw it on her.

when the arrived at her house she unlocked the door and he helped her in.

"where's your first aid kit?"Kyle asked

he didn't get a reply but only saw Amanda staring dazedly at the ceiling.

Kyle was getting impatient what came over him today?

He saved this unknown lady, carried her home and spoke so much. when had he ever done this before?

He asked her again

"miss where's your first aid kit"

Amanda snapped out of her daze and answered quickly pointing at a cupboard

"it's in that cupboard second drawer"

He brought the kit and started applying medication on her leg.

while he was doing this Amanda was thinking of how she could repay this man

"sir thanks so much for helping me today if not for you... I don't want to even Imagine what will have happened to me I don't know what I can do to repay you but I owe you one thanks so much"

he replied with an 'mhhh' again

' such a boring man can't he speak' Amanda thought.

"what's your name sir?"

Amanda asked


she waited for the ' and yours"part but didn't get it so she said

"mines Amanda but my friends call me Mandy"

Kyle didn't reply and concentrated on applying medication on her injury.

when he was done he put the first aid kit back to it's place and told Amanda

"try not get your leg in contact with water for now I'll be leaving and remember you owe me one"

he said and left.

The house became all lonely and quiet again.

Amanda was puzzled

'who is this man he's so skinny but has a lot of strength. what's with him putting on a mask? Kyle mhhh"

Amanda thought as she slowly fell asleep.

at around 6:45am when Amanda just woke up she heard a knock on the door

'who could it be?' she thought

she opened the door and was shocked by who she saw.

'whats he doing here? I didn't expect him to come back'

"it's you.." she said in shock

"yes remember you owe me one. you can repay me by letting me move in"