
Senior: Friend: Wife!

Selene came out dressed. She'd probably taken a shower, but honestly, I couldn't tell. 

Oh wait, I could, cause she didn't smell like sweat anymore. Actually, I was glad. Who knew what my subconscious would have done if she constantly smelled like that and I kept on sniffing the air? 

She was still wearing light clothing though.

Oh well. 

Selene gave the same tour to Elsa as she'd given me, and offered her usual commentary. 

She started off by showing the cafeteria and then moved on to the nurse's office, the auditorium and so on. 

She probably showed the first years around, often. 

Anyway, near the end, I thought that'd be it. 

But I was wrong. 

Just when I finally thought I'd have some time to spend in the library (Which I might or might not have forgotten even existed), Selene suggested some rather unusual places for us to visit.