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Once he created time and space in the Origin Plane, he then created a big patch of land in the exact center of the entire Plane. Around this patch of land, he created earth with vibrant green grass and glowing divine trees reaching towards infinity. This earth reaches out infinitely for eternity and beyond, and in this earth, there shall be life, granted microbe life, but life, nonetheless.
The big patch of land will be changed to a big slab of an indestructible and unmalleable material. This will be the foundation of his home in the Origin Plane. Mark waves his hands, and a castle begins forming on top of the huge slab of material. The castle begins forming slowly getting faster and faster as time goes on, beginning to look a lot like the castle from the "Efelheim -Castle of the Holy Spirit-" video on youtube.
After the castle finished fully forming, Mark waved his hands again and created the blue, ever expanding sky over the land. The blue sky hosts the celestial beauty of a bright and beautiful yellow sun, and a dark and resplendent moon. In addition to the sky, sun, and moon, behind then appear clear and shining stars, glittering with a never-ending brilliance.
Being finished with creating the Origin Plane and the space around his home for now, Mark goes in and starts exploring the inside of the beautifully glowing castle that he created. Exploring every nook and cranny of the castle took a long amount of time in the Origin Plane, taking exactly 5,000 years the explore the entirety of the humongous castle sitting in the center of the entirety of existence.
After exploring the entirety of the castle, he went back to the throne room and looked at the throne sitting there. Next Mark waved his hand and the throne disintegrated, leaving the throne room completely empty except for the holy red carpet leading up to the non-existent throne. Next Mark waved his hand again and another throne formed in the place of the previous throne. This new throne looked holy and felt powerful to anyone seeing it.
This throne will be named the Creator's Throne, in other words, Mark's Throne. The throne will hold the same powers as Mark, except with some restrictions. All those who sit on the throne will be subjected to a trial, to see if they are worthy of sitting on the throne. The trial will hold three sections, the first will be about the body, the one sitting on the throne will go through a series of bodily test to figure out if their body can hold the throne's power.
The second section will test the mind, the purity of their mind and their thoughts, their dedication to the throne, their resolve, and finally their will of mind. In the last section, their soul will be tested, the test is simple, regrets are bad for someone with omnipotent power, so the throne will test their regret, it will see what they will do if they are given the chance to fix that regret, whether they pass or not is up to them.
The Throne will hold all of Marks power, including but not limited to: Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence. All those who sit on the throne and pass the trials will be able to use those powers with restrictions and rules. The rules will be absolute, and applies to all, except for the creator of the throne himself.
The rules Mark has set to the Throne are:
1.Those who sit on the Throne, cannot and will not, give himself or anyone else power equal or greater than the Throne itself.
2.Those who sit on the Throne, cannot and will not, change himself, anyone else, or the Throne itself, in any way that can significantly threaten the Throne's existence.
3.Those who sit on the Throne, will protect, and guard the Throne from any dangers that may threaten the Throne's existence and the one sitting on it.
The throne will be an artifact of existence. When Mark, or another God, has retired from their God positions, and the slot for the job is empty, the Throne will go out into existence and find someone worthy to be the next God, or beings can fight for its acknowledgement.
The Throne is made to be indestructible when no one is sitting on it, or when the Creator of the Throne, or someone of equal power is sitting on it. When someone that is not the Creator or someone of equal power is sitting on it, it becomes very brittle, so much so in fact that the slightest of intent to destroy the Throne can and will destroy the Throne. If the Throne is destroyed, the one sitting on it loses all its powers.
After creating the Throne, Mark went on to create a small living area around the castle. Well small is an over exaggerated, the houses around the castle will be around the size of the Earth, each having their own charm and look. Some look modern, some futuristic, some medieval, and some just look completely nonsensical. There is a house type around the castle for literally everyone.
"Beautiful!" said Mark with eyes of appreciation.
"This will be my new home!"
After creating his home and decorating his Origin Plane, Mark will start creating his children. Mark will create three beings of infinite power, each representing a concept needed for existence to exist, unless it is willed otherwise by a being like Mark. But there are no beings like Mark, these three children will be the closest beings to ever reach Mark's level, other than the previous God.
So, Mark goes outside, in front of his castle's entrance and looks outward. He views the beautiful forest in front of his castle and appreciates his taste in scenery. Finished admiring his work, he then positions his fingers in the initial snaping pose and starts gathering all the conceptual, belief and other types of energies relating to nothingness at his fingertips.
When all the energy finishes gathering, he snaps his fingers, and a humanoid body begins forming in front of him from the energy. When all the energy leaves his fingertips and finishes forming the energy body, the body starts gaining definition and detail, when it suddenly stops at the basic human male body shape.
