

I woke up at midnight by the almighty grace of Merin's snores. My eyes kind of stayed closed but I couldn't sleep and I couldn't open them either. 

It took me a good long minute before I could finally get up. I hated this. 

I yawned and moved my body a little. I didn't feel like going back to sleep right away. 

The window was closed and the curtains were closed too: there were distant shouts. I looked out and there were a bunch of prefects patrolling the whole area. 

It was a tough job, I guess. It had nothing to do with me though. I drank half a glass of water and went back to bed. 

Hopefully, I wouldn't have to head to the bathroom later on. 

My eyes blitzed open. 

'What if-'

That girl, wasn't that dumb right? Yeah, she was bad and I hated her, but I knew she was pretty smart. Enough smart that she could easily pull this act off.