
There’s no closing the door once opened

The door opened on its own. It wasn't locked. 

Something was wrong. 

"Let's go in," I whispered. 

Marg nodded. 

Furniture was on the floor and things looked chaotic. 

It almost looked like a fight broke out in here. 

'What happened in here?'

My heartbeat rose, and I didn't like this. "MOM!?" I ran around the house. "Elsa!?"

I didn't get an answer. I didn't know why but the anxiety was hitting me a bit too hard. "WHAT the hell happened in here!?"

"Mhmmm? What?" Elsa came down from upstairs, rubbing her eyes. She was in her nightgown. 

Was she seriously asleep?

"What happened? What is all this? Where's mom!?"

"Stop shouting. My ears are hurting." She yawned. "Did you check the kitchen?"

"The kitchen?"