
Temptation will always be there

"Yes, and you are?"

There actually wasn't a crowd here. This was rare. 

"Count Melhiem Rodwich, Evengeline and Margeretta's father." He made a courtly bow. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He proceeded to spread his hands towards me. 

I felt weird around this guy. Something about him bothered me but I couldn't tell. 

'A count?' I already knew that Eve and Marg were nobles but I didn't know their father's rank was this high. "I see. Helio ROMSWELL Jintel, a pleasure." I spread my hands, extra emphasis on my family name. I had to make sure he knew me, otherwise, later on, things might have gotten a bit more troublesome if he decided to come at me. Because I certainly had plans. 

But mom did tell me that I didn't need to worry about the Rodwichs. Well, I did take that with a grain of sugar and lo- ahem! Salt. 

Bad memories. 

The man smirked and gave my hands a shake.