
I'm in Hyrule? - A Zelda Fanfic.

Our main character is reincarnated into a Breath of the Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom mashup—lots of progressive strengthening of MC, possibly a sprinkle of r18 / romance. I can guarantee the story will get better as my writing skills improve. I am also going back and updating older chapters. I encourage all readers to give the first ten chapters a try!

Mctoasty_Jr · Derivasi dari game
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45 Chs

Talus be packin

Floofy starts frantically barking at my rising figure as the Talus stands up from its disturbed slumber.

The large pile of rocks blocking the river entrance I was just standing on becomes more and more vertical as the monster wakes up, and I begin sliding down its rocky surface.

I grip the side of the talus with my gauntlet, creating a trail of sparks behind me, before hitting the ground with the elegance of a sack of potatoes.

Floofy and I regroup, sprinting away from the huge gollum, and asses the situation. My main methods of attack are bullets, lightning, and slashes, all of which aren't very effective against rock.

I know that talus's have a weak spot on their backs, but this enemy is much bigger than the ones in the game, and I can't even see the black rock on its top that is its weak spot.

The Talus doesn't give us much time to think, and throws a massive boulder from one of arms at us. I prepare to expend a massive amount of mana to slash through the rock, but Floofy beats me to the punch, launching a blast of energy at the flying projectile and shattering it to pieces.

I whistle for Floofy to distract, and begin running around my opponent. While the Stone gollum is focused on my laser dog, I have snuck behind it and have spotted the weak black rock on its back, the only problem is it's fifty feet up in the air.

Luckily, I have the Zippy 6000, which is proving to be much more useful than I anticipated it to be when I first made it. I'm able to secure a line to the top of the Talus, and begin climbing.

My climb is going smoothly until the gollum makes a sharp turn, sending me flying around to its front, holding only the line attached to its head. The wind rushes through my hair as I fly out into open air, and my legs wildly swing, looking for a surface to grab onto.

I hit the front side of the Talus with a sickening crunch, and taste blood in my mouth.

It now seems to notice me, and attempts to slap me like an annoying bug on its face. I'm forced to activate stasis on its arm, and I push off it's frontside, jumping onto the frozen arm.

I start sprinting up the arm, small explosions from Floofy ringing out around me. The Talus is enraged, and starts slamming into rock columns and walls, causing the cavern to shake and dust to fall from the ceiling.

Grappling from rock to rock with The Throngler, I reach the top of the Talus, which is a relatively flat plane. I spot the weak black rock on the top, but between me and it is a small army of miniature rock collums.

They turn to me, and I draw my sword and gun, my birthmarks begin glowing purple and blue from the water and lightning elements surging through my blade and gauntlet.

I finish the very small Taluses with a barrage of bullets, fired from the hip.

An electric grasp erupts from my fingertips, leaping into the first line of foot tall taluses. It jumps from monster to monster, destroying each in a shower of rock.

My saber flashes a whirl of blues and whites as I carve out a river of water mana through the rest of the army, dancing from Talus to Talus, but my blade is becoming less and less effective the larger my targets become.

Some of the monsters land glancing blows, which feel like I'm being chipped by sledgehammer swings. I sheathe Samantha, and ready my only blunt force weapon: my fists.

I throw jabs, uppercuts, hooks, crosses at the Taluses, and by the time I reach the last one my knuckles are bleeding and I'm pretty sure a couple of my ribs are broken.

I hate this.

Pain hurts.


Standing between me and the weak point rock is an eight foot tall tallus. I start the fight off with the Throngler, attempting to trip the monster by binding its feet together, but it is simply too heavy and strong to be held down.

We begin to exchange blows, almost like two boxers in a ring.

I am ducking and weaving around, floating like a butterfly across the top of the main talus's head, throwing quick punches that literally chip away at the Big Guy's defense, like the stings of a bee, while the Talus shoots off powerful swings with its rocky arms, that could take me out in one hit.

As I gain the upper hand with my speed, the talus smashes its two fists together, and its body is covered in a layer of sharp, spiky rock.

In response, I push push mana into my fists, and the air around them ripples with energy.

The talus shoots off a cross, which I narrowly weave around, drawing a line of blood on my cheek. This dodge gives me the opening to launch a series of blows into the Talus's torso, drilling through it until it falls to the ground, dead.

I run over to the black rock, using the momentum of my dash to launch one punch into to weak stone, summoning the power of the bald caped man.

The rock shatters, and a web of cracks snakes off from under my feet. The main, huge Talus hits the ground in a teeth-clattering fall, and I let out a breath, the adrenaline in my veins slowing dying down.

The river has burst from its pugged hole, gushing around the body of the fallen Talus, which has formed and island in the middle of the waterway.

Floofy is panting on the bank of the river, while I take a deep breath, and I look around myself, spotting numerous rare gems from the defeated monster.

Pet Talus?

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