
I'm dating my Highschool bully

My entire highschool year I've been bullied. I never mind it . But when it began to happen regularly. I confronted my bully . He didn't like that . I can't tell you that much . He cornered me in alley as I was on my way home . I didn't know what he wanted. I simply looked away as I saw pain and sadness in his eyes. And a bruise on his arms . I tried to grab his arm , but it only made him angry . Little by little I began to spy on him and found out the truth. And whne he found out that I knew.................

S1R2ENIX · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Something is off

I knocked on his door . I could here Hard footsteps coming towards the door . He opened the door . And was about to scream. When he saw me. He froze in his spot . I asked if i could come in and he said : sure whatever ! I got inside and sat in the chair near his desk.

His room was dark and creepy . Their was alot off posters off skulls and graves and spray paint every. I couldn't believe that I was in a room so dark and cold . He looked at me and asked : What do you want shorty . That's when I was snapped out of my Far thinking and said : First of all, dont call me shorty. Second I'm here because were in a group project together and I brought your homework and all the assignments that you have missed. And the stuff you have to study for the four exams that you missed. And the principle said that as off today I'm your study buddy and that I have to make sure that you pass your classes and that you graduate. So can we start . He laughed and said : Well your going to be disappointed Shorty , cause I don't study. I smiled and said : ok . If you dont want to study than we can talk about the bruise that I saw or the fact that you haven't been coming to school .Listen Oliver. I dont want to be here . And I sure that you Don't want to be in this situation . If you want I can leave. I only came here because you need help with your lesson. But if you want I ca leave. And will see how far your mean attitude and your ego can take you !!! . I begn to pick my stuff to leave when he said : Stop , Shorty. Listen can we talk somewhere else . I looked at him and took a deep breath. I said fine . I followed him to the backyard. Then he sat down on the bench . I sat next to him and asked : Ok , were at the somewhere else ?! What do you have to say . He looked down at the ground and said : listen Shorty ..... I'm sorry . I was shocked. He , he said sorry . To me off all people. I got over the fact and asked : Why are you always bullying others . Especially me ?!! He lifted his face and looked in the distance. I understood that he didn't want to talk about it so I simply said : Listen, if you sont want to talk about it . Dobt force yourself to. And I also want to say sorry. Oliver . I get that maybe things aren't going well. But I just want to help you . And you can let me know tomorrow if you want my help .

We went back to his room and I packed my things . I gave him a paper with my phone number And said : if you have any questions about the project or exams or homework. Text me and we can call . I smiled and he gave me a faint smile . Then he offered to see me out . And I said : yes .