
I'm Chakra Saint: Naruto FF

Rewrite: Isshin Ashina Uzumaki, the current prince of land of Uzushiogakure, born in the warring state where the average life expectancy is 30. Born as a war prodigy and living in the era of hate, plus war become a blessing and curse for him at the same time. With every battle and life he have taken he grow and living a long life thank to his lineage he created a legend in the shinobi world making people fear and respect him. *Cover do not belong to me, *Heavy AU *2 chapter a week. (Sat & Sun) *1000-1200 words.

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15 Chs

[12] A promise fullfilled

Few week later

The village formation moved at a deliberate pace, with each new structure symbolizing progress yet taking time and care to establish. Homes, markets, and training grounds emerged slowly but steadily, as clans worked together to build the foundations of their shared future. 

This cautious approach allowed for adjustments, ensuring each addition met the needs of the village while managing the strain on its people. The focus was on quality, not speed, allowing the clans to find stability in their new home.

As the village took shape, so did its leadership. Recognizing the need for guidance beyond a single leader, a council of elders was formed thanks to Tobirama, Isshin and Izuna debate. 

This council, composed of experienced shinobi and respected figures from each founder clan, represented the diversity of the village, ensuring every clan had a voice in its decisions. 

Hashirama, Madara, and Isshin joined alongside others like Shikaku Nara and Hiashi Hyuga, with Tobirama acting as a mediator for conflicts and strategy. Each elder brought unique skills—Hashirama's peacekeeping, Madara's tactical acumen, Isshin's wisdom, and Tobirama's pragmatism—shaping a balanced council that aimed to unite, rather than divide, the clans.

The council's decisions reflected a collective vision, and the elder's guidance became crucial for managing resources, assigning roles, and maintaining the village's fragile unity. With the council in place, the village's foundation grew not only in physical strength but in trust and cooperation, creating a framework for leadership that would guide it through the inevitable challenges ahead.

With Madara, Isshin and Hashirama

Third person 

Meanwhile, Isshin, Madara, and Hashirama were seated together, enjoying a rare moment of calm amidst the village's formation. The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting a serene glow over their gathering.

Isshin poured himself and his newfound comrades a round of sake, his eyes glinting with amusement. Turning to Madara, he placed a scroll in his hands. "Madara, here—the gift I promised you. It'll ensure the Uchiha remain strong, even if their leader can't always be there."

Madara took the scroll, studying it with an inscrutable expression. But before he could react, Hashirama leaned in, eyes wide with curiosity. "What? A gift for Madara?" He crossed his arms, pouting like a sulking child. "Isshin! Why didn't you involve me in this? I thought I was important to you both!" He crouched dramatically, casting a forlorn look that bordered on comedic.

Madara's patience snapped. "Hashirama, for heaven's sake, act like an adult!" In a swift motion, he grabbed Hashirama by the collar, shaking him like a parent scolding a child. "You keep whining over nothing, muttering all this useless nonsense. Man up!"

Across from them, Isshin took a sip of his sake, chuckling at the ridiculousness of the scene. His laughter was deep and unrestrained, surprising even himself. "You two—are priceless." 

Madara released Hashirama, who pretended to pass out in a dramatic slump. Raising a brow, Madara shot a glare at Isshin. "What's so funny?"

Isshin smirked, gesturing to the scroll. "Why don't you open the damn scroll and find out? Enjoy the sake while you're at it." 

Madara raised an eyebrow but complied, unrolling the scroll as Hashirama, recovering from his theatrics, eagerly leaned over his shoulder to read.

As their eyes scanned the contents, both men looked up at Isshin in shock. "Isshin!" Madara snapped. "You..."

Isshin raised his hands in mock innocence. "What? Not to your liking? Tobirama initially suggested it, but I refined the idea a bit."

"Anbu Black Ops," Madara muttered, voice filled with respect and a hint of awe. "A covert force—a merciless, elite unit within the village." 

Hashirama's mouth dropped open as he grasped the depth of it. "A highly advanced military power. Isshin, this gives serious control over operations…"

Isshin nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "The Uchiha will have the authority, but not alone. I'll be partnering as co-leader, bringing balance to its strength. There are, of course, detailed regulations and limits to keep it in check. But with the Anbu, our village will have a protector—a hidden strength."

Madara's eyes softened, a rare look of gratitude surfacing. He met Isshin's gaze and nodded. For the first time in a long while, he felt secure about the future of the Uchiha. And as Hashirama grinned beside him, Isshin realized that, perhaps, this alliance would bring more than power—it might just bring peace.






Hashirama, thoroughly intoxicated yet retaining a glimmer of coherence, slurred his question with a tipsy grin. "Isshin! That nickname of yours… I've been meaning to ask about it."

Beside him, Madara, equally flushed and loosening his usual stoic demeanor, nodded with drunken agreement. "Yes, we never got the chance before. As leaders, we were buried in matters of peace and politics."

"The Demon of the Crimson Whirlpool," Madara murmured, the title hanging heavily in the air. "The Daimyo himself seemed rattled… almost afraid."

Isshin's gaze darkened as he took a slow breath. "All you need to know," he replied evenly, "is that actions and choices carry consequences—ones you can never take back."

8 months and 1 day to go for village

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