The male human body made of energy is all pure black, looking like the empty void of space to normal humans. It suddenly moves and does a 45 degree bow towards Mark with its hand across its chest while looking down at its feet.
"Father!" The human male body made of energy suddenly says with an old and primordial but still respectful voice.
"Hello Nokia, my child.
You shall represent all that does not exist, everything gone from existence is yours and shall always be yours. Everything that is oblivion, nonexistence, nonbeing, nonlife, nullity, void, vacuum, nihility, death, etc. shall fall under your domain of nonexistence.
Everything that is not, is yours and everything that is shall someday be yours.
You are Nothingness, and you own all that is null."
"Nokia, you are to wait until your sister and brother are born. When they are created, I will explain what you will do for some time."
"Yes, Father!" Replied Nokia as he got a little further back to watch as Mark creates his sister, Infinity.
Now that Nokia is further away from him, Mark positions his fingers in the initial snaping pose again and starts gathering energy, all the conceptual, belief and other types of energies relating to infinity at his fingertips.
When the energy finishes gathering, he snaps his fingers, and a humanoid body begins forming in front of him front of him from the energy. When all the energy leaves his fingertips and finishes forming the energy body, the body starts gaining definition and detail, when it suddenly stops at the basic human female body shape.
The female human body made of energy is all pure white, looking like pure light from the sun to normal humans. It suddenly moves and does a 45 degree bow towards Mark with its hand across its chest while looking down at its feet.
"Father!" The human female body made of energy suddenly says with an old and primordial but still respectful voice.
"Hello Annessa, my child.
You shall represent all that does exist, everything in existence is yours and shall always be yours. Everything that is endless, existence, being, life, infinitude, thought, dream, space, time, matter, energy, etc. shall fall under your domain of existence.
Everything that is, is yours and everything that is not shall someday be yours.
You are Infinity, and you own all that is."
"Annessa, you are to wait by you brother, until your younger brother is born. When he is created, I will explain what you will do for some time."
"Yes, Father!" Replied Annessa as she got a little further back to watch as Mark creates their younger brother, Transcendence.
Now that Annessa and Nokia are further away from him, Mark positions his fingers in the initial snaping pose one last time and starts gathering energy. All the conceptual, belief and other types of energies relating to transcendence gather at his fingertips.
When the energy finishes gathering, he snaps his fingers, and a humanoid body begins forming in front of him front of him from the energy. When all the energy leaves his fingertips and finishes forming the energy body, the body starts gaining definition and detail, when it suddenly stops at the basic human male body shape.
The male human body made of energy is of all colors that exists and don't, always moving and changing, looking like the most beautiful light show to normal humans. It suddenly moves and does a 45 degree bow towards Mark with its hand across its chest while looking down at its feet.
"Father!" The human male body made of energy suddenly says with an old and primordial but still respectful voice.
"Hello Sublime, my child.
You shall represent all that changes and surpasses itself in existence and nonexistence, everything in a form of change and ascendancy is yours and shall always be yours. Everything that is superior, supreme, predominant, ascendant, changeable, magnificent, etc. shall fall under your domain of existence and nonexistence.
Everything that is in change and ascendancy, is yours and everything that is not in change and ascendancy shall someday be yours.
You are Transcendence, and you own all that is in ascendancy."
"Sublime, go stand next to your older brother and sister. I shall explain what you are to do now." Sublime goes next to his brother and sister and awaits while looking at Mark.
"You three will, after this conversation, go to your own realities that I will create. You will integrate and form your reality however you want. It does not matter what you chose to form your realm as but make it to your liking. Your personalities are empty, shape them to your liking, your energy bodies are templates, shape your real bodies in that basic form."
After saying that, Mark looked at the three, seeing them all nod their energy bodies heads, he proceeds to create their realities. First, he starts with Nokia, snapping his fingers he creates an empty realm with nothing, not even space, not even time. Next, he creates Annessa's reality, doing the same as he did with Nokia's reality, snapping his fingers and boom, a realm with nothing again, not even space, not even time.
Having the two miniaturized realities in his hands, Mark proceeds to blow them away with a little blow from his mouth.
"I have created the two realms for Nokia and Annessa. Nokia's is the closest one to my Origin Plane. Go and claim them." Seeing them nod and disappear shortly afterwards, Mark looks toward Transcendence.
"You can 'sleep' if you want. I will call you when your realm is ready." Sublime nods and disappears as well shortly afterwards.
This novel is heavily inspired by the web novel ‘Living as God’ on Webnovel by Lazy_Runner.
